WAVES train to operate the Link Celestial Navigation Trainer at NAS Seattle from Naval Aviation News, August 1, 1944.
WAVES Study For Jobs On Link Program
The first all-WAVE class to attend Naval Training School (Link Celestial Navigation Trainer) at NAS Seattle was launched recently with 35 WAVE Link trainer operators chosen from all sections of the country attending.
Although these WAVES are pioneers in the course given by Naval Air Technical Training Command, first experiment to determine adaptability of women to the job was done with three WAVE Link operators from NAS Seattle. No more men will be given the course at the two Link Celestial schools at Seattle and NAS Quonset Point.
WAVES graduating from the schools will serve as assistants to assigned officer instructors at various Link Celestial installations throughout the country.
The course is of 10-weeks duration and includes flight theory, instruments, aerodynamic principles, electricity, radio, general mechanics, radio voice communication, celestial navigation theory, dead reckoning navigation, radio navigation and Link trainer operation.