Prisoners and Documents Captured on Luzon

Summary of Japanese prisoners and documents captured on Luzon from Enemy on Luzon: An Intelligence Summary:

Japanese Prisoners of War Captured on Luzon, Philippines

Oat of a total of 7,297 prisoners of war captured during the entire Luzon Operation, the divisions evaluated 4,932 and actually interrogated 3,421. They issued 2,387 interrogation reports, an average of 199 per division and RCT. Here again, the personnel involved were approximately 60 officers and enlisted men. Of the 3,421 prisoners interrogated, 2,646 were Japanese, the rest being Formosans and Koreans. Ninety-four percent of the Japanese prisoners evaluated were interrogated, whereas thirty-six percent of the Formosans evaluated were interrogated….

The corps evaluated 4,166 prisoners of war, of which 1,984 were interrogated; and 604 interrogation reports were issued. This was an average of 201 interrogation reports per corps. It is to be noted that most of these prisoners came directly from the divisions and were further interrogated….

The Army Language Detachment evaluated 1,166 prisoners of war, of which 207 were interrogated; and 165 interrogation reports were issued.

Enemy Documents Captured on Luzon, Philippines

Captured enemy documents were classified as follows:

“A”—Those documents containing information of any tactical value to any theater engaged in the war against Japan.
“B”—Those documents containing information of any strategic value to any theater.
“C”—Those documents of no military value.



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1 Response to Prisoners and Documents Captured on Luzon

  1. MIB says:

    It appears the soldiers were very productive in capturing.

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