TM-E 30-451 Handbook on German Military Forces | | ||
[DISCLAIMER: The following text is taken from the U.S. War Department Technical
Manual, TM-E 30-451: Handbook on German Military Forces published in
March 1945. — Figures and illustrations are not reproduced, see
source details. — As with
all wartime intelligence information, data may be incomplete or inaccurate. No
attempt has been made to update or correct the text. — Any views or opinions
expressed do not necessarily represent those of the website.]
CHAPTER I. THE GERMAN MILITARY SYSTEM Section V. FUNCTIONS OF THE CORPS AREA 8. Other Installations a. REMOUNTS. Army remount purchasing commissions (Heeres-Remontierungskommissionen) procure young horses for the Army. These commissions are outside the corps area structure and directly subordinate to the Army High Command. The young horses purchased for the Army are stabled and maintained by Army remount depots (Heeres-Remonteämter) until they have reached the age for training in corps area riding and driving schools or delivery to troop units. The remount depots are independent of the remount purchasing commissions. They are subordinate to the corps area commander, but in certain respects they are under direct control of the Inspector of Riding and Driving at the Army High Command (Inspekteur des Reit- und Fahrwesens) so as to assure uniformity throughout all corps areas.
b. FORESTRY. The Army Forest and Fisheries Control
Offices (Heeres-Forstaufsichtsämter) supervise the administration and
utilization of forests and fisheries connected with properties belonging to
the Army, such as maneuver areas. In Germany proper there are two of these
control offices, at Berlin and Wiesbaden, controlling the local offices
in the Corps Areas These local offices are called Army Forest Offices (Heeres-Forstämter); they in turn supervise forestry offices (Heeres-Oberförstereien and Heeres-Revierförstereien). The Army forest and fisheries control offices act in conjunction with the respective corps area headquarters on matters concerning the troops and with the corps area administrations in fiscal and bookkeeping questions. c. MILITARY PRISONS. Military prisons are inter-service institutions. They are not organized on a territorial basis but generally have several corps areas allotted to them. There are various kinds of military prisons, each kind receiving prisoners of a different category. These prisoners originate from the Replacement Army as well as from the Field Army. Wehrmacht-Gefängnisse, which are responsible directly to the Armed Forces High Command, receive soldiers who are condemned to terms for more than 3 months. They are also used for prisoners of war who are sentenced to terms of imprisonment. Wehrmacht-Untersuchungsgefängnisse accept prisoners with sentences of up to 3 months. Wehrmacht-Haftanstalten are subordinate to garrison headquarters and take prisoners with sentences of up to 6 weeks. There is one Wehrmacht-Festungshaftanstalt, which takes soldiers whose sentences specify that they are to be confined to a fortress, i.e., that their offense is not a dishonorable one. d. ARMED FORCES SIGNAL HEADQUARTERS (Wehrmacht-Nachrichtenkommandanturen) are designated by the towns in which they are located. They are regional liaison offices between the Armed Forces and the German Postal Service (Deutsche Reichspost). In addition to their liaison functions they collect data on installations for long-distance communications which are of military importance.
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