Diagram of M4A2 Sherman tank ammunition storage from TM 9-731B: Medium Tank M4A2, War Department Technical Manual, Washington, January 13, 1943.
Figure 8A–Ammunition Stowage
50% HE
40% AP
10% WP (smoke)15 rounds–Left sponson forward of water can rack.
17 rounds–Right sponson next to assistant driver.
15 rounds–Right sponson forward of engine compartment bulkhead.
30 rounds–On floor under turret basket to rear of escape door.
8 rounds–On turret “ready” rack floor.
12 rounds–In ready clips around turret basket step.300 rounds caliber .50
80% AP
20% tracer150 rounds–In three 50-round boxes right sponson next to assistant driver.
150 rounds–In three 50-round boxes strapped to turret floor.6750 rounds caliber .30
80% AP
20% tracer4500 rounds–In eighteen 250-round expendable boxes under turret basket to rear of driver.
1750 rounds–In seven 250-round expendable boxes, on turret floor under 75 mm gun.
230 rounds–One 250-round expendable box on “ready” rack of bow gun.
250 rounds–In one 250-round expendable box on “ready” rack of turret machine gun.660 rounds caliber .45 660 rounds–In twenty-two 30-round clips in submachine gun bracket above turret radio. 12 grenades, hand
4 fragmentation M2.
2 thermite, incendiary. 4 smoke.
2 offensive M3 w/fuze, detonation, hand grenade, M6.4 fragmentation, 2 offensive and 2 smoke in box under 75 mm gunner’s seat.
2 smoke and 2 thermite in box, left side turret wall.