A Pacific report tells of a Jap Army outfit which will not be popular with
the S.P.C.A.—a so-called Trained Dog Battalion, composed
of four companies of 250 dogs each. There is a trainer to every four dogs. The
brains behind this outfit envision trained dogs, with mines strapped to their
backs, sent after advancing allied tanks. The mines are supposed to explode upon
contact with the tanks.
Dogs are trained by tying meat under a tractor, and teaching the dogs
to crawl under the vehicle for their chow. It takes 40 days to teach
them to crawl under a slow-moving vehicle. Once Rover has been schooled
properly, he is equipped with a saddle-bag pack loaded with explosive and firing
device. A 20-inch wooden rod is rigged to the firing device, and sticks up above
the dog's back. When the rod contacts the tank body, the fuze is fired.