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![]() Photos, Articles, & Research on the European Theater in World War II
This is one of a series of G.I. Stories of the Ground, Air and Service
Forces in the European Theater, issued by the Orientation Branch,
Information and Education Division, Hq., TSFET. Major General
Charles H. Gerhardt, commanding the 29th Infantry Division,
lent his cooperation and basic material was supplied by his staff.
This booklet is to help you remember the
29th Division and the splendid contribution
it has made to the present victory. You men
of the division read your story and be proud. Flaunt your
patches of Blue and Gray -- the insignia which by your own
deeds has become a new symbol of courage in war.
To those of our men who have died we respectfully dedicate
these few pages. We salute them because they shared our
fears and our hardships. And because Warfare decrees that
some men must fall, they had to die. Because of their death
we have lived to gain our objective. We salute them proudly.
They were our men. They were soldiers.
C.H. Gerhardt Major General, Commanding
This was the battle ground facing the 29th Infantry
Division after it labored from the Omaha beachhead and
captured Isigny June 9, 1944. Next day, the 115th
Inf. Regt. pushed across the Elle River in the
Columbieres-Briqueville sector. St. Clair-sur-l'Elle and
Couvains fell to the 116th Inf. Regt.
The fighting was tough and brutal, a battle of cunning
and sheer guts, of bayonets and hand grenades, of men
making quick dashes across open fields, hiding from a
watchful enemy. Doughs seldom knew who was on
their flanks, often dug foxholes a few feet from
Kraut-held hedgerows.
Advances were measured in hedgerows -- four one
day, five the next. The enemy employed every
conceivable delaying tactic. The few soft spots in the Nazi
defenses were difficult to locate. As the offensive
halted at night, the men would dig, mole-like, into the
sides of the earthen walls. Hot chow, mail and The
Stars and Stripes would be brought up from the rear.
The bitter fighting would be resumed next morning.
Slowly, the Blue and Gray Division drove toward St. Lo.
Turning to the south, the 29th gained the high ground
three miles north of St. Lo, June 17. With the enemy
on three sides, this salient absorbed deadly artillery
pounding, became known as "Purple Heart Hill."
Four counter-attacks were beaten off during the three
weeks the division held the ground.
As the all-out drive for
Task Force C charged into St. Lo July 18, seizing the
city by nightfall after rugged house-to-house fighting.
Brig. Gen. Norman D. Cota, task force commander,
was wounded in the action.
As his troops prepared to attack the city, Maj.
Thomas D. Howie, Staunton, Va., commanding 3rd Bn.,
116th, told the men. "You'll see me in St. Lo!"
Killed as he led the battalion forward, the major's body
was carried into the city by the first men to enter and
placed on a flag draped bier in the main square. Poet
Joseph Auslander immortalized the action in the poem,
Incident at St. Lo:
They rode him in, propped straight and proud and tall,
Through St. Lo's gates... He told the lads he led That they would be the first at St. Lo's fall-- But that was yesterday... and he was dead: Some sniper put a bullet through his head, And he slumped in a meadow near a wall; And there was nothing further to be said;
Nothing to say... nothing to say at all. Ride, soldier, in your dusty, dizzy jeep, Grander than Caesar's chariot! O ride Into the town they took for you to keep Dead captain of their glory and their pride! Ride through our hearts forever, through our tears, More splendid than the hero hedged with spears!
This was not only an invasion. This was a struggle
for personal survival!
Those blasted into the water tugged at their
equipment, tried to reach shore. Some drowned. Others
were hit while struggling to reach the beach. Gaining
the beach, some doughs turned back, splashed into the
water up to their necks for protection. Concertina and
double apron fence criss-crossed the flat beach. Mines
were buried in the sand. Mortar fire was deadly;
88s, set in the side of the cliff, were zeroed in on the
"Hell, men," said Gen. Cota, Asst. Div. Commander,
to the doughs crouching on the sand. "We're getting
killed here on the beach. We might as well go a little
farther in and get killed there!" Small groups crept
forward a few yards, then on further until they reached
the protecting cover of the cliff.
Infantry, engineers and artillery suffered heavy losses
in both men and equipment. The 111th FA Bn, landed
with only one 105mm gun. Lt. Col. Thornton L.
Mullins, battalion CO, said: "To hell with our artillery
mission. We've got to be infantrymen now!" Col.
Eugene N. Slappey's 115th Inf. Regt. came in at 1100,
then fought up the heights to St. Laurent and to
positions south and west of the town.
Maj. Gen. Charles H. Gerhardt, Division
Commander, personally directed the fight on the beach at 1300.
His CP, set up in a rock quarry 200 yards from the water's
edge, was functioning four hours later.
Vierville-sur-Mer and St. Laurent were taken next
day by the 116th, while the 115th shifted south toward
Longeuville and Formigny. The 175th, held offshore in
Corps reserve, came in June 7 and seized Isigny two days
Resistance was fierce up the narrow coastal strip.
Machine gun fire pinned down 116th doughs on the
approaches to Grandchamps and artillery couldn't
knock out the German position. T/Sgt. Frank D.
Peregory, Charlottesville, Va., did it alone.
Working his way up the side of an enemy-held hill,
the sergeant dropped into a trench. As he inched forward,
he suddenly came upon a squad of German infantry.
Sgt. Peregory killed eight Nazis with hand grenades,
took three others prisoner at the point of his
bayonet. Threading his way down the trench, he
captured 32 more riflemen and the machine gunners who
held up the 116th's advance. The Congressional Medal
of Honor was awarded Sgt. Peregory posthumously.
He was killed in battle six days later.
As the beachhead expanded, the 29th ripped inland to
the hedgerows and St. Lo. Omaha Beach was costly.
Never again would such a terrific price be paid for ground
won by the Blue and Gray.
At Omaha Beach and St. Lo, 29th doughs wrote new
chapters to a story already famous in American military
annals. The 29th's regiments could trace their origins
to the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. The 115th grew
out of Maryland's "Fighting First" Regt.; the 116th
combined elements of the First, Second, Fourth and part
of the Fifth Virginia Regts.; the 171th stemmed from the
Maryland Fifth, the "Dandy Fifth" of Revolutionary
War days. In World War I, the three regiments and
the 176th formed the 29th Division which fought in the
Meuse-Argonne Offensive.
On its return from France, the 29th became part of
the National Guard but wasn't assembled as a unit until
1936. Mobilized again in 1940, the division was called
into active service Feb. 3, 1941, at Ft. George Meade, Md.
After preliminary training, the division moved to
A.P. Hill Military Reservation. Carolina maneuvers
came in 1941 and 1942. Following a month's rest at
Camp Blanding, Fla., the 29th shipped overseas, Sept.
26, 1942.
In England, the division underwent additional
training at Tidworth Barracks. Men learned British
currency, frequented pubs, became accustomed to tea
and muffins, went sightseeing in London. After further
training at Cornwall and Devon, 29th doughs rehearsed
at Slapton Sands for the invasion.
Organized with men selected within the division, a
Ranger battalion under Lt. Col. Randolph Millholland,
Cumberland, Md., trained with British Commandos in
Scotland. Many 29th men participated in the
Commando raids on Norway's coasts long before the
Normandy invasion.
Nineteen months of training had made the 29th
rugged, sharp. It was ready for
July 26, 1944: Eight days after the capture of St. Lo,
the 29th was in the line again. Replacements and
supplies had been brought up through the torn countryside
and rubbled towns. Kicking off with the 30th Inf. and
2nd Armd. Divs., the Blue and Gray drove southward
over the dusty, winding country lanes to seize Percy,
Tessy-sur-Vire, St. Germain de Tallevande, Vire,
German resistance was stubborn. Self-propelled 88s
and small infantry units harassed the 29th as the Nazis
fought delaying actions. The 121st Engr. Combat Bn.
probed the roads, pulled mines and blasted openings in
hedgerows for the 747th Tank Bn. and the 821st TD Bn.
which supported the division. Leveling its guns at
the hedgerows, the 419th AAA Bn, covered the attacks.
In late July, the Nazis launched a desperate
counter-offensive designed to cut off American troops on the
Cherbourg peninsula. In the 29th's sector, the 116th
Panzer Div. battered Blue and Gray positions at Percy
and Villebaudon but was driven back with heavy
casualties. The 110th, 111th, 224th and 227th FA Bns.
pounded enemy positions, prepared the way for the next
"The Battle of Normandy" produced many heroes,
T/5 Harold O'Connor, Westbrange, N.J., 175th Medic,
dragged his wounded company commander from the
Vire River, administered first aid, then braved murderous
machine gun fire to stay with him until help came. Lt.
Richard N. Reed, Canandaugua, N.Y., 175th, crawled
within 10 yards of a Nazi machine gun before he
charged the position, killing the gunner with the last round
in his carbine and clubbing the assistant gunner with
the butt. Pfc Robert Moore, Silver Springs, Md., 115th,
stalked a German tank escorting American prisoners to
enemy lines. After shouting to them to disperse, he
fired his anti-tank grenade, drove off the tank.
East of St. Sauveur de Chaulieu, enemy tanks and
infantry infiltrated behind the 115th's lines, Aug. 10.
The regimental CP was moved forward as a perimeter
defense was set up. Despite heavy losses, the 115th
held firm. Relief came the next day.
After 63 days of action, the division came out of the
line at Yvrandes, Aug. 15, its part in the battle of
Normandy over. The 29th had been the cutting edge of
every attack -- out in front each day of the long
I expect every parachutist to bear in mind his
important mission, to execute his duties with fanatical
zeal... The defense of the sea fortress of Brest must
become the same glorious page in history for the Second
Parachute Division as Monte Cassino has been for the
First... The whole world lookes to Brest and its defenders,
of which the Second Parachute Division is the
main pillar... Long live the Fuehrer!
Gen. Herman Ramcke
An estimated 20,000 paratroopers, along with marines
and sailors, held Brest where defenses hewed from rock,
concrete blockhouses, SPMs and artillery were backed
up by giant coastal guns that could be fired in any
Brest looked like a tough nut to crack, but the 29th
was accustomed to rugged assignments by this time.
After a 200-mile motor march from Normandy, division
doughs launched their attack Aug. 25. Col. William
C. Purnell's 175th, on the right of the division front,
shoved off, its right flank protected by Task Force Sugar,
commanded by Lt. Col. Arthur T. Sheppe. On the
left was the 115th as the 116th smashed through
the center. The 8th Inf. Div. took up positions on the
left of the 29th. The attack was aimed at the suburb
of Recouvrance, separated from the old city by walls
and the Penfeld River.
Hedgerows weren't as high or as plentiful as in
Normandy, but this terrain produced the same slow, dusty
and bloody fighting as the division had experienced
Nazi paratroopers, personally ordered by Hitler to
hold out for four months
Commanded by Lt. Col. Arthur Ericksen, the 104th
Medical Bn. followed close behind attacking troops,
treating wounded on the field. Litter bearers crawled
over hedgerows and crossed into open fields to carry
wounded back to aid stations.
After repeated attempts, 1st Bn., 175th, drove up the
rugged slopes of Hill 103, whose heights had afforded
observation for German artillery, and overran the enemy's
concrete gun emplacements in a rock quarry. The 115th
came up on the left flank.
Hill 103 was the key to the city. Div Arty observers
now could spot targets past Fort Keranroux and Fort
Montbarey and in the city itself. American artillery
hammered everything in the valley.
Protected by a sunken road, an estimated 30
Paratroopers with a machine gun stalled the advance of 2nd
Bn., 175th, for three days. S/Sgt. Sherwood H. Hallman,
Spring City, Pa., under covering fire, went forward
alone, cautiously creeping to a point near the
enemy position. Leaping into the road, he tossed hand
grenades and fired his carbine to kill or wound four
Germans as he yelled for the others to surrender.
When 12 Nazis put up their hands, 75 more came out,
yielding a position the entire battalion and heavy
supporting fires had been unable to take.
Sgt. Hallman was awarded the Congressional Medal
of Honor posthumously. He died of wounds received
the next day.
Commanded by Lt. Col. Claude R. Melancon, Oscar,
La., the 2nd Bn. now swept 2000 yards along the valley
to Fort Keranroux. Under the protection of heavy
artillery and screening smoke, 67 riflemen took the fort
and captured 100 Germans, Sept. 13.
Fort Montbarey, on the right, fell to 2nd Bn., 115th,
Sept. 12, but was retaken by the Germans in a night
counter-attack. Moving up to assist, the 116th pushed
within 400 yards of the fort as the 115th shifted to attack
the fortress from the rear. After the British 141st RAC
Squadron poured flames on the fort from its "crocodile"
tanks, 116th doughs captured it,
Driving in for the kill, 2nd Bn., 175th, knifed through
the closely-knit defenses of Brest, blasting through the
massive wall to take the Germans completely by
surprise. Next day, practically all of the division was
fighting in the streets of the city.
Early Sept. 18, a delegation of four enemy officers
was led through the 115th's lines to arrange for the
surrender of the Brest garrison. At 0800, all resistance
ceased. Weapons belonging to Gen. von Mosel and
his staff officers were turned over to Maj. Tony Miller,
CO, 2nd Bn., 115th. Approximately 13,000 Germans
passed into the 29th's PW enclosure.
Gen. Ramcke, garrison commander, fled to the
Crozon Peninsula to continue the fight against the
8th Inf. Div. He was captured two days later.
Division doughs prowled through Brest's musty,
deep submarine pens, capable of housing 15 underseas
craft anud constructed to withstand the heaviest bombs.
A hospital large enough to accomodate 14,000 patients
was found underground as well as enough food for a six
months' siege plus vast quantities of wines and
Souvenir hunters had a field day. However, the 29th
moved back from Brest Sept. 19 for a week's rest before
packing for the long train and motor haul to Germany.
Day and night patrols pushed out to Bauchem,
Geilenkirchen, Busherheide, Waldenrath, Schierwaldenrath
and Niederheide as German defenses were probed,
casualties inflicted and prisoners taken.
This activity kept constant pressure on the Germans,
kept the Nazis from sending these troops south to aid
the defenders of Aachen, who were nearly encircled by
American troops, The main German escape route from
Aachen was the road to Alsdorf, which ran northeast
from the besieged city. With attached battalions from
the 66th Armd. Regt., 120th Inf. Regt., and 99th Inf.
Bn., the 116th moved against Wurselen, five miles
north of Aachen, Oct. 13, repulsed a counter-attack, cut
the Alsdorf Road to seal the Aachen Gap.
By the end of October, the 19th had moved back
across the Dutch border to the Herzogenrath-Kerkrade
area where it trained daily for the impending offensive.
Rumors made the rounds. "The 29th is going back
to the States as demonstration troops..." "It's going back
to Paris to guard the railroad yards." But the Army
had other plans. Replacements arrived and immediately
attended the division training school at Trebeck,
Holland. Opened back in Normandy, the school
offered battle facts straight from the front lines as well
as such division SOPs as: "Chin strap on point of the
chin"... "Soup twice a day"... "Two up and one back"... "I
don't know but I'll find out."
Nov. 16, 1944: Massed artillery hurled tremendous
preparation fires. Tanks rumbled out in roaring escort.
The 29th Division surged across cabbage patches and
beet fields along a line that ran through Bettendorf,
Oidtweiler and Baseweiler.
This was the big
push through the Siegfried Line aimed
at the Roer River and Julich,
last barriers before the Cologne Plain.
Ninth Army had waited days for the
attack. Dark, rainy skies had grounded
air support. Now, the sky was clear
and Aldenhoven and Julich were
being saturated with bombs.
The 116th and 175th moved abreast, gaining three
miles in three days of rugged fighting. The assault
pounded through the towns of Siersdorf, Schleiden,
Aldenhoven, Setterich and Durboslar which formed the
outer defenses of Julich. The Roer River towns of
Koslar, Bourheim and Kirchberg still were to be taken
before the river could be crossed and the prize city of
Julich taken.
Bourheim fell first as 2nd Bn., 175th, stormed two
platoons into the town against small arms fire the
afternoon of Nov. 20. The Germans smashed back with
fresh troops that night, driving 2nd Bn. doughs from
the town except for a group of 20 men who remained
with Capt. Robert W. Gray, Skowhegan, Me., Co. F
CO. Crouching in doorways with their M-1s, the men
peered down the dark streets, guarded their precarious
foothold. In his cellar CP, Capt. Gray destroyed his
maps, waited for relief.
First and 3rd Bns. succeeded in retaking the town two
days later and relieving Capt. Gray's force. After the
doughs had slugged their way into Bourheim, German
artillery pounded it relentlessly. Enemy infantry and
armor unsuccessfully counter-attacked on five occasions.
Against the final counter-assault, six P-47S swooped low
over the attacking tanks and 500 infantrymen, bombing
and strafing with fury.
Second Lt. (then T/Sgt.) Paul F. Musick, Jr., Grantville,
Ga., won a Distinguished Service Cross for his
action at Bourheim. Racing across a field being
pounded by enemy artillery, he directed mortar fire on
attacking infantrymen, dispersed them. When two
German tanks appeared, Musick climbed into an abandoned
light tank, manned a 37mm gun and chased off
the armor. Out of the tank, he next silenced three
German guns across the Roer hammered the 116th as
the regiment struck Koslar. After a rough fight, 2nd
Bn. clawed its way forward, gained the western half of
the town. The terrain to the battalion's immediate
rear was as flat as a table, under enemy observation and
couldn't be crossed in daytime. Cub liaison planes flew
through flak to drop food, ammunition and medical
Attacking before dawn, Nov. 27, 1st Bn. broke into
the east side of the town, drove off the Nazis and held
its ground against two savage, tank-supported
When a machine gun pinned down his company
outside of Kirchberg, Pfc Harold J. Speer, 115th,
crawled forward alone. Twenty-five yards from the
enemy nest, he leaped up, tossed a grenade, charged with
fixed bayonet. After shooting the gunner, he pulled
the gun from position and killed the four other members
of the crew. Kirchberg, last of the three bastions
before Julich, fell to 2nd and 3rd Bns., 115th, after
dogged house-to-house fighting.
Living conditions were rugged in the trenches and
foxholes along the Roer River. Water and mud were
ankle-deep. Trenchfoot sent many doughs to hospitals.
The Roer's west bank still wasn't completely cleared.
Between Koslar and the river, Germans held the Julich
Sportplatz and the Hasenfeld Gut, northeast of the
village. Taking advantage of the high ground behind
them and long fields of fire to their front, Nazis clung
stubbornly to these strong points. Reducing these
fortresses was one of the toughest battles the division
fought in Germany.
The 116th hammered at these positions for nearly a
week. The Gut, a heavily-fortified estate, held out
against two bitter attacks. Supported by fighter-bombers
from the XXIX TAC and heavy artillery, the 116th
stormed the Sportplatz six times only to be thrown back
by concentrated machine gun, mortar and artillery
Eight-inch howitzers were brought up as the
fighter-bombers dove, skip-bombed. But the Germans still
Relieving the tired 116th Dec. 7, the 115th took up
the battle. In a pre-dawn attack, doughs drove in on
the Sportplatz from two sides, fought hand-to-hand in
the dark. When the savage struggle ended, the bastion
was owned by the Americans.
Screened by smoke, 3rd Bn., 115th, then struck out
for the Gut. Surprisingly quick, the second strong
point succumbed. Only the Roer River now stood
between the 29th and Julich.
Then von Rundstedt struck against First Army in the
Ardennes. The 2nd Armd. and 30th Inf. Divs., also
preparing for the Julich assault, were rushed to the
breakthrough. Its plans changed, the 29th now extended
its flanks, maintained thin defense lines from Barmen to
Pier, a distance of 12 miles.
Outposts pushed close to the river bank, looked
across to Julich as an unbroken watch was kept on the
enemy front. Sound power phones reported every
sound coming across the water. Rabbits bounded
through the wooded areas along the river, were challenged
by sentries, fired on and duly reported: "It was just
the rabbit patrol again, Sir!"
River defenses were strengthened -- more foxholes,
more communication trenches. The 121st Engineers
stretched concertina and double apron fence, sowed
anti-personnel mines and trip flares along the west bank.
"Sally," smooth-talking Nazi propagandist, broadcast:
All there was behind the doughs in the line was a
defense battalion, composed of division administrative
elements dug in near Herzogenrath. All reserves were
being sent to the Bulge.
In brick buildings near the river, men not pulling
guard duty sat around kitchen ranges, fried potatoes,
made toast, wrote letters... Doughs in German-made
dugouts in the woods ingeniously installed heating
devices to keep warm.
For most of the winter, the division sat along the
river... Churchbells rang in Julich on Christmas Eve...
Happy New Year!... A two-minute greeting from 88s
at midnight... Searchlights lit the sky at night... Patrols
donned snowcapes.
The 554th AAA Bn. shot down seven enemy fighter
planes on New Year's Day... Replacements now were
"reinforcements." Division veterans, evacuated as
battle casualties, returned for duty... Germans dropped
propaganda leaflets during the Battle of the Bulge...
"So you thought you could break our lines and reach
Cologne! Now it is our turn!"... Artillery, mortars,
machine guns exchanged fire across the river... But
most of the time it was quiet.
Three major raids were attempted by the 29th. Five
officers and 79 men crossed the river in rubber boats,
failed to find their objective in a blinding snowstorm.
Another patrol set out even as the ice-choked river
began to crack but was turned back by mortar fire,
Finally, a 54-man patrol reached the opposite shore
undetected but ran into a stiff fire fight.
Some men went to Heerlen on pass. Coca Cola and
showers became available. Lt. Frank Bishop, Norman,
Okla., 175th, designed a slingshot from an inner tube,
used it to lob hand grenades across the river.
In February, the Bulge was flattened out. Plans to
cross the Roer were resumed. Tanks were assembled
near Aldenhoven and Schleiden. Engineers loaded
boats and bridging equipment, ammunition lined the
roads for miles.
An alert came Feb. 10, was postponed twice. The
Germans opened the dam at Schmidt, made the Roer a
torrent half a mile wide in places. Outposts pulled
back to higher ground. Battalions relieved from the
line went to Belgium, practiced river crossings on the
Meuse River.
Feb. 23, 1945, 0245 hours: Ninth Army's long awaited
push was under way. Big guns leaped into action.
The earth trembled under tremendous preparation fires.
The sky was red along the Roer; batteries of machine
guns and mortars hammered the far bank. Twenty-ninth
doughs emerged from their cellars, prepared for
the Julich assault.
Boats slid into the black water at 0300, slipped across
to the opposite shore. Dim figures spread out to defend
the initial bridgehead. Lt. Col. Raleigh C. Powell's
121st Engineers bridged the river. Downstream to the
left, troops of the 115th were ferried across at 0350 in
"alligators" and assault boats.
Rubbled Julich was silhouetted against the grayish,
smouldering sky as assault troops of the 175th pounded
across the completed foot bridges. They pushed
through Julich against opposition described as
"moderate." By nightfall, all of the citv was secure, except
"The Citadel," formidable 16th century fortress with
massive walls 45 feet high.
Next day, flame throwing tanks of the 739th Tank
Bn., and doughs Of 3rd Bn., 116th, took the fort. Broich,
a town on the left of the division's front, fell to the 115th
and the high ground behind quickly was taken.
Engineers worked tirelessly, Feb. 23. It was plenty
"hot" on the river. Enemy rockets and artillery sought
and frequently found, bridge sites. Half completed, a
treadway bridge blew up under a direct hit; a ponton
bridge was struck twice. Enemy planes swooped low,
The drive swept across the Cologne Plain, heading
northeast towards Dusseldorf. The attached 330th Inf.
Regt., 83rd Div., and the 116th were committed to the
attack. Stetternich, Holzweiler, Rerverath, Kuckum,
Keyenberg, Borschemich, Wanlo, Wickrathberg, Gudderath,
Oldenkirchen, Bell, Geistenbeck fell in quick
succession to the 175th.
The 116th swept through Welldorf, Serrest, Gusten,
Immerath, Lutzerath, Spenrath, Pesch, Hauckhaun,
Hochneukirch, Monashof and Sasserath. The roll call
of captured towns continued -- Spiel, Aneln, Titz,
Opherton, Jackerath -- were taken by the 115th. The
330th seized Mersch, Pattern, Muntz, Hasselweiler,
The division fought through Oldenkirchen and
Rheydt on Feb. 28. Next day, it captured
Munchen-Gladbach, textile center of Germany and largest city to
be taken by Allied troops up to that time.
Lt. Gen. W.H. Simpson, Ninth Army Commander,
paid this tribute to the 29th:
Since the initiation of operations on the Continent, your
division has distinguished itself time after time in
successive operations, and I share your feelinq of pride
in the fine record of the 29th Division. It is equally
gratifying to me at this time to be able to add another
note of commendation in recognition of the outstanding
role played by the 29th Infantry Division in the recent
advance of the Ninth Army to the Rhine. As one of
the assault divisions of the Army, your organization
again distinguished itself by promptly crossing the Roer
River... quickly seizing the town of Julich...
terminating the drive in your expeditious reduction of the
hostile strong point, Munchen-Gladbach.
The victorious doughs enjoyed luxury at Munchen-Gladbach.
There were soft beds, carpeted floors,
champagne in every apartment, beer on tap to go with
chow. Men called it "a good deal."
Given a regular combat mission again, the 29th
dispatched its 115th and 116th to clear all opposition
in the division sector west of the Elbe. Resistance was
slight; the river was reached April 26.
The 175th threaded a dense forest near Klotze,
cleared a pocket of enemy infantry and tanks, then
joined the remainder of the 29th on the Elbe. Mong
the river, international "boundary" between approaching
American and Soviet armies, the 29th held a line
39 miles long.
Berlin had fallen. Hitler was reported dead. Peace
rumors were circulating. Along the division front,
action was virtually non-existent. Cattle grazed on the
rolling banks of the Elbe. There was no sign or sound
of war.
An entire German division facing the 29th's front
surrendered May 1. It took two days to ferry the 9947
Nazis across the Elbe.
Meanwhile, Red Army troops, advancing westward,
were expected daily. Finally, Lt. Col. Roger S.
Whiteford, commanding the 175th's 3rd Bn., could stand the
suspense no longer. "Go out and find the Russians,"
he ordered Lt. Kenneth A. Rohyans, Pittsburgh. A
five-man patrol -- S/Sgt. Ralph Stecklein, Russell, Kan.;
Sgt. George J. Taktekos, Brooklyn; T/5 Ogder O.
Raaum, Williston, N.D.; Pfc Russell Frederick and Pfc
Palmer P. Loro, both of Niles, Ohio -- was quickly
recruited, took off across the river with the officer.
The patrol saw horses first, then men in long gray
coats and furred hats. Greetings were exchanged; the
meeting produced a mutual admiration society. Toasts
of vodka and brandy were drunk from tall glasses.
In the 11 months from the time them had stormed
Omaha Beach, 29th Division doughs had pushed the
enemy inland, hammered him through hedgerows,
broken through at St. Lo, reduced the great naval port
of Brest. They had crashed through the Siegfried Line,
assisted in crushing Aachen, shoved the enemy over
the Roer, swept across the Cologne Plain, wiped out
Nazi resistance beyond the Rhine, scooped up 38,912 PWs,
the bulk of whom surrendered during the bitter fighting
that preceded the wholesale disintegration of the
Wehrmacht in the spring.
Behind it, the 29th left an indelible record of great
military success and courageous individual achievement.
For this, the Blue and Gray sustained heavy losses in
dead and wounded, grim testimony of the ferocity of
the fight and the valor of its men. Courage also could
be measured by the number of battle decorations and
awards: two Congressional Medals of Honor, 37
Distinguished Service Crosses, 733 Silver Stars, 120
battlefield commissions. The Presidential Unit Citation
Badge for Gallantry in Action was awarded to the 115th
and 116th Inf. Regts.; 1st Bn., 116th, 1st Bn., 175th;
121st Combat Engr. Bn.
When V-E Day was proclaimed, May 8, 1945, the
division was back near the Weser, preparing for
occupational duty in the Bremen Enclave. The 29th's
contribution to victory was generous. The men who
carried the fight from the foxholes, the plain doughs:
thee men who drove the convoys, repaired guns, policed
roads, loaded supplies; the men who operated the big
guns, built bridges, administered behind desks and with
bandage on the field -- they were all 29th soldiers who
shared in the fight and the victory.
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