1/35th Normandy Bunker Vignette 1944 (No. 2617)

Resin vignette; French Somua tank turret pillbox; Cobblestone street section; GI with Thompson; Two wounded German prisoners with weapons and equipment. List price: $39.95.
1/35th Afrika Korps Officer Figures (No. 2615)

Two figure set; German Afrika Korps officers in tropical uniforms; Standing officer with steel helmet and MP-40; Other officer with officer’s cap and goggles. List price: $16.95.
1/35th U.S. Airborne WWII Figures (No. 2620)

Two figures; Standing U.S. WWII paratroopers; 1943 pattern jump suit with gear; Thompson and BAR. List price: $16.95.