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![]() Photos, Articles, & Research on the European Theater in World War II
This is one of a series of G.I. Stories of the Ground. Air and
Service Forces in the European Theater of Operations, to be
issued by the Stars and Stripes, a publication of the Information
and Education Division, Special and Information Services,
ETOUSA... Major General I.T. Wyche, commanding the 79th
Infantry Division, lent his cooperation to the preparation of the
pamphlet, and basic material was supplied to the editors by his staff.
The Story Of The 79th Infantry Division
The 79th Division is said to have fought particularly
well in Normandy, and is considered as one of the best
attack divisions in the U.S. Army.
That grudging compliment could not have been more
timely. As of Oct. 25 the 79th Inf. Div. was well past
its 125th day of consecutive combat in France. Behind
it was a record replete with records in itself, certified
for permanent military annals by the unanimous praise
of the various headquarters under which the division
has operated.
This was the division of two outstanding "firsts:" first to
enter Cherbourg, via Fort du Roule, enemy-styled "impregnable" fortress
guarding approaches to this strategic port city; first across the
Seine in the Allied drive on Paris. This was the division that swept
through France like an avenging flame, from the Atlantic to the
Seine, from the Belgian border to the Vosges foothills.
This was the division with a combat itinerary like a railroad time
table: Cherbourg, La Haye du Puits, Lessay, Fougeres, Laval, Le Mans,
La Mele sur Sarthe, Avranches, Nogent le Roi, Mantes-Gassicourt,
St. Amand, Howardries, Reims, Joinville, Neufchateau, Charmes,
Luneville and way stations.
This was the division that by sheer guts and a fighting
devotion to duty had ousted a desperate foe from the
hell that was Foret de Parroy.
This was the famed Fighting 79th—the Cross of Lorraine Division—back
at the task it had thought completed 26 years ago.
For the second time the Cross of Lorraine Division was on French soil—but
there the comparison stopped. These soldiers had behind them a wealth of
pre-combat experience, plus the last word in equipment. Some had been with the
division since its activation at Camp Pickett, Va., on June 15, 1942. They
had undergone the toughening of Tennessee maneuvers, a three-month hitch in the
grueling California-Arizona Maneuver Area and a winter's training at wind-swept
Camp Phillips, Kan. They had arrived in England well before
Cross of Lorraine at Montfaucon
On Sept. 2, 1918, Gen. Pershing called a conference of the Allied High Command at
Marshal Foch's headquarters. Its mood was decidedly pessimistic. For four bitter, bloody
years the hard-pressed Allies had attacked again and again, only to fall back with disheartening
regularity. Each time they retired to ready a fresh assault, the German line was strengthened, and
the foe's defense-in-depth strategy assumed fresh vigor. After the conference, Gen. Pershing
admitted that "no one present expressed the opinion that the final victory could be won in 1918. In
fact, it was believed by the French High Command that the Meuse-Argonne attack could not be
pushed much beyond Montfaucon before the arrival of winter would force a cessation."
Montfaucon—the falcon's mountain! The very name bespoke towering peaks and inaccessible
heights. From its formidable summit the enemy controlled the entire Meuse-Argonne sector, strategically
the most important on the Western Front. There had been no major action in this sector since
the German assaults on Verdun in 1916 and the French counterattacks in 1917. The enemy had
used the year of quiet to strengthen his already strong defenses. Preliminary Allied moves
against the summit were stopped in their tracks. Then, in the chill, grey light of dawn
Sept. 26, 1918, another unit—the untried 79th—moved into the jump-off spot.
Under the cover of thunderous artillery, men of the Cross of Lorraine moved from the
deceptively shallow valley of the Meuse against the awesome height of Montfaucon. Inch by
inch they slugged their way up the sheer face of the crest, battling with a fresh fury
that the enemy had never known. For 30 terrible hours they pushed and fought and bled
and died—and they captured Montfaucon.
The German tide from that hour was measured in defeats. Men of the 79th had turned that
tide—had kept it turned. From Montfaucon they punched and slashed and hacked their way
through fiercely contested German lines and strongpoints. They captured Nantillois. They
stormed Borne du Cornouiller, the famous "Hill 378." On Nov. 9, they enveloped Danvillier,
Crepion, Wavrille, Giberoy, Etraye and Moirey. On Nov. 10 they occupied Hills 328 and 329. On
Nov. 11, under cover of dense fog, they were inching slowly but inexorably up the western
slopes of the final German stronghold in the sector when the order came to cease
firing. The armistice had been signed.
Division Commander Maj. Gen. Joseph E. Kuhn said simply that "they have done the
impossible." And, indeed, they had. Short on training, long on fighting spirit, they
had wrested overwhelming victory from the cream of the Kaiser's warriors. They had gouged
a salient into the German lines deeper than at any point on the entire Western Front. They
had broken a deadlock in the greatest human conflict the world had ever known.
This was the magnificent heritage of the men of the new 79th. This was the fighting
spirit, steeped in bloody combat and immortal victory, inherent in the men who landed
on Utah Beach on June 14, 1944.
The Campaigns in Normandy
"We took that rock pile step by step," said the Pfc, "and every step was a grunt."
The Allied front extended inland from Quineville: the
4th Div. on the right, striking
up the coast toward Montebourg;
the 90th on the
4th's left;
the 9th, pointed
across the peninsula, sending out feelers toward Barneville; the airborne units, driving
as a team to the south and southwest. When
the 9th pounded into Barneville, the
first Allied line across the peninsula was established.
Then came the plans that committed the 79th to action. It would relieve
the 90th and
spearhead a three-pronged drive up the peninsula to Cherbourg.
North of the Barneville-Valognes gridline the peninsula is hilly, gradually increasing
in height toward the coast. South of the line the country is flat with widespread
marshes at the mouth of the several small streams criss-crossing the area. And then
there are the hedgerows—those countless, centuries-old mounds of earth, stone
and underbrush, bordering all cultivated fields, orchards and roads, and utilized
with desperate ingenuity by the hard-pressed enemy. Augmenting these formidable
natural defenses were scores of strongpoints, emplacements and concrete pillboxes. Each
field was a miniature battlefield. Ask any doughfoot who helped carry the hod in
Normandy what he thinks of hedgerow fighting. One thoughtful 79th GI described it
as "decidedly un-American."
H-Hour for the division was 0500, June 19. Initial objective was the high ground
west and northwest of Valognes. Once this was in American hands, the Valognes-Cherbourg
highway and feeder roads would be closed to the enemy, severing his last overland
supply. The 313th Inf. jumped off on schedule from Golleville-Biniville. The
315th followed shortly. The 314th remained in division reserve.
Contact as almost instantaneous. Observed one GI: "It's just like Tennessee
maneuvers—only with live ammo." No one laughed. Division artillery backed
up the regiment with heartening accuracy, and
the 90th's 915th FA Bn. for a
time loaned its fire to the initial kickoff. Enemy resistance, at first little
more than spasmodic small arms fire and occasional artillery bursts, soon swelled
into the fierce concentration that was to subside only with Cherbourg's capitulation.
Despite determined resistance 1st Bn., 313th, was on its objective at Bois de la Brique
by 1400 and the remaining units soon followed suit. The 314th, at 1920, was
moved from division reserve into the attack. Its objective, Croix Jacob, was reached
at 0415 next day.
This was the division's first day of combat in World War II. It was good: a vicious
enemy counterattack covering four hours had been repelled with heavy Kraut losses. All
79th units had reached their objectives, most of them ahead of schedule. Officers and men,
side by side in combat, noted a new and lasting rebirth of mutual respect and confidence.
Next objective was the high ground south of Cherbourg. Using the Cherbourg-Valognes
road as an axis, the 313th carried the brunt of this new attack from the
division's right boundary. It was a slow and painful process. As regiments
neared Cherbourg's outer ring of defenses, resistance became even more
desperate. The 304th Engr. Bn. worked side by side with the foot troops, blasted
through hedgerows, built roads under fire when the enemy's grip on the conventional
routes could not be loosened.
During the night of June 21-22 repeated broadcasts urged Nazis in Cherbourg to
surrender. The Allied ultimatum expired at noon on the 22nd, and at 1240 the
Air Force unleashed a tremendous
But Fort du Roule, as many doughfeet had predicted, was the kernel of this tough nut. Perched
at the northwest end of a high ridge commanding the city, it had been sufficiently armed
and supplied to enable a defending force to hold out indefinitely.
During the siege of the fort, T/Sgt. (then Cpl.) John D. Kelly, Co. E, 314th, won
for the division its first DSC. His platoon was inching up the fortress face when
it was pinned down by Kraut machine gun fire from a deeply entrenched strongpoint
on the slope below the peak. The area was almost bare of natural cover. In a few
moments casualties skyrocketed. The DSC citation takes up the story:
* * * Kelly volunteered to try to knock out the strongpoint. Arming
himself with a pole charge about 10 feet long, with 15 pounds of TNT
affixed, he climbed the slope under a withering blast of machine gun
fire and placed the charge at the strongpoint's base. The subsequent
blast was ineffective, and again, alone and unhesitatingly, he
braved the slope to repeat the operation. This second blast blew off
the ends of the enemy guns. Corporal Kelly then climbed the slope a
third time to place a pole charge at the strongpoint's rear entrance. When
this had been blown open he hurled hand grenades inside the position, forcing
survivors of the enemy gun crews to come out and surrender.* * *
Sgt. Kelly and Brig. Gen. Frank U. Greer, assistant division commander, who, with
Col. Warren G. Robinson, 314th Inf. CO, mounted the fort to drop TNT down a
ventilator, were only three of the many officers and men who made outstanding
heroism the order of the day at Fort du Roule.
Although the 2nd Bn., 314th, had previously captured one strongpoint and a
motor pool, complete with enemy materiel, the first white flag did not
appear on the fort until 1145, June 25. This, it developed, was the act of
only one part of the fort—the others chose to fight on. The 1st Bn.
supported the 2nd as fighting reached the toe-to-toe stage, and the 3rd Bn.
finally was moved up from regimental reserve to neutralize scattered
resistance. Fighting raged until 2148 when Generalleutnant von Schlieben, "der
Deutsche Festungkommandant von Cherbourg," capitulated. Even then, there was
some resistance. Von Schlieben, with typical Nazi callousness, stubbornly
refused to issue a blanket "cease firing" order.
Meanwhile, the 313th was smashing through Cherbourg on a house-to-house
basis. Sniper fire was persistent. Four heavy concrete pillboxes threatened
the entire advance. A concentration of small arms, mortar and anti-tank fire
from the 1st Bn. battered them into surrender. (Later that day these guns
were manned by GIs, turned against Fort du Roule.) Well ahead of schedule, the
regiment reached its beach objectives and started mopping up. Simultaneously, the
314th's 1st and 3rd Bns., having left the 2nd to hold Fort du Roule, advanced
through another sector of the battle-torn city.
The 315th swept into Cherbourg from Hardinvast, mopped up a large area. Near the
city, persuasive arguments of the 315th's polylingual CO, Col. Bernard B. McMahon,
aired via a portable GI public address system, produced scores of prisoners.
Cherbourg surrendered June 26. More than 6000 prisoners were captured. Vast supplies
of equipment and materiel were seized intact. First city of any size or importance
liberated in France, its citizens were grateful. Snipers' bullets still
ricocheting overhead, civilians packed the streets to welcome "les liberateurs." But
the holiday was brief. On June 27 the
4th Inf. Div. moved into Cherbourg
and the 79th turned south.
"You were the chaps at La Hay du Puits, weren't you?" the British liaison
officer said. "We heard you had a piece of cake over there—and a
bloody piece of cake it was!"
Enemy defense preparations for the small but vital city were, to quote a literary
company commander, "the epitome of diabolical cunning." Northern (Allied) approaches
to the city were heavily mined. Hedgerows bordering roads were honeycombed
with automatic weapons and light artillery pieces, augmented by an occasional dug
in tank. Snipers operated with maddening efficiency. The city proper bristled
with concrete gun emplacements, pillboxes, tank traps, trenches and barbed
wire entanglements. Beyond the city mortar and artillery lobbed HE and
fragmentation over the heads of defenders into the path of attackers. The
Wehrmacht had been ordered by Hitler to fight to the last man.
The 79th kicked off from the line it had been holding at the mouth of the Ollonde
River. Sparked by artillery support, the regiments made immediate contact in the
first of the enemy's seemingly endless hedgerow defenses. Many of these "suicide" units
were bypassed in the initial rush, and by dark of the first day (July 3) the
315th with the 79th Recon. Trp. surged half-way to the initial objective.
Next day Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower and Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley visited the
division CP near Les Fosses, kibitzed Div Arty's Fourth of July serenade on enemy
positions. That afternoon the division's drive clicked with a rhythm that
elicited warmest praise from both visitors.
Especially effective was the 314th. At 1810 the 79th was ordered to ease pressure
on the 82nd A/B Div. on
the left by occupying the end of an enemy-held ridge
west of Hill 95. This mission was given to 3rd Bn. At 2100 the mission
was completed.
Bucking a thunderous enemy artillery barrage, the 315th kicked off for "Bloody Hill" near
Montgardon commanding La Haye du Puits. Comparable enemy artillery harassed a task
force of 313th's Co. K and attached 749th Tank Bn.'s Co. A that had skirted
enemy positions to take and hold several bridges nearby. On the sunken road that
led from the north to La Haye du Puits, the 2nd Bn., 314th, moved slowly forward
under even heavier artillery concentration.
Then Div Arty. unveiled what GI-witnesses hailed as "the prettiest damned precision
artillery in this man's war." Lt. Col. James B. "Kannonball" Kraft's 312th FA Bn. "paced"
Lt. Col. Olin E. "Tiger" Teague's 1st Bn., 314th, to the very rim of the
city's defenses. A German artillery OP in the city's cathedral lingered too
long. A 312th burst through the steeple, and 79th doughfeet entering the town hours
later found the Heinie artillery observers still sprawled where they had fallen
into the public square.
Co. K, 314th, made a reconnaissance in force into La Haye du Puits and gained control
of the railway station. Those who followed it swore that "Off Limits" signs, the
paint still wet, blossomed in the station hours before the last Kraut hollered "uncle!"
On July 8 elements of the 28th Inf. Regt., 8th Div., relieved the 314th's 2nd Bn. Third Bn. and
the 28th attempted to push forward, but progress was slow. First Bn., meanwhile, supported
by the 749th Tank and 813th TD Bns., began the final assault on La Haye du Puits. Five
hours and 40 minutes later, Col. Teague reported the town taken. La Haye du Puits belonged
to the 79th.
Mopping up "Bloody Hill" was the division's final chore in the La Haye sector. There, Maj.
Gen. I.T. Wyche, division commander, graphically displayed the caliber of leadership the 79th
has enjoyed since activation. On one of his daily visits to the front, he found a platoon
pinned to the slope. There was little or no cover and an understandable degree of
disorganization prevailed. Repeatedly exposing himself to enemy fire, Gen. Wyche regrouped
the men and led them a distance of two hedgerows to a position where they were enabled to
knock out the strongpoint. At the peak of action he struggled in front of the battle
line to help evacuate a wounded infantry scout.
"His only complaint was that he could not go back and kill more Germans."
So many resistance pockets were encountered that the attached 749th Tank and the 813th TD Bns. were
constantly forward to support foot troops. This was the situation when the 79th received orders to defend
the north bank of the Ay River. The remainder of VIII Corps would continue the attack against the
river front.
South of the Ay the enemy took a break while his attackers moved gingerly through
the liberally-sown minefields covering the far shore. While inclement weather
grounded Allied air power, he rushed up badly needed men and supplies from Lessay
and St. Lo. He blew the Ay's bridges. He dug in his 88's and mortars. He even
launched series of minor counterattacks to test American strength beyond the river.
Pfc Frederick F. Richardson, Co. F, 315th, and his BAR wrecked two such enemy
counterattacks, resulting in 20 prisoners and 40 enemy killed and wounded. Richardson's
company was holding a line along the narrow river near a dynamited bridge. He set up his BAR
in the window of a stone house about 200 yards from the bridge site. While the
house rocked under direct mortar hits, Richardson stuck to his post from late
afternoon of one day until early evening of the next.
Time after time the enemy crossed the wrecked bridge to storm the house. Each time
the sharp chatter of the BAR took its toll. There were two interruptions. On
the second afternoon the enemy was granted a three-hour truce to evacuate dead
and wounded from the BAR's field of fire. Shortly after, one German officer and
19 enlisted men—survivors of a force that had tried to exterminate the
one-man nuisance—broke out a white flag. Richardson left his window long
enough to see his prisoners taken, then resumed his vigil. End of the story is
contained in the battalion commander's report:
"After having his leg cut off completely by a mortar shell which burst just outside the
window, Pfc Richardson amazed the medical officers who cared for him by his coolness
and good condition. Fully conscious, his only complaint was that he could not go
back and kill more Germans."
On July 26, VIII Corps unveiled "Operation ——." The 79th's plan of
attack called for the 314th to follow the 28th across the river after
the 8th Div. had secured the high ground southeast of Lessay. Driving
with an intensity the enemy was powerless to withstand, Corps units smashed
across the Ay, and the German rout in Normandy shifted into high gear.
Through France to Paris
"They're saying we won't see Paris after all," the buck corporal said, with a
wry grin. "Now I know how Moses felt about the Promised Land."
From the western heights commanding the Seine River valley, Mantes-Gassicourt
looked like a dead city. The Air Force had battered this prime Nazi supply center
relentlessly, leaving rubble smouldering in the late summer haze. Roads to and from
the city were glutted with wrecked enemy supply vehicles. When the Air Forces
stopped, artillery resumed.
The 79th Recon Trp. knifed in and out of the city. Combining its quest for information
with on-the-spot, hit-and-run missions, it destroyed four enemy gasoline
trucks. The enemy was moving from the city to make large scale defense
preparations in the "natural loop" of the Seine, northeast of Mantes-Gassicourt.
On the morning of Aug. 19, a 314th task force pushed into the city, reported it
clear. Meanwhile patrols of the 313th mopped up wooded areas and prodded the vicinity
of Rolleboise, to the north. The dams bridging the Seine had been blown, but a
catwalk across one still was passable for foot troops.
In pitch dark and driving rain, the 1st and 2nd Bns., 313th, began moving
across the river supported by Cos. A and C, 304th Engr. Bn. with assault
boats and rafts. By dawn, the entire regiment was dug in on the far
shore of The Loop. Throughout the day, the engineer battalion worked
tirelessly under sporadic enemy artillery and aerial fire to ferry across
division vehicles. Corps engineers began installation of a
It was difficult to recognize this Luftwaffe as the same one that had contented
itself before with an occasional bed-check. Rain and shine, high ceiling and
low, it paid repeated (but unsuccessful) visits to the bridge site. Div Arty
and attached ack-ack waxed fat. At first three enemy planes were shot down; then
six; then eleven. At the nearby division PW cage glum-faced prisoners had
a ringside seat for the one-sided engagements. One crippled
But neither the revived Luftwaffe nor the first Nebelwerfer fire the
division had experienced since Cherbourg could stop the 79th. By day
foot troops harried the desperate enemy. By day and night artillery
thundered. In a one night firing session alone Div Arty and attached
units threw a record 4600 rounds of 105mm. and 1048 rounds of 155mm. Several
near-hysterical Huns walked into the division's lines next day begging for
relief from "your terrible automatic artillery." These prisoners testified
that German intelligence had identified the 79th as an airborne
unit—landed by parachute and glider in The Loop!
For five thunderous days the enemy battered at the lone division holding The Loop. Each
counterattack was spurned with staggering losses for the enemy. Lee McCardell, Sun Papers
correspondent on the scene, described the division's position as "a stubby finger, sticking
into enemy territory. * * * It was sort of a Bunker Hill
proposition, as the (79th) soldiers described it afterwards. They had placed
machine guns behind the walls in which they had made embrasures. Sitting at their
gun positions, calmly smoking as they watched the desperate Germans advance, they held
their fire until they could almost see the whites of their eyes." A news
commentator in the States lauded the then unidentified 79th as "the burr
under Germany's saddle."
Col. Sterling Wood, 313th CO, counted 39 enemy dead in an area not more than
50 yards square. "I've never seen anything like it in any other engagement in
this war—and we've had some pretty stiff ones," he declared.
On Aug. 27 the enemy uncorked his Sunday punch—a full-dress
counterattack featuring everything from small arms to flamethrowers. Infantry
and artillery met the assault head-on, stopped it cold. Next day the 79th
was on the final objective.
After customary mopping-up operations, the division passed to XIX Corps. Behind
it, safely in Allied hands, was the Seine Loop, by far the most strategic
bridgehead in ETO. The enemy's vaunted 18th GAF Division, pride of his Paris
defenses, had been battered to bits. On the heights overlooking Mantes-Gassicourt
moved burial squads, mute testimony to the awesome efficiency of Div Arty and
attached artillery.
Beyond The Loop, Paris was free.
Lightning Smash into Belgium
"This is believed to be one of the fastest opposed advances of comparable
distance by an infantry division in warfare."
"On 28 August 1944, the 79th Infantry Division joined this Corps. At that time it had
already established a bridgehead and was astride the Seine River. The Corps was
ordered to advance and in 72 hours the division covered a total of 180 miles, crossing
the Somme River and numerous smaller streams and closing in perfect order on its
objectives in Belgium.
"During this period the Division fought numerous engagements, destroyed much enemy
equipment and took many prisoners. This is believed to be one of the fastest
opposed advances of comparable distance by an infantry division in warfare. It is
desired to commend you, your officers and men on this splendid achievement. The
Commanding General, First United States Army, Lieutenant General Courtney Hodges, concurs
in the commendation."
Between the lines of that lasting tribute lies the 304th Engr. Bn.'s contribution to
the lightning smash into Belgium. Bridges across the Somme and those "numerous smaller
streams" had been wrecked by the retreating enemy. The battalion replaced those
bridges—once with steel and timber collected and fashioned on the spot—and
continued to keep pace with the regiments.
On the Belgian border, its chore completed, the 79th reverted to XV Corps to
help smash the newly created defensive line. Tempo of this new division thrust was
reminiscent of the drive into Belgium. Reims, Charmes, Epinal, Poussay, Joinville
and St. Dizier were some of the more prominent names that flashed by in the
regiments' swift advances. On one day the 79th advanced 50 miles, established a
regimental combat team near Charmes. Next day it had a battalion east of the
Moselle. Contact with the enemy was maintained without difficulty, but only on
rare occasions did he pause to fight.
While the rest of the division struck at strongly organized German positions
at Poussay and Ambacourt, the 315th was 30 miles to the west, besieging the
enemy-held city of Neufchateau. Under Lt. Col. John H. McAleer the regimental
combat team stormed the city with a fighting zest and buoyancy that made even
battle-hardened GIs sit up and take notice. "What's on the other side of that
town?" asked a wondering officer: "Brooklyn?"
With capitulation of Poussay, Ambacourt and Neufchateau, the enemy turned again
toward the Rhine. His casualties in this campaign, not yet completely
known, approached astronomical figures. Known definitely, however, was the
fact that he was minus the famous 16th Div. According to XV Corps, the 79th
had "played a principal part" in the "annihilation" of this veteran Nazi unit.
"Compared with this operation, Fort du Roule was a picnic."
The enemy sensed that his last hope rested on the natural barriers of the outer
defense perimeter of Germany proper. At his back were the Meurthe River, the
Foret de Parroy, the Vosges foothills and the Rhine. These were to be the sites
of his last-ditch stand.
"We climbed Fort du Roule, and we crossed the Meurthe River," said Lt. Col.
Ernest R. Purvis, CO, 3rd Bn., 314th. "If we had to do one of the two over, we'd
take Fort du Roule every time. Compared with this operation, Fort du Roule
was a picnic."
The 3rd Bn. made contact with the enemy's Meurthe River line at Frambois where a
German force larger than a battalion held the river proper and a comparable
force was in "active reserve" in a wooded strip just beyond the river valley. Emplaced
machine guns and dug-in tanks bracketed the river's breast-deep fords and blown
bridge sites with a murderous fire. Battalion non-coms even now refer to the
Frambois action as "Little D-Day." When the smoke of battle lifted two days later, the
Meurthe River line was no more; in the wooded strip beyond, the 3rd Bn. was mopping up.
The 79th stormed into the city of Luneville, and the enemy turned again—this time
to familiar haunts. In World War I he had found a haven in the Forest of
Parroy; here in World War II he elected to make another stand. Third Army chose a
line extending from Donnelay to Baccarat as one of several American objectives to
stymie the enemy's withdrawal, but to XV Corps went the task of clearing Foret de Parroy. Again
Corps beckoned the 79th, and again it spearheaded the attack.
The 79th Recon. Trp. and 106th Cavalry Gp. unleashed the first of dozens of audacious swoops
into the forest proper—a clutter of centuries-old trees and clotted underbrush. The
recon troop's initial patrol struck east from Sionviller and penetrated the woods about
one kilometer. It pinpointed a road block, mine fields, and came away under heavy enemy
fire. Patrols from the 313th and 314th spotted additional enemy positions between the Vezouse
River and the forest. More than 30 enemy artillery positions, checked by sound and
flash OPs, were immediately counterbatteried by 79th and Corps Artillery. On all sides were
evidences of dug-in enemy defenses, some dating back to the last war.
Regiments started on schedule what was to prove a tedious and bloody task. Fighting was
house to house in Le Mans and Neufchateau—in Parroy, it was tree to tree.
The enemy was dug in. Occasionally he ventured out. On Sept. 29 the 315th and
Co. C, 773rd Tank Bn. in support, were mopping up the eastern edge of the forest
when the tank outfit spotted an enemy column coming from the town of
Bauzemont. Three Mark IV tanks and three trucks were destroyed before the
surprised unit could withdraw.
Foret de Parroy, for days a nightmare of tree bursts, clinging underbrush, ankle-deep mud
and unceasing enemy harassing fire, finally was taken. The enemy, better than
anyone else, knows how and why he was forced to quit this highly vital spot for
the doubtful haven of the Vosges and the Rhine.
The 79th Readies the Knockout
" * * * You have achieved a significant victory. I have
full confidence in your ability to continue your relentless pursuit
until the final victory."
"Soldiers of the 79th Division: Following your continuous action from
"Having bewildered the enemy and scattered his forces, you continued the
pursuit to the northeast, thus preventing him the opportunity to regroup
and make a stand west of the Vosges.
"Without pausing for rest, you continued your tireless pursuit of the enemy
toward Saverne, capturing numerous towns, enemy strongpoints and large numbers
of prisoners in three days. Within eight days you had driven the enemy from the
area of Saverne and Sarrebourg and were preparing to drive him from his last
positions west of the Saverne Gap.
"This difficult assault and tenacious pursuit has contributed nobly to the
success of the Seventh Army operation as a whole. It indicates a state of
training and discipline of the highest order as well as a plan soundly
conceived and energetically carried out. You have achieved a significant
victory. I have full confidence in your ability to continue your relentless
pursuit until the final victory."
There is no finer record—nor higher tribute—than this.
Printed by Desfossés-Néogravure, Paris.
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