TM-E 30-451 Handbook on German Military Forces | | ||
[DISCLAIMER: The following text is taken from the U.S. War Department Technical
Manual, TM-E 30-451: Handbook on German Military Forces published in
March 1945. — Figures and illustrations are not reproduced, see
source details. — As with
all wartime intelligence information, data may be incomplete or inaccurate. No
attempt has been made to update or correct the text. — Any views or opinions
expressed do not necessarily represent those of the website.]
CHAPTER II. ORGANIZATION OF THE FIELD FORCES Section VI. COMBAT TROOPS (FECHTENDE TRUPPEN) 16. General Headquarters Signal Units These are allotted to all echelons of the German Armed Forces, from the Armed Forces High Command itself down to corps and divisions. The Armed Forces Signal Regiment (Führungsnachrichtenregiment) is under direct control of the Armed Forces High Command. Its primary mission is to maintain signal communications between Hitler's headquarters (Führerhauptquartier), army groups, and army headquarters, as well as among the three branches of the armed forces. The Armed Forces Signal Command (Wehrmachtnachrichtenkommandantur) is an inter-service signal headquarters which supervises operations of permanent signal installations. The Army Group or Army Signal Regiment (Heeres- or Armeenachrichtenregiment) is found with either an army group or an army. The Field Signal Command (Feldnachrichtenkommandantur) is found in each army. It is a static signal headquarters responsible for the permanent signal installations in the army area. The Corps Signal Battalion (Korpsnachrichtenabteilung) is found with each corps. The Railway Signal Regiment (Eisenbahnnachrichtenregiment) controls a varying number of railway signal battalions. The Women's Auxiliary Signal Battalion (Nachrichtenhelferinnenabteilung) is engaged in signal work, such as radio, telephone, and telegraph operation. Independent specialist companies are engaged in various types of signal work. Their function usually is shown by their title. For a complete list of identified signal units see "Order of Battle of the German Army", March, 1945 edition.
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