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![]() Photos, Articles, & Research on the European Theater in World War II
A.R. Bolling
Major General, Commanding
"It is with the greatest pleasure that I greet you across
the Ourthe," the note read. "May we meet again, and
soon, across the Wilhelmstrasse."
The message was signed by Lt. Col. Lloyd H. Gomes,
CO of the 334th Regiment, 84th Infantry division.
This was the meeting of the First and Third U.S. Armies
which closed the gap of the dangerous German salient in
the frosty Ardennes of Belgium.
One month earlier, Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt
had launched his mighty counter-offensive designed to
split the Allied armies in the north. For the Allied nations,
end of a particularly anxious phase of the war.
For doughs of the 84th, it climaxes two months of savage
fighting which saw them strike powerful blows in three
critical sectors of the Western Front.
Led by Maj. Gen. (then Brig. Gen. A.R. Bolling, they
had made a record crossing of the English Channel to rush
into furious battle in the Geilenkirchen sector of the
Siegfried Line.
Operating with the Second British and Ninth U.S. Armies,
Railsplitters of the 84th took Geilenkirchen, then second
largest German town to fall to the Allies, and proceeded
to knock out 112 pillboxes and bunkers in Hitler's West
Trouble-shooters in Germany, they were chosen for the
important job of cracking what had been a stalemate.
Hard-fighting men from all the states did their job well -- a
fact which Germans tacitly admitted when they dubbed
84th doughs "Hatchet Men" for the way the division
hacked through the Siegfried Line.
Then Germans drove into the Ardennes through a
lightly-held line in the First Army sector, pushed towards
the historic Meuse River. Called on again as
trouble-shooters, Railsplitters were pulled from the Siegfried Line
and sent to the Ardennes.
Although they faced numerically superior forces, men
Of the 84th, their flanks unprotected, made a rock-like
stand south of the important road center of Marche.
Facing the main German threat, these offensive-minded
doughs lashed back with a vengeance, virtually destroying
one of the Wehrmacht's panzer divisions.
The German drive halted, the 84th was shifted to the
northern side of the Bulge von Rundstedt had created.
Less than two weeks later, it helped smash the Germans
back across the Ourthe River.
Railsplitters now had driven to a meeting with Third
Army. The infantryman who walked out from the farmhouse
on the Ourthe was Lt. Byron Blankenship, Texarkana,
Ark., leader of a 32-man patrol from the 334th. The men
waiting for him were members of Third Army's
11th Armd. Div.
In the distance, they could hear scattered shots as
the defeated Wehrmacht retreated to the German frontier.
With bullets and bayonets, the 84th stood squarely
behind Col. Gomes in his expressed wish for an early
meeting across the Wilhelmstrasse.
The new 84th was activated Oct. 15, 1942, at Camp
Howze, Tex., about 60 miles north of Dallas. Then, as
now, it was composed of the 333rd, 334th and 335th Inf.
Regts.; 325th, 326th, 327th and 909th FA Bns.; 309th
Engr. Combat Bn.; 309th Med, Bn.; 84th Sig. Co.;
784th Ord. Light Maintenance Co.; 84th QM Co.; 84th
Recon Troop.
Basic training for the division's 16,000 men began
Jan. 4, 1943. It was cold on the wind-swept plains of north
Texas, sharp foretaste of what was to come two years later
in the Ardennes.
From Camp Howze, the 84th went to the Louisiana
Maneuver Area for eight weeks of large scale war games
beginning Sept. 19, 1943. So-called "free maneuvers,"
combining the operations of infantry, artillery, tank
destroyers and other branches, climaxed the training.
Brig. Gen. Nelson M. Walker, then Asst. Division
Commander, hailed Railsplitters as the "first team" on
maneuvers, predicted they would see combat in 1944.
During maneuvers, Gen. Bolling joined the division as
assistant commander, succeeding Gen. Walker, who went
with another division and was killed in action.
The 84th moved to Camp Claiborne, La., following
maneuvers. This was the one-time home of the 164th
Inf. Regt., which fought at Guadalcanal, the 34th Inf. Div.
and the 82nd Airborne, veterans of fighting in Europe.
In February 1944, regiments went out into swamps and
hills around the camp for unit training to test the
effectiveness of individual platoon leaders. Unit leaders were
strictly on their own. Virtually all movements were made
at night, camouflage was emphasized, at all times. To
accustom men to battle conditions, units were limited to
one jeep each. Map reading, patroling and security
measures were stressed.
April saw the entire division in the field for the first
time since maneuvers, signaling the start of a series of
problems which featured development of attack against
outpost lines and conducting active patroling and air
reconnaissance. To avoid losses in future amphibious
operations, hundreds of Railsplitters learned to swim at
Valentine Lake. Doughs received training in air transport
operations, including the use of parachutes and securing
of equipment in planes.
Several important administrative changes were made.
In April, the division's first chief of staff, Col. Charles
Barrett, was made CO of Div. Arty. Col. (then Lt.
Col.) Louis W. Truman joined the Railsplitters in May to
succeed Col. Barrett. Gen. Bolling took over division
With all phases of their training complete, Railsplitters
left Camp Claiborne in September for their staging
area, Camp Kilmer, N.J. By Oct. 1, they were in
Crowded conditions at Cherbourg altered the original
plan of landing at the Normandy port. Troopships
docked instead in England. One of the 84th's transports
was the first troopship to enter the English Channel
and land at Southampton in World War II.
Their headquarters at Winchester, Railsplitters remained
in England for a month. Mines and military police schools
were conducted, The division supplied personnel necessary
for ten provisional Quartermaster truck companies formed
to assist in the operation of the famed Red Ball Express,
shuttling supplies to fighting fronts.
The bulk of the division, preparing for action, waited
word that would start it to the combat zone. Orders
came in late October. First units landed, at Omaha Beach
Nov. 1 with the remainder arriving the next three days.
Crossings were made in LSTs, LCTs and Liberty ships.
Wasting little time, doughs sped through France and
Belgium into Holland. Rarely had a division been moved
from the States to the flaming Western Front with such
speed as the 84th's. Within a week after the division CP
was set up, Railsplitters were attacking one of the strongest
sectors of the Siegfried Line.
For some time, Allies and Germans had been swapping
punches along the northern sector of the Siegfried Line
with neither side able to land a solid blow. Jutting out
into Allied lines the enemy salient at Geilenkirchen,
a mining and transportation center with a population of
Germans were just as determined to hold the city as the
Allies were to take it, and they prepared for a fight to the
death. Pillboxes, fire trenches, mine fields, tank ditches,
dragon's teeth and concrete shelters studded the area
around this anchor of the Siegfried Line.
Joes of the 84th, untried in combat but anxious to see
how they stacked up against the vaunted Wehrmacht, were
given the job of breaking the stalemate. For men whose
combat experience had been limited to mock skirmishes in
Louisiana swamps, it was a large order.
Loaned to the Second British Army for the operation,
the 84th hit the Siegfried with two of its regiments, the
333rd and 334th, and attached Sherwood Yeoman Rangers.
Its 335th was working, with the 30th Inf. Div.
When their tank support bogged down in mud, 334th
doughs, guns blazing under a pale November sun, poured
through two gaps in an enemy mine field near Breil, knocked
out pillboxes to their right, cut the road between Geilenkirchen
and Immendorf, then charged into Prummern.
These were men who had seen New York and London
sights just a few short weeks before. A dazed German
officer said: "We knew we were facing new troops and
expected it to be easy, but these men fight better than any
troops I saw in Africa, Russia and France."
By evening, the 334th had moved through Prummern
and occupied high ground before Geilenkirchen. Germans
scratched 450 more names from their company rosters.
Three hundred and thirty German fighting men huddled
behind barbed wire in the 334th PW cage.
Fighting raged through the night in heavy-defended
Prummern. From this knock-down, drag-out fight emerged
the 84th's first heroes of World War II.
Lt. Carl C. Palm, Brooklyn policeman, cut off from the
rest of his anti-tank platoon, climbed into a loft and spent
the night firing into a German CP across the street.
T/Sgt. Ellsworth Dover, Miami, Okla., and his platoon
laid a mine field from the front porch of the enemy CP to
another house across the street. During the night a Tiger
tank plunged into the mines and was wrecked.
Typifying the spirit of the 84th, this was just the beginning.
Nov. 19, another 84th combat team, the 333rd Inf., launched
an attack on Geilenkirchen. Germans, as expected, laid
down a gauntlet of fire from pillboxes, machine guns,
mortars and 88s, but Co. B smashed ahead to fight its
way into the center of town within two hours. Hardly
pausing, troops swept on toward Suggerath.
Co. A met stiff opposition, engaged in bitter house-to-house
fighting. Germans hurled 88s point blank. Snipers
lurked in cellars, church steeples, on roofs. That night
1st Bn. took Suggerath and dug in on high ground to the
north, while 2nd Bn. cleared Geilenkirchen.
In a few hours, Railsplitters had broken the Geilenkirchen
salient and, in crushing the resistance, had taken the second
largest German town to fall to the Allies up to that time.
Wes Gallagher, veteran Associated Press war correspondent,
wrote of the operation: "It was revealed today
that the 'Railsplitting' 84th Division was the American
unit which teamed with the British to capture the German
stronghold of Geilenkirchen in a "perfect operation."
While infantry did the heavy work, four division engineers
claimed credit for being the first Railsplitters in Geilenkirchen.
They had followed the infantry advance, had
stopped to clear the road of mines. Resuming the march,
these engineers took the wrong road and found themselves
in the middle of the blazing town. To make certain no
one contested their claim, they brought back 47 prisoners
as proof.
In the next few days, Railsplitters pushed on from
Prummern and Suggerath to consolidate newly-won positions.
Resistance came chiefly from topflight Panzer
Grenadier and SS troops. Gen. Bolling said: "The crack
P4nzer Grenadier and SS troops looked no different than
those that were met in the initial stages of the campaign."
Back to the division came its still-fresh 335th Inf.,
operating during the early phases of the 84th drive with
the 30th Inf. Div., and the 2nd Armd. Div.
Before dawn Nov. 29, the 335th attacked Lindern, part
of the Siegfried's formidable Wurm-Beeck-Leiffarth-Lindern
triangle. Enemy infantry resistance, backed by
pillboxes and tanks, was fanatic.
Lt. Creswell Garlington, Jr., Rollo, Mo., his platoon
held up by machine gun fire, crawled 300 yards to knock
out two guns with hand grenades. Lt. (then Pfc) Michael
Citrak, Endicott, N.Y., silenced two others.
Sgt. (then Pvt.) Robert L. Nordli, Milford, Ia., saw six
Germans running from a pillbox. One shell from his
bazooka dropped them.
Two Co. K platoons, with Lt. Garlington's unit, Co. I.,
fought into Lindern at daybreak. They held the town
against fire from all sides until help arrived.
Beeck was easier. Railsplitter artillery poured such a
heavy barrage into the village that harassed Germans
withdrew that afternoon. Two 333rd Inf. companies and
two troops of the 113th Cav. Group, attached to the division,
entered the town that night.
Elements of the 333rd and 334th ripped through the
staggering Germans, taking high ground west of Lindern
and north of Beeck. Furious fighting raged for Lindern
during the night. Four or five Germans slipped back into
the town and wounded a battalion commander, but sharp-eyed
Railsplitter riflemen cut them down. By nightfall,
Jan. 30, there was no question of who controlled Lindern
and Beeck. The division was there in force and had no
intention of leaving.
Germans had little time to catch their breath. December
was only two days old when doughs went after Leiffarth
which fell before a perfect infantry-artillery operation.
The 909th FA rocked Leiffarth with a vicious barrage
at 1200. Simultaneously, a smoke screen blocked the
enemy's view of the town and high ground to the south.
Five minutes later, when the artillery concentration shifted
to Wurm, Mullendorf, Flahstrass and Hornsdorf, Cos. A
and B, 334th, jumped off. Never more than 50 yards
behind the artillery -- "so close they looked as if they were
walking midst the bursting shells" -- 84th Joes moved
into Leiffarth, dug in north of the town. The operation
required only half an hour.
Germans struck back the next morning with tanks and
infantry. Div. Arty. and bazookas quickly blotted out the
attack, Railsplitters broke up a second counter-thrust
before it could get started.
In preparation for future operations, the 84th spent the
next few days in special training for assault on pillboxes.
Suddenly, Krauts counter-attacked in the Leiffarth area,
their most ambitious assault against the 84th up to that
Two Wehrmacht battalions smacked Railsplitter lines,
one against the 335th's 2nd Bn., the other against the
334th's 1st Bn. Within four hours, doughs had blunted
the thrust. One group of 200 enemy was boxed up.
There were two choices -- retreat through mine fields or
surrender. A German battalion commander was killed,
his successor captured. This thrust cost the enemy 80 dead,
200 wounded, 73 prisoners.
Railsplitters had unfinished business -- taking Wurm and
Mullendorf. First Bn., 334th, cleaned up Wurth in less than
two hours Dec. 18. German prisoners complained of the paralyzing
artillery barrage preceding the infantry attack. While 1st Bn.
was taking Wurm, Maj. (then Capt.) James V. Johnston,
Portland, Ore., led 2nd Bn. against Mullendorf. Within 15
minutes, the major, a six-shooter swinging from his hip,
strolled from Nazi headquarters, smoking a cigar and
carrying a Nazi party flag.
So ended the original mission of the 84th which had
begun with the capture of Prummern a month before.
Railsplitters, taking stock, counted 1549 prisoners, 112
pillboxes knocked out.
Same day, the 84th was ordered to prepare for a move
in the general direction of the German threat. Railsplitters
resumed their trouble-shooting role. Preceded by Gen.
Bolling and a small staff, the crack 334th Inf. led the division
into Belgium, arriving at Marche early Dec. 21. Remaining
division elements roared into town later that day. Although
the weather was bad, the entire movement was made
without the loss of a vehicle.
Railsplitters immediately were faced with problems they
had never known in Germany. Information about the
enemy was lacking. Reports circulated that German forces
in American uniforms and vehicles had spearheaded the
drive, that disguised German paratroopers had dropped
in rear areas, that Germans were seizing American supply
The division did know that Germans had overrun an
entire American division and had pushed others back as
much as 40 miles. The Luftwaffe was out in greater
strength than at any time since D-Day.
As in Germany, the Railsplitter unit which met the
enemy onslaught was the 334th Inf. At Hotton, Co.
F fought off an attack of seven Mark V tanks, a half-track
and 20 infantrymen. Four tanks were destroyed. Co. E
repulsed a sharp assault at Hampteau.
In the overall picture, these were mere skirmishes.
Establishment of a line was the big job and doughs were
ordered to hold rampaging Germans south of the
Hotton-Marche road at all cost.
This was no simple job of digging foxholes and waiting.
Railsplitters lacked flank support; they were an island of
resistance to the all-engulfing tidal wave of German Panzers.
Hatchet Men calmly took positions along a 12-mile front
extending from Menil to Hampteau and on to Melreux.
Foxholes were spaced every 150 yards.
The greatest danger was a wide flanking movement that
would cut the division off from the rear rather than a
direct assault on its lines. To prevent this, Gen. Boiling
sent out two battalions as a counter recon screen.
Third Bn., 335th, was to hold Rochefort and set up road
blocks at Tellin, Grupont, Massigny and Harsin. First
Bn., 333rd, shifted to Wanlin, Beauraing and Wellin.
Companies and platoons often operated independently
during this confused situation. Co. L, 335th, was cut off
between Marloie and Rochefort. Co. K, led by Lt.
Leonard R. Carpenter, Fall River, Mass., fought its way
out of a trap near Grupont, then joined Co. I in the defense
of Rochefort which was under attack by enemy tanks and
infantry. Fighting raged for 18 hours, with the Germans
losing six to eight tanks. Later, hard-charging Railsplitters
smashed into Marloie and relieved Co. L, which had lost
all its officers when Germans scored direct hits on the CP.
First Bn., 333rd, the other unit of the recon screen,
skirmished almost continually with the enemy. Three
times, the battalion knifed its way out of a trap.
Lt. August Hundt, Madison, Wis., showed Germans how
Railsplitters can fight even against unfavorable odds.
Ambushed while leading a convoy near Wanlin, he drove
his jeep full speed ahead, ran down a German, was fired
on at point blank range, jumped from his jeep when an
anti-tank shell hit it and then hiked back to his lines.
Germans weren't stopping the 84th. Enemy propaganda
tabbed Railsplitters as the "Terror Division." That was
sufficient praise.
It was bitter cold in the Ardennes. Hills and woods
were covered with ice and snow. ' The mercury dropped
to zero. Ground was frozen so hard it took five hours
to dig a foxhole three feet deep. GIs suffered, but fought
Surrounded by an entire German company, five members
of Co. G,. 334th, knocked out a machine gun, killed or
wounded 45 Krauts before returning to their lines.
Lone survivor of his ambushed patrol, Sgt. John E. Bell,
Jetersville, Va., killed three attackers, then returned to
his company through blinding snow.
Ordered to capture several Germans for questioning,
T/Sgt. Harold L. Howdieshell, Dayton, Ohio, crawled
forward under heavy machine gun fire. He snatched one
Nazi from a foxhole by the nape of his neck, ordered a
second out at the point of his sub-machine gun.
When flaming guns failed, Railsplitters employed other
means. Pfc M. L. Johnson, Asco, Tex., a medic, was
captured an his way to a battalion aid station. Before
night, he had talked his captor into becoming his
The 84th fought minor skirmishes for three days before
its flanks were filled in by two armored divisions. In the
process, some of the Wehrmacht's best Panzer outfits were
badly mauled.
Because of widely spaced foxholes, Krauts had infiltrated
two reconnaissance companies behind Co. I into woods
half a mile west of Verdenne, Dec. 23. Supported by Co.
A, 771st Tank Bn., doughs attacked the next afternoon.
Railsplitters smashed back as Germans deployed for an
attack against Verdenne. While tanks spewed flame, yelling
troopers closed in with machine guns and rifles.
Panic-stricken Germans attempted to withdraw. The effort came
too late. Sixty-seven prisoners were taken.
Simultaneously, another German force drove on Verdenne
in a frontal assault, pushing ahead to a chateau 200 yards
north of the village. Immediately, Germans began reinforcing
their troops, extending the salient further north.
At 0100 Christmas Day, 1944, Co. K, 334th, and Co. L,
333rd, pushed back into Verdenne to catch surprised
Germans in holiday celebration. GIs, who spent the day
cleaning out Verdenne and the shell-riddled chateau,
collected 305 prisoners. Smoking hulks of six tanks and
other German vehicles cluttered snowy fields near the
Recapture of Verdenne made a pocket of the salient to
the north. This pocket was approximately 800 yards long
and 300 yards wide in woods midway between Verdenne
and Bourdon. Huge cedar trees concealed at least two
companies of infantry and five tanks.
Twice before dawn Dec. 26, Railsplitters clashed with
Germans in the pocket. First, Cos. A and B, 333rd,
launched an attack which was repulsed by heavy tank fire.
Later, behind an artillery barrage, Germans struck back
with infantry and tanks. Div. Arty. broke up the attack.
Shortly after daylight, Krauts tried to break out and
succeeded in pushing 100 yards into the division's
over-extended lines before being repulsed. Four tanks broke
through to join the five already trapped during the battle.
The see-saw scrap continued all day. Elements of the
354th, along with Co. D, 87th Chem. Bn., smacked the
pocket in an attack backboned by Div. Arty. Four German
tanks were destroyed.
Before midnight, desperate Krauts pushed tanks and
infantry out again, but alert Railsplitters blasted away with
everything they had. Three more Nazi tanks were wrecked.
Germans withdrew to the woods to lick their wounds.
Meanwhile, another Railsplitter force handed the
Wehrmacht a resounding blow when Germans attempted
to break through at another point further north, between
Marenne and Hampteau.
Eight tanks, ten half-tracks, several motorcycles, jeeps
and 80 infantrymen struck the positions held by Co. I and
a machine gun section of Co. M, 333rd. Hitting a string
of mines planted across the road, the lead tank exploded,
careening into a ditch. Bazooka teams went to work on
the other tanks.
Pfc Clarence E. Love, Cherry Valley, Ark., and Pfc Alex
V. Tiler, Paris, Tenn., set a second tank afire, while Pfc
Carl R. Tisdale, Parteskala, Ohio, and Pfc Robert C.
Holloway, Englewood, Calif., blew tracks off a third. Sgt.
James M. Scanlan, Danville, Ky., a one-man team, scored
a hit on the fourth, then saw it strike a mine and explode.
The second wave of tanks ran through Co. I's positions.
One hit another mine. Sgt. Jesse Tenpenny, Morrisson,
Tenn., and Pvt. Stephen Theil, Beaver, Pa., bagged a sixth
with their bazooka. Two German half-tracks tried to bull
their way through, but Sgt. Scanlan sent one into a mine
field and set the other afire with his sizzling
bazooka. Hand grenades killed two motorcyclists who had
opened fire on him.
In half an hour, the flight was over. Germans fled to a nearby
hill. Artillery was called and the big guns splattered them
and their equipment all over the hillside. Seventeen wrecked
vehicles later were counted.
What was left of
the pocket at Verdenne produced still another battle.
Railsplitter artillery blunted still another attack. When
the shooting ceased, a patrol shoved forward, scooped up 15
prisoners and returned with the report that the pocket no
longer existed.
Said Maj. Gen. J. Lawton Collins, VII Corps Commander,
to Gen. Bolling: "The Army and the Corps Commanders
have commended the division for its fine work since its
arrival here. We nearly have them beaten. We must
keep holding them."
The crushing battles near Verdenne and Menil had been
enough for the Germans. As early as Dec. 27, prisoners
admitted that the 116th Panzer Div., which had been one
of the units facing Railsplitters, no longer existed as a
fighting force. Germans again were on the defensive.
A decorated veteran of World War I, Gen. Bolling showed
admiration for American doughs when he said: "I'm
forever amazed at what these GIs can do -- anything!"
Railsplitters had been fighting with little rest for 45 days
in raw weather. Harold Denny, veteran observer for the
New York Times, wrote that conditions in the Ardennes
were the worst in which American troops ever had fought.
Railsplitters turned over their positions south of Marche
to British troops Jan. 2 before rushing to the upper Ardennes
to jump off in a new attack. The 84th now was teamed
up with the 2nd Armd. Div.
Spurred by fanatical officers, Krauts resisted strongly.
They had the advantage of dug-in positions, mine fields,
road blocks. German artillery and mortar fire were heavy.
Weather was against the doughs. Although Railsplitters
primarily functioned as support for tanks they usually led
each assault. Several times doughs found it necessary to
attack unsupported by armor, which was
contrary to orders. The reason was that heavy tanks
couldn't move forward on slippery roads. Driving snow
almost blinded charging riflemen. Correspondents covering
the campaign gave the weather and German resistance
equal space.
Railsplitters plunged through deep snow to hit the
Germans just as hard as they had at Geilenkirchen and
Menil. Within three days, the enemy suffered such heavy
losses that he grudgingly began a withdrawal.
Second Bn., 333rd, overran Marcouray. Bedraggled,
cold German prisoners were stunned. "We were told
to expect armored attacks and didn't know what to do when
infantry attacked," they told interrogators.
If Germans resorted to new warfare tricks to meet
difficult situations, Railsplitters proved they weren't born
yesterday. Twice repulsed in attacks on a small village,
1st Bn., 335th, under Maj. William C. Stone, Brownwood,
Ga., pulled one for the books. The major sent a rush
order to QM for enough white woolen underwear to outfit
the whole battalion. Doughs pulled long johns over their
normal battle dress, advanced 900 yards across an open
field and got within 100 yards of the village before sighted.
Eight German tanks pulled out, followed by the infantry,
which absorbed a solid drubbing.
First Bn., 334th, took Cielle Jan. 8, while 3rd Bn., 335th,
bore down on the important town of Samree. Here,
Germans fought viciously, groups of eight to ten tanks
attacking north of the town. By nightfall next day, heavy
losses forced them to withdraw. Troops of the 335th
marched into the shattered town the next morning.
Elite SS troops were taking a terrific lacing. By now,
Railsplitters virtually had destroyed the 2nd SS Panzer
Div. Germans rushed forth the 9th SS Panzer Div., but it
fared no better. The 84th rolled onward. Patrols of the
334th found Laroche, a key communications center,
practically deserted. Cavalry units attached to the division
hardly bothered to occupy it next day when they moved
Germans, who envisioned Christmas in Paris when they
launched their December counter-offensive, now ran like
beaten dogs. Railsplitters gave them little time to reflect
on their misery.
Swift-advancing doughs grabbed Berismenil; cavalry
seized Barzee and Mabage. Next, Railsplitters gobbled up
Nadrin, Filly, Petite Mormont, Grande Mormont, Ollemont.
Maj. Roland L. Kolb, Fond du Lac, Wis., CO of 1st
Bn. 334th, took a personal hand in disrupting German
organization. Leading a five-man patrol into the woods
behind enemy positions near Nadrin, he stuck a pistol into
a tall man walking in the forest. His prisoner commanded
the battalion facing him. The Nazi was astounded by the
speedy, silent approach.
Houffalize, where the Germans were expected to make a
stand, was the next big objective in the drive against the
Bulge. But soundly whipped Nazis hardly paused in their
retreat. A 333rd patrol under Lt. Jack Geneser, Chicago
entered the town Jan. 16.
Earlier that day, a patrol under Lt. Blankenship, established
contact with Third Army south of Laroche to close
the gap. The 84th was commended by VII Corps for
being the first division to gain its objective.
Railsplitters weren't finished despite two months of
continuous battle. Cold mists concealed three key villages
-- Gouvy, Beho, and Ourthe. In its last Belgian, operation,
the division was assigned the mission of taking, holding
these points midway between Houffalize and St. Vith.
Second Bn., 335th, jumped off Jan. 22 with its sights
set on Gouvy. Withdrawing after stubborn resistance,
Germans left a road block in front of the town. This
obstacle overcome, Co. G entered the objective only four
hours after the attack was launched.
Meanwhile, elements of the 334th assaulted Beho, a
communications center. Against heavy opposition, 3rd Bn.
swept into the town next day.
The 84th's Belgium mission was a closed chapter.
IN late March, 1945, Railsplitters stood on the banks of
the historic Rhine, eagerly awaiting the signal that
would send them across the river into the heart of Germany.
Back in November, new to combat, they had attacked
the Geilenkirchen sector of the Siegfried Line, knocking
out 112 pillboxes and bunkers within a month. Then they
were rushed to the Ardennes in December to help stem
von Rundstedt's counter-offensive and drive back the
Germans. In January, they moved secretly to an assembly
area in Holland. The Allies prepared for the last round
against the foe.
Before they could meet the bulk of the German armies,
these doughs had to cross the small but treacherous Roer
River. Allied commanders planned carefully. The 84th,
resting after the Ardennes battles, was picked to play a
prominent role. Early in February, Railsplitters moved to
positions along the river under cover of darkness. Feb.
23 was D-Day; 0330 was H-Hour.
A thunderous, 45-minute artillery barrage opened the
attack. Amid bursting shells, 1st Bn., 334th, pushed off
in assault boats. First waves received little opposition as
Nazis were caught off guard.
Soon after the attack began, engineers had thrown bridges
across the river and infantry streamed to the opposite shore.
Anti-aircraft batteries drove off German planes sent over
the bridges in bombing and strafing attacks.
Once across the Roer, the division experienced particularly
heavy artillery and mortar fire. The advance roared
ahead, Korrenzig fell, then Baal, Matzerath, Hoven,
Golkrath, many others.
Battle-wise now, Railsplitters still kept their sense of
humor. When his 3rd Bn., 334th, took Baal, Lt. Col.
William J. Sutton, Fort Worth, posted an "Annexed to
Texas" sign on a tree just inside the city limits.
Under sledge-hammer blows from division forces, German
opposition weakened. Gen. Bolling sent a a motorized
column battering into German lines Feb. 27.
Commanded by Brig. Gen. John H. Church, Asst.
Division Commander, this task force was composed of the
334th Inf. motorized; 771st Tank Bn., attached to the
division; 326th FA, and smaller units.
Riding this time, 334th troopers lashed machine guns
to the sides of trucks. First Bn., aboard tanks, was the
point. Task Force Church moved out with all guns
blazing. Behind, on foot, followed the 333rd and 335th.
The task force advanced 12 miles the first day, plunging
along roads in a breakthrough reminiscent of earlier victories
in France.
Doughs waved prisoners to the rear, kept going ahead.
One complete FA battalion was captured intact. An officer
replacement pool was overrun and the entire police force
of one town taken prisoner.
Boisheim, important communications center, was attacked
by the task force that night when most of the garrison was
asleep. One officer, roused from his sleep, asked: "American,
British or Russian?" Told his captors were American,
he said, "Good," and surrendered his weapons.
Smoke still was spewing from Dulken factories when
the 333rd delivered an ultimatum that the town surrender
or be destroyed. When the terms were ignored, the division's
big guns plastered the town and the infantry walked
in to mop up.
Railsplitters were in high gear now. The 335th headed
for Krefeld, large manufacturing city. Down the road
raced a German staff car. Doughs opened fire. Out
jumped a colonel, arms raised.
After cleaning up Krefeld, the 335th took Moers and
swept on to the Rhine Co. E was the first division unit
to reach the river bank.
Meanwhile, the 334th battled through to Homberg,
fought savagely for the town, then mopped up in the dark
of night. Another 84th regiment was at the Rhine.
This was the pay-off to four months of fighting in the
mud of Germany and the snow and ice of Belgium -- bitter
fighting that tore chunks out of the German army. The
trouble-shooters had built an enviable reputation in record
Railsplitters now looked back on Geilenkirchen and
Lindern where they had crushed the enemy in their first
taste of combat. They looked back at Marche, where
they had stood alone before the might of the once-powerful
Wehrmacht and where they held fast in the face of a
potential Allied disaster.
And they looked ahead -- ahead to Victory and to Peace.
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