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![]() Photos, Articles, & Research on the European Theater in World War II
This is one of a series of G.I. Stories of the Ground, Air and
Service Forces in the European Theater of Operations, issued by the
Orientation Branch, Information and Education Division, ETOUSA...
Major General Walter E. Lauer, commanding the 99th Infantry Division,
lent his cooperation, and basic material was supplied by his staff.
For two days, Dec. 16 and 17, 1944, doughs of the 99th stood alone at a hot corner of the
Battle of the Bulge—in front of Elsenborn, at Krinkelt, Wirtzfeld, Bullingen—while the
Wehrmacht's best troops lowered the boom against their thinly-held line.
Spread over a 20-mile front and without reserves, the green troops under Maj. Gen.
Walter E. Lauer battled six divisions—the 12th, 246th, 277th and 326th Volksgrenadier,
the 3rd Panzer and the 12th SS Panzer Divs., plus elements of paratroop outfits. This
display of power called for a show of guts to face it, much less to beat it off.
There was no doubt von Rundstedt was springing the strategy which he believed would
decide the outcome of the war. The capture of a Nazi document by the 394th Inf. Regt. on
Dec. 16 was complete evidence. The German commander's order read:
Soldiers of the West Front: Your great hour has struck. Strong attacking armies are
advancing today against the Anglo-Americans. I don't need to say more to you. You all
feel it. Everything is at stake. You bear in yourselves a holy duty to give everything and
to achieve the superhuman for our fatherland and our Feuhrer!
To achieve the superhuman is difficult in any man's league. Von Rundstedt didn't get the
job done. Approximately 4000 "Supermen" were killed by the 99th alone. History will
record von Rundstedt's action as one of the most spectacular military gambles ever made
and lost. Checkerboarders of the 99th always will remember the Bulge as the battle in
which they proved their mettle as a fighting outfit.
Shortly before midnight, Dec 20, the 393rd Inf. Regt. reported "all quiet". From then on,
the entire front north of Butgenbach, Belgium, simmered down as the blows of German
armor glanced to the southwest.
The 99th had fought hard and it had thrown the Nazi's do-or-die offensive hopelessly off
schedule. Gen. Lauer's star Checkerboarders had been hit by superior numbers of men
and equipment, but they had successfully defended a prime enemy objective—the
Eupen-Malmedy-Butgenbach-Elsenborn road net—the key route to Liege and the great Allied
port of Antwerp. They had delayed what surely was the German supreme push.
When the crisis was over, Gen. Lauer received verbal commendations from Field
Marshal Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, 21st Army Group Commander, and Gen. Courtney
Hodges, First Army Commander, on the vigorous and effective stand contributed by the
99th. From Maj. Gen. Leonard T. Gerow, then V Corps Commander, came the following
I wish to express to you and the members of your command my appreciation and
commendation for the fine job you did in preventing the enemy from carrying out his
plans to break through the V Corps sector and push on to the Meuse River. Not only
did your command assist in effectively frustrating that particular part of the plan, but it
also inflicted such heavy losses on the enemy that he was unable to carry out other
contemplated missions in other sectors of the Allied front.
Gen. von Manteuffel, commander of the 5th Panzer Army, stated in the address to his
troops prior to the attack that "our ground mission must be continuous; otherwise we
will not achieve our goal". Due in part to the 99th Infantry Division, this ground
mission has not been continuous, and he will not achieve his
The early spring produced more than green grass and blue skies. Men of the 99th began
to look like soldiers, to feel the bond that springs from the Checkerboard shoulder
patch. Originally planned as a Pennsylvania outfit, the 99th had taken its checkerboard
insignia from the city of Pittsburgh's coat of arms.
Meanwhile, the division underwent the various growing pains of an outfit destined for
combat. Prior to its departure for Louisiana Maneuvers in the fall of 1943, Gen. Lauer
assumed command.
After giving a good account of itself during maneuvers, the 99th moved to Camp Maxey,
six miles north of Paris, Tex., and within weekend range of Dallas. Here,
Checkerboarders spent nearly a year in putting on the final polish. Brig. Gen. Hugh T.
Mayberry, Peekskill, N.Y., who organized and served as first commandant of the Camp
Hood Tank Destroyer School, joined the 99th as assistant division commander in
February, 1944.
The following month division strength was boosted by the arrival of more than 3000 men
released by the Army Specialized Training Program. These men trained as a provisional
regiment until absorbed by the 99th three months later in time to take part in the hasty
box-building program that began in August.
There was sea spray in the Texas dust and the division entrained for Camp Miles
Standish near Boston the second week in September. After two weeks of final
preparations, Checkerboarders boarded ships including the Army transport, George W.
Goethals; the ex-freighter, Explorer, and the one-time luxury
liner, Argentina, and sailed for England, Sept. 29.
Arriving at a number of English ports, the division assembled at Dorsetshire near the city
of Dorchester where three weeks were spent in hikes and calisthenics while the job of
final staging with its myriad supply problems and last-minute checks was carried on.
Forty-eight hour passes, most of them to London but some to points as far as Scotland,
were the rule rather than the exception. There were company and battalion parties at
which English girls enjoyed the fresh doughnuts and hot chocolate.
The Checkerboard Division saw war's ravages the first time at Le Havre, France, where it
landed on D plus 5 months, between Nov. 3 and 7. The voyage from Southampton was
made in various types of craft.
Everybody who could drove trucks and jeeps during the motor march across northwestern
France and southwestern Belgium. Destination was Aubel, a small farm town north of
Verviers in the easternmost portion of Belgium near the Liege-Aachen Military Highway
No. 3.
There were no delays now. With little sleep and few hot meals, elements of the division
moved south from the assembly area into the line. Names like Monschau, Elsenborn and
Honsfeld meant little to the Checkerboarders in those first few days. But all new as they
marched into the Ardennes that the biggest chapter in their lives was about to be written.
99 Days With The Fighting 99th
It was a long way from the hot training grounds of the deep south to the misty, snow-hung
Ardennes Forest, smack up against Hitler's vaunted West Wall. And it had taken
some time, in November and early December, for 99th doughs to become accustomed to
the freezing cold of the foxholes and the unmerciful whine of German artillery.
There had been little action in this sector for some time and it was a good spot for a new
division to get used to burp guns, snipers and the sounds of different shells.
But, as an active front goes, there was little fighting. Occasionally, a pillbox was cleaned
out and frequent patrols probed deep into the Siegfried Line. This was a quiet, strange
sort of warfare.
With lightning speed and savage fury, von Rundstedt's forces rolled forward on the heels
of a pulverizing artillery barrage. Using tanks and infantry in battalion spearheads, the
fanatic Wehrmacht hurled its full force against the entire arc of the 99th Div. front.
Outposts and front-line companies reeled under the blow. The final effort of the Nazi war
machine was under way.
Striking in the same place where in 1940 the French and British forces had been driven to
defeat, the German's knew every road and hillock of the countryside before them.
Von Rundstedt's plan was simple: to strike a thinly-held line of a green, untried division
with an overpowering force. Behind the 99th was the highway to Eupen; paratroopers
would drop there in strength. Panzers would follow SS troops, hook up with paratroopers,
and strike for Liege before the Americans could shift their forces.
The initial weight of the attack fell on the 393rd Inf., holding the center, and on 1st Bn.
394th, maintaining the right of the division line. The blow was parried but the Germans
came on—wave after wave. Each successive thrust was beaten off with greater difficulty.
As platoons, companies and battalions faced the terrifying prospect of being cut off and
hacked to pieces, many Checkerboarder heroes stepped forward.
When the ring of German steel tightened around Co. C, 393rd, a makeshift relief of
cooks, KPs, and Anti-Tank Co.'s mine platoon was sent to the rescue. Enroute, artillery
blasted them from their vehicles, pinned them flat in the snow only 200 yards from their
goal. Casualties mounted. It was time for inspired action or the situation was helpless.
Lt. Harry Parker, Johnson, Vt., leader of the relief squad, rose to his feet. "Hell, there's no
use lying here and getting killed," he said. As the lieutenant advanced, every man moved
forward, although no order was given. Bayonets were fixed. Men broke into a run, yelled
as they ran.
It was a wild, screaming bayonet charge by desperate men. German infantrymen in the
woods ahead couldn't see what was coming, but they could here it. They fled in the
opposite direction. The relief squad succeeded in saving what was left of Co. C as well as
re-establishing a line from the company CP to the platoons.
Still, the German attacks spread, beating with fury all along the line. Crack ski troops
glided silently over the snow in one sector to be cut down by machine gun cross-fire.
Half a Nazi company lay dead in the drifts. The Volksgrenadiers charged on. Some were
swatted down like flies; others emptied their burp guns and surrendered. By nightfall,
every available man in the division was on the line—a line that held.
Before the next morning, panzers were on the rampage in the 394th's area—the
same panzers that had been held up 18 hours by that regiment's
S/Sgt. Elmer E. Keener, Sanger, Calif., 393rd Unit Personnel Section clerk, was so busy
firing at Mark Vs that he was left behind when the remainder of his section, alternately
loading service records and firing at Germans, pulled out. Keener then teamed up with
two doughs and the trio, blazing away with a bazooka, knocked out three tanks before
rejoining a division unit.
While German infantry and armor roared ahead to the Elsenborn-Eupen road where they
were to join forces with their paratroopers, Nazis cut off and surrounded the 1st Bns. of
both the 393rd and 394th Inf. Regts. The 324th Engr. Bn. was split, nearly trapped.
Although most of the artillery planes got off the ground, pilots underwent fire from a
German tank at one end of the field. S/Sgt. Richard H. Byers, Cleveland, 371st FA Bn.,
whisked his artillery survey section out the back door of a house as Krauts entered the
Green Troops Build Stone Wall
At the extreme northern tip of the line, 3rd Bn., 395th, gave such an account of itself
between Saturday and Monday that it was awarded the Distinguished Unit Badge. The
citation read:
During the German offensive in the Ardennes, the Third Battalion, 395th Infantry, was
assigned the mission of holding the Monschau-Eupin-Liege Road. For four successive
days the battalion held this sector against combined German tank and infantry attacks,
launched with fanatical determination and supported by heavy artillery. No reserves
were available... and the situation was desperate. On at least six different occasions the
battalion was forced to place artillery concentrations dangerously close to its own
positions in order to repulse penetrations and restore its lines...
The enemy artillery was so intense that communications were generally out. The men
carried out missions without orders when their positions were penetrated or infiltrated.
They killed Germans coming at them from the front, flanks and rear. Outnumbered
five to one, they inflicted casualties in the ratio of 18 to one. With ammunition supplies
dwindling rapidly, the men obtained German weapons and utilized ammunition
obtained from casualties to drive off the persistent foe. Despite fatigue, constant enemy
shelling, and ever-increasing enemy pressure, the Third Battalion guarded a 6000-yard front
and destroyed 75 percent of three German infantry regiments.
Throughout the division, this extraordinary record was duplicated in spirit and to a degree
in fact. South of the 395th, two companies of the 324th Engrs., under Lt. Col. Justice R.
Neal, Oberlin, Kan., were cut off. Sunday night alone, these companies knocked out 16
self-propelled guns and killed 400 Germans. Then they built a road back to Elsenborn
and pulled marooned 99th vehicles out of the snow with their "cats."
The 394th fought on the south flank where it battled strong Nazi patrols and tanks. When
his unit was pinned down by machine gun fire from a roundhouse, T/Sgt. Savino
Travellini, Mt. Shasta, Calif., picked up a bazooka and crawled towards the German gun.
His first bazooka shell silenced the enemy fire. When some of the roundhouse occupants
fled, the sergeant dropped them with his
First Bn., 394th, commanded by Lt. Col. Robert H. Douglas, Swarthmore, Pa., also
received the Distinguished Unit Badge. The citation read:
The Germans' Ardennes offensive was spearheaded directly at First Battalion, 394th
Infantry Regiment, which was defending a front of 3500 yards... The enemy launched
its initial attack against the First Battalion with an unprecedented artillery
concentration lasting approximately two hours, followed by an attack of six battalions
of infantry, supported by tanks, dive bombers, flame throwers and rockets. For two
days and nights the battalion was under intense small arms fire and continuous
artillery concentration, with little food and water... this battalion... repeatedly
beat back the superior numbers of the enemy forces... Many times the men rose out of their
foxholes to meet the enemy in fierce hand to hand combat... By its tenacious stand,
First Battalion prevented the enemy from penetrating the right flank of an adjacent
division, and permitted other friendly forces to reinforce the
The 99th QM Co. entered the battle at Krinkelt when it sent a convoy of trucks into the
town to evacuate the wounded. At Elsenborn, the company suddenly found itself in a hot
spot during an air raid. While some members of the unit issued clothing over truck
tailgates, others manned the ring-mounted machine guns on the front of
Fresh infantry from rest camps and A/T outfits arrived Sunday evening, Dec. 17. Artillery
reinforcements pulled in to back up the division's 370th, 371st, 372nd and 924th FA Bns.
Time was running out for the Germans as panzers were shoved from Krinkelt and Bullingen.
The 99th drew back to form a defense line east of Elsenborn the next few days as the
enemy kept up his terrific artillery spree. But the new line held fast and every German
infantry attack was repulsed. All around the Elsenborn corner, Nazis could count the cost
of the futile effort.
More than 4000 dead; some 60 tanks and self-propelled guns knocked out. Checkerboard
doughs, even when their lines were pierced, had kept on slugging, died on their guns, had
neither given way nor given up. After five days and nights of hell, the Germans, tired of
beating their heads against the 99ths stone wall, turned south.
Two months later, when the division transferred to VII Corps, Maj. Gen. C.R. Huebner,
V Corps Commander wrote Gen. Lauer:
The 99th Infantry Division Arrived in this theater without previous combat experience
early in November, 1944. It... was committed to the attack on Dec. 12... Early on the
morning of Dec. 16, the German Sixth Panzer Army launched its now historic counter-offensive
which struck your command in the direction of Losheim and Honsfeld. This
armored spearhead cut across the rear of your division zone with full momentum.
During the next several days, notwithstanding extremely heavy losses in men and
equipment, the 99th Infantry Division redisposed itself and... succeeded in establishing
a line east of Elsenborn. Despite numerous hostile attempts to break through its lines,
the 99th Infantry Division continued to hold this position until it was able to pass to the
offensive. On Dec. 18, the 3rd Battalion of the 395th Infantry gave a magnificent
account of itself in an extremely heavy action against the enemy in the Hofen area and
was the main factor in stopping the hostile effort to penetrate the lines of the V Corps
in the direction of Monschau...
The 99th Infantry Division received its baptism of fire in the most bitterly contested
battle that has been fought since the current campaign on the European continent
began... Your organization gave ample proof of the fact that it is a good hard fighting
division and one in which you and each and every member of your command can be
justly proud...
German prisoners volunteered praise of the 99th's effective work. A Nazi lieutenant colonel
said the division was the best American outfit he ever had faced. At the 99th's PW cage in
Linz, a German lieutenant asked his interrogator the name of the "elite" American unit
that had defended Hofen during the Battle of the Bulge.
This regiment, the 395th, had allowed his company to come within nine feet of its
lines before opening up with such terrific small arms and machine gun fire that the
Germans couldn't even remove their dead and wounded in their rapid retreat.
The 99th Drives on to Fatherland
Limited patrolling, then more and more aggressive forays into the enemy-held woods
beyond Elsenborn revealed a thinning Nazi line and signs of withdrawal. The Bulge
was becoming a complete bust. Constantly hammered by artillery and bombings, the Bulge was
flattened out until it ran parallel to the line so valiantly held by the 99th in
front of Elsenborn.
Reinforced by new men from training centers in the States, the 99th received the order
to advance at 0300, Jan. 30. In a concerted attack with divisions on either flank,
Checkerboarders moved out through hip-deep snow for the Monschau Forest. Their mission: to
recover the ground they had so bitterly contested the month previous.
So fast were Germans pulling out of some sectors that a Co. M, 394th, machine
gun squad under Sgt. Richard Daugherty, Curwensville, Pa., advanced 8000
yards through waist-deep snow and took its objective without ever spotting the
enemy. Daugherty's squad carried a gun, tripod and tool kit weighing a total
of 160 pounds but didn't fire a shot.
It wasn't all that easy. The 393rd, moving along a draw towards Krinkelt and then
swinging north into the woods, was caught and pinned down by rear guard action of retreating
Germans. Only through sheer guts, advancing through murderous small arms fire, did the
regiment reach the edge of the woods and clean out the Nazis.
In early February, 1945, the division wheeled across the country through the
bitterly-remembered towns of Wirtzfeld, Rocherath, Bullingen, Krinkelt. CPs were set up
again. Then, Checkerboarders ripped anew into the Siegfried Line, past Losheim and
Hollerath and through the first belt of pillboxes to points in advance of their past
drives. Battle Babies probed inner defenses when, after three months of continuous
action, the 99th was relieved by the 69th Inf. Div., Feb. 13, 1945.
By the last week in February, all three regiments had arrived at Aubel, which the
division previously used as its assembly point before going into combat in November. It
was a country of long, soft ridges, sloping pastures and wide valleys. The sun was
shining and the grass in the apple orchards already green when the soldiers moved in to rest.
During the 10 days the 99th stayed in the area, it engaged in mild doses of training, principally
for the benefit of the reinforcements, and in rehabilitation of equipment. Showers,
haircuts, movies and food—pies baked by Belgian farm wives, and eggs "liberated" from
farmhouse coops—featured the stay. Meanwhile, the 799th Ord. Bn. had the opportunity
to give division vehicles and weapons their first thorough checkup. The pass percentage
was increased and men went to the U.K., Paris, Brussels, and the VII Corps "Jayhawk" Rest
Camp at Verviers.
"Battle Babies" (so dubbed by U.P. War Correspondent John McDermott) knew that big
things were ahead and when the order came, Feb. 27, to move out, they were
rested, ready.
Checkerboarders Span the Rhine
There still was little indication of a walkaway when the jump across the Roer River was
made. The spearheading 3rd Armd. Div. threw a bridge across the Erft Canal near
Bergheim, whose ancient gates stand astride the road to Cologne. Then the 391th took
over the job of enlarging the bridgehead. When it had finished clearing the town and
de-Krauting the woods, up went the sign: "You are now entering Bergheim, courtesy of
the 395th Infantry Regiment.
Meanwhile, the 393rd and 394th bridged the Erft further downstream, all set to battle their
way to the Rhine where it curves northwest from Cologne to Dusseldorf. Goebbels' "last man" also
was on the run for the Rhine, and he had a pretty good headstart.
The 393rd, on the division left flank, swung. in a 20-mile arc toward Dusseldorf, spearheaded
by Task Force Lueders,a specially designed armored unit commanded by Capt. Roy C. Lueders,
Cincinnati, 99th Recon Troop, which included elements of the 786th Tank Bn. and
the 629th TD Bn.
As the task force whipped northeast toward the Rhine, Sgt. Cliff "The Chief" Etsitty,
Mexican Springs, N.M., herded a column of PWs as he rode on the back of a tank. The
sergeant, a veteran of Attu and a member of 2nd Bn., 394th, was without a weapon. He
had lost his rifle when an artillery shell landed near the tank and blasted off the
other doughs riding on the armor. Because the tank was buttoned up, Etsitty
couldn't inform tankers he was unarmed.
Almost before doughs could catch their breath, they had staked out a claim on the
Rhine's west bank at Grimlinghausen. Capt. Felix Salmaggi's Co. K, 393rd, filled
a bottle with Rhine water and sent it to Gen. Lauer as a memento of his return
after 20 years to this world-famed and war-famed river.
It wasn't easy pickings. The 394th, in the center, was slowed up in the woods below
Gohr while the 395th put up a stiff scrap before taking Delrath. Artillery
changed the Germans' mind about defending the town and the regiments rolled
through the ruins.
It was on the Rhine that the big guns of Lt. Col. John R. Brindley's 370th FA Bn., with
1st Lt. Percy J. Pace directing fire, caught two German ferries and a houseboat, sinking
the craft for the division's biggest "naval" victory.
Checkerboarders were the first infantry division in First Army to reach the Rhine. They
moved so fast that when a phone rang at a coal briquet factory at Neurath with the
home office at Dusseldorf calling to find out where the Americans were, a lineman from
the 99th Div. Sig. Co. offered first hand information. Beer still was on tap where
division headquarters set up its mess at a gasthaus. The Battle Babies
approached so fast that Germans had time to plant only a dozen mines between the Erft Canal
and the Rhine.
The night was wet, miserable as doughs climbed on trucks and headed southeast. As they
reached the hills above Remagen, they could sense history was being made
nearby, that an ordeal was ahead.
First Sgt. Vernon A. Selters, South Sun Francisco, Co. L, 393rd, said: "The
closer we got to the bridge the more scared I got. I wanted to run across but
couldn't. The captain ahead of me had to walk, and I had to walk, and every man
behind me had to walk. I'd heard of foxhole religion. Well, I believe that day
I had bridgehead religion."
It was Saturday, March 10, the fourth day of the
bridgehead drive, when the 394th led off across the
river to relieve the
9th Inf. Div. just south of Linz.
Division CP was set up the next day at the Gebrueder
Blumenthal winery at Linz. Meanwhile, the 393rd
took up the left flank of the division zone and hurled
back two counter-attacks within a half hour. The
395th was held in Corps reserve.
Besides caring for the division's casualties at Linz, the 324th Med. Bn. furnished
medical supplies and equipment for several hospitals filled with German
soldiers and civilians.
As tired Battle Babies plunged on into the hills, they could well recall the
perilous hours of forcing a foothold on the east bank of the majestic Rhine, as
no invader had done since Napoleon's white-gaitered grenadiers. It had been a
harrowing, frightening experience.
The Wied was no bed of water lilies, either. By midnight, March 22, the three
regiments were abreast and after Brig. Gen. Frederick H. Black's artillery
unleashed a 30-minute barrage, doughs slid down cliffs and waded the hip-deep
river. Taking a brief but heavy shelling as they sloshed up the east bank
toward their first objectives, the regiments gained momentum. By dawn, these
same Battle Babies reached the Cologne-Frankfurt superhighway. With this
last ribbon cut, the prize package of the inner Reich was ripped wide open.
Battle Babies Now Combat Veterans
It was the Rhine crossing that broke the German back; in this important action the 99th
took effective part. On March 24, 1945—99 days older and wiser—the Battle Babies were
seasoned fighting men who saw before them the demoralized, shriveled forces of their
enemy running away.
Disappointed because it wasn't included in the drive to Berlin, the division suddenly
faced west and was assigned the important job of helping to liquidate the Ruhr pocket.
Spearheaded by the 7th Armd. Div., the regiments roared across the province of
Hesse-Nassau, through Wetzlar and Giessen.
Between 25,000 and 150,000 Germans were cut off in the Ruhr pocket. No one bothered
to count the number of steep-wooded hills and valleys the Checkerboarders would have
to travel to sew them up. Soldiers prayed with Lt. Col. Henry B. Koon, Columbia, S.C.,
Division Chaplain, at services in Krofdorf.
The 99th's sector in the Ruhr drive followed the twisting Eder River towards its source in
the Rothaargebirge (Red Hair Mountains), and wound down the north slope along the
Lenne River to the Ruhr. When time permitted, using grenades instead of Royal
Coachmen, fish lovers caught trout for breakfast.
It was steady day and night fighting through the mountains; rugged terrain added to the
tough going. Because Germans chose to do most of their fighting in towns and on every
hillside, doughs had to head straight up fir-clad hills and across crooked ridges. Air and
artillery put the "convincer" on such villages as Oberhundem, Altendorf and Bracht
before infantry went in to mop up.
The division now set its sights northwest on Iserlohn, largest Ruhr city in the 99th's path.
When 7th Armd. right-hooked the middle of Field Marshal Model's Army Group B, the
Battle Babies moved on as fast as they could march.
By April 13, PW counts doubled; the Nazi cave-in was under way. More than 1200 PWs
were taken that day followed by a 2315 count on Saturday, 9043 more Sunday and a
staggering total of 23,884 on Monday. Overwhelming loads of Krauts, many driving their
own vehicles, including horse drawn carts, converged on the PW field at Sundwig,
outside Iserlohn.
In four days, the division had corraled and processed 36,453 Germans. Monday's catch
included three lieutenant generals, eight major generals and a land-locked rear admiral.
The famed 130th Panzer Lehr Div., credited with the finest soldiers, equipment and
highest morale of any unit in the pocket, surrendered intact to the 393rd. The roundup
also included the 22nd AA Div. Luftwaffe), the 338th Volksgrenadier Div. and the 3rd
Panzer Grenadier Div., an old enemy from the breakthrough days.
Iserlohn gave up at noon, April 16, when a battery of 128mm "Jagdtiger" self-propelled
guns surrendered to Lt. Col. Robert L. Kriz, 2nd Bn. CO, 394th. Unlike other last-ditch
artillery units, the "Jagdtigers" still had plenty of ammunition left.
At Hemer, the 99th and 7th Armd. set free more than 20,000 Soviet and Polish PWs, who
had gone without food for a week. In a building sheltering the sickest Red troops, Lt. Col.
K.T. Miller, Detroit, Division Surgeon, found them three to a bed while two German
soldiers shared a room. Col. Miller immediately corrected the situation much to the
dismay of the Nazis.
The 99th entered the line again April 21 near Schwabach, with the Austrian border and
Salzburg as its objectives. With the 86th Inf. Div. on its right and the 14th Armd. Div. on
its left, the 99th was the veteran division in III Corps.
Now came the fast drive across such barriers the Altmuhl River, where the 99th forced a
crossing against stiff resistance. Third Bn., 395th, waded the neck-deep river while 2nd
Bn., 394th, held the enemy's attention on the opposite bank. Doughs forced another
breakthrough and a fast drive across the Ludwig Canal down to the Danube.
As the division neared the Danube, the end of World War II in Europe was near. Far to
the north, Red troops had joined hands with the Americans; Berlin was being pounded.
To the south lay Munich, and Alpine Berchtesgaden, the heart and home of National
Socialism. Time means nothing to the infantry, but men of the 99th were certain time was
running out fast for the "Supermen."
Fight and drive... Day and night... No rest for the Germans... No rest for the 99th... Keep
going fast... The Nazis were off-balance... Keep them that way... That was the spirit!...
Down to the Danube... across the Danube... Landshut was captured... but not without a
fight... Moosburg, another big PW camp, cleared... On to the Isar River... Keep
hammering... across the Isar... Clean up the area and on to the Inn and the Austrian
Then it came. "Halt in place!"
In years to come, men who wear the Checkerboard patch will recall May 8, 1945, the
day Nazi Germany surrendered unconditionally, as the climax to the titanic European
struggle of World War II. Proudly they can recall their individual efforts. The Battle
Babies were in on the kill.
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