Of the measures taken to mobilize speedily the last manpower resources of the
German nation, the most extreme is the creation of the Volkssturm, a
national militia designed to supplement the defense of the homeland. The call
to arms, which was issued on 18 October 1944, was literally a dragnet, sweeping
into a single organization virtually all German males between the ages of 16
and 60 who were not already members of the German Armed Forces. The creation of
the Volkssturm serves a double purpose, as far as the Nazi Party is
concerned: first, to strengthen the defense of the Reich, and, second, to keep
a large part of the population so thoroughly under military control that any
incipient revolt against the Party will have a hard time thriving. It is the
enemy's intention to have a strong hard core of Nazi fanatics
dominating the Volkssturm at all levels.
In announcing the formation of the new militia, Hitler designated the Chief of the
Storm Troopers, Schepmann, as Inspector of Weapons Training, and the Chief of
the Nazi Motor Corps, Kraus, as Inspector of Technical Training. Himmler is
charged with ordering the actual employment of the Volkssturm for local
defense. However, it must be remembered that the militia is currently in the
training stage, with its members continuing their ordinary jobs. When the Volkssturm
is operating on a full-time basis, its employment may be directed by the
The Volkssturm is definitely a bottom-of-the-barrel organization. Although it
may succeed in mustering more than ten million men for local defense inside the
Reich, a conservative estimate indicates that less than half of these will be
physically fit.
![[Whether dressed in civilian clothes or varied uniforms, Volkssturm members wear the organization's arm band.]](ib_vs_img1.jpg) |
Whether dressed in civilian clothes or varied uniforms, Volkssturm members wear the organization's arm band. |
In one capacity or another, many of the Volkssturm personnel already were
contributing their services to the German war effort when the call to arms was
issued. It will be recalled that dozens of Nazi semi-military, service, and
political organizations, regimenting practically every walk of German life, had
been in existence for some time. Because of these organizations, and because
Nazi Party officialdom itself is so extensive that it even includes city
"block leaders", the Nazi authorities long had had a very fair knowledge
of the military and service possibilities of every male in Germans. Much had
been done to exploit German manpower on a part-time basis wherever full-time
service could not be performed. Thus service in the Volkssturm becomes
merely an added duty for men who already have part-time jobs in other defense
organizations or who work in war industries. As the Germans envisage it, a man
who performs ARP tasks during an air raid, who has a route to patrol as a
member of the Stadtwacht (City Guard), or who is a skilled laborer in a Messerschmidt
plant will take his post in a Volkssturm squad and fight as an infantryman
when his home area is attacked by Allied ground forces.
It is logical to infer that, as Volkssturm units are being formed, the
abilities, physical fitness, and war work of the recruits will be taken into
account. Limited-service personnel will be given local or static defense
missions. Invalids and cripples, it is reported, will be reserved for
headquarters work. Although youths of 16 are to be included in the
Volkssturm, the lower age brackets in general are likely not to be represented very
generously, in view of the fact that the German Armed Forces increasingly are
drafting men younger than 18. Also, if a Volkssturmmann is drafted into
the Armed Forces, his membership in the militia automatically terminates.
Despite the fact that the Volkssturm is inducting by age classes, an appeal for
"volunteers" is being conducted in the usual Nazi manner. Working
through the factory cells of the German Labor Front organization and other
groups directly supervised by the Party, Nazi leaders have induced the entire
personnel of certain factories and businesses to "volunteer" in a body,
with the result that recruits pour in as fast as the training facilities can
handle them, and faster than if they all had been drafted formally.
![[German males between the age of 16 and 60 are liable for service in the new national militia.]](ib_vs_img2.jpg) |
German males between the age of 16 and 60 are liable for service in the new national militia. |
With the Nazi Party in charge of organizing the Volkssturm, the early stages
in the development of this national militia have been expedited. Although each
Gauleiter, or Nazi District Leader, is charged with the leadership, enrollment, and
organization of the Volkssturm in his district, the largest
Volkssturm unit seems to correspond to the next smaller territorial subdivision of the
Nazi Party organization—the Kreis. In a city, Volkssturm organization
might run something like this:
Territorial Political Unit |
Military Unit |
Kreis (roughly equivalent to a U.S.
county; there are 920 kreise
in Greater Germany) |
Bataillon (battalion) |
Ortsgruppe (roughly equivalent to a
U.S. Congressional district) |
Kompanie (company) |
Zelle (literally "a cell"; roughly
equivalent to a U.S. precinct) |
Zug (platoon) |
Block (a city block) |
Gruppe (squad) |
Not only each Gauleiter, but each Kreisleiter, has a Volkssturm Chief
of Staff to assist in handling militia problems.
Although differentials may be introduced in the selection and assignment of personnel,
Nazi leaders assert that all Volkssturm members will be given the same
instruction. This is to consist of infantry training, with special emphasis on
close combat. The rifle is the basic weapon. It is to be supplemented by submachine
guns and light machine guns. Since there is almost no limit to the number of
models of such weapons taken over by the Germans from conquered nations, it
would be difficult to state exactly which small-arms models the Volkssturm will
use. German, Czech, and Polish Mauser rifles already are in service,
and use will be made of the many thousands of captured Russian rifles and machine
guns. Other equipment includes egg hand grenades and potato-masher hand
grenades. For antitank defense, the Panzerfaust hollow-charge launchers
have been promised to the Volkssturm. (The latest of these recoilless
weapons has a range of 88 yards; earlier models have a range of only 33 yards.)
German bazookas also may be furnished. Instruction in the handling of antitank
and antipersonnel mines already is being given.
![[The rifle is the basic weapon of the Volkssturm, which receives infantry training, with special emphasis on close combat.]](ib_vs_img3.jpg) |
The rifle is the basic weapon of the
Volkssturm, which receives infantry training, with special
emphasis on close combat. |
At present any turnout of the Volkssturm is likely to present a
rag-tag-and-bobtail appearance, in dress as well as armament. The only item of
clothing or insignia currently issued is a black arm band with the lettering
"Deutscher Volkssturm" in a light color and with the word
"Wehrmacht" directly underneath this. The Nazis have asserted that this arm band
officially makes the Volkssturm members a part of the Wehrmacht (Armed
Forces). It is left to the individual to provide the rest of the clothing.
Uniforms of the Storm Troopers,
Hitler Youth, and Party territorial leaders will be encountered. Many men will simply
wear civilian clothes. Already the lack of complete official uniform has caused
a great deal of disgruntlement throughout the new militia. Many members feel
that they are assuming the duties of soldiers, with none of the privileges.
(Incidentally, there is no remuneration for service in Volkssturm, except
when a member is taking part in actual combat.)
The effectiveness of the Volkssturm remains to be tested. In the past,
organized defense of urban and rural areas by the local populace fighting in
support of regular troops has indicated that a people defending their homes
under such conditions are capable of putting up a most determined
defense. Volkssturm elements were used in combat near Metz, but
the poor showing that they made
must be attributed primarily to the fact that they had only recently been
mustered and that most of their brief time in the militia had been spent in
digging fortifications. In future months the Nazis will discover and try to
correct the outstanding defects of the Volkssturm, and their unquestioned
talent for organization and military training must be expected to show at least
a few tangible results. Just how much success the Nazis will have in
using Volkssturm members as guerrilla fighters after local areas have been overrun by the
Allies cannot be predicted. Much would seem to depend on how hard a core of
Nazi fanatics each element contains.
[Note: As the Intelligence Bulletin goes to press, it is reported that rank
insignia worn by the Volkssturm consist of silver stars worn on the
lapel or on the collar. One star will indicate a squad leader, two a platoon
leader, three a company commander, and four a battalion commander.]