Third Army Charts – August 1944

Charts of the accomplishments of the U.S. Third Army in the Normandy breakout during August 1944. The U.S. Third Army was activated in Normandy at noon on August 1st under the command of Lieutenant General George S. Patton. The Third Army immediately took part in the breakout through Avranches and into Brittany after Operation Cobra.

Comparitive casualty chart, Third U.S. Army vs. the enemy:
Third Army August 1944 Normandy Casualty

Comparitive chart, losses of materiel. (Presumably the Mark VI column is mislabeled and includes both Panzer V “Panther” and Panzer VI “Tiger” tanks.):
3rd Army Tank and Equipment Losses

Territory liberated by Allied forces in Northern France through August 31 (The legend reads, from top to bottom, First U.S. Army 6 June – 1 August, 21 Army Group BR 6 June – 1 August, 21 Army Group BR 1 – 31 August, First U.S. Army 1 – 31 August, and Third U.S. Army 1 – 31 August.):
3rd Army Normandy Liberated

Source: After Action Report, Third U.S. Army, 1 August 1944 – 9 May 1945

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6 Responses to Third Army Charts – August 1944

  1. WW2 G.I. says:

    The 3rd Army had a great run through France in the breakout, but to be fair to the 1st Army, the 1st and Operation Cobra cleared the way for the 3rd and Patton.

  2. bobwhite says:

    Which army closed the Falaise gap?

  3. mbt says:

    Well this is very interesting indeed. Would love to read a little more of this. Great post. Thanks for the heads-up

  4. topcat says:

    I call unfair to the 21st Army and 1st Army – those 2 did all the hard work in Normandy. But then Patton was never a general for false modesty.

  5. SDT says:

    Great resource. Thank you!

  6. Bronko Milibrand says:

    Its a character problem to present such statistics as if the German Wehrmacht was inferior to the allied ground forces.
    Against 2nd class Wehrmacht units, the war of the Western Front was won by airpower.

    Quit kidding us!

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