Three ordnance intelligence illustrations of the German 2 cm FlaK 30 (Fliegerabwehrkanone 30) antiaircraft gun show the major components of the gun and mounting:
2 cm FlaK 30 on Trailer Ready for Transport
2 cm FlaK 30 Mounting

1. Sub Mounting, 2. Carriage Body, 3. Cradle, 4. Elevation Hand Wheel, 5. Traversing Hand Wheel, 6. Slipper, 8. Firing Pedal (Single), 10. Layer’s Seat, 11. Flakvisier, 12. Elevation Arm, 15. Travelling Clamp |
2 cm FlaK 30 Mounting

1. Sub Mounting, 2. Carriage Body, 3. Cradle, 4. Elevation Hand Wheel, 5. Traversing Hand Wheel, 6. Slipper, 7. Compensator, 9. Firing Pedal (Automatic), 10. Layer’s Seat, 11. Flakvisier, 12. Elevation Arm, 13. Sight Bracket Arm, 14. Transmission (Carriage to Sight), 15. Travelling Clamp, 16. Compensator Lock |
These drawings will come in handy. Thanks a lot.
Enjoyed reading the report – most informative thanks
Your blog post was precisely what I have been attempting to find online. This is very helpful.
Interesting post