
l. Messtr. Kw. (Kfz. 3): Light Survey Section Car

German nomenclature: leichter Mess­trupp­kraft­wagen (Kfz. 3) mit Fahr­gestell des leichter Pkw. (o). English designation: Light survey section car with special chassis for light ar­mored car (standard commercial ve­hi­cle). SPECIFICATIONS Net weight         950 kg         2,094 lb. Pay load 400 kg 882 lb. Gross weight 1,350 kg 2,976 lb. Weight: Front axle 600 kg 1,323 […]

l. Messtr. Kw. (Kfz. 3): Light Survey Section Car - leichter MesstruppkraftwagenGerman nomenclature: leichter Mess­trupp­kraft­wagen (Kfz. 3) mit Fahr­gestell des leichter Pkw. (o).

English designation: Light survey section car with special chassis for light ar­mored car (standard commercial ve­hi­cle).


Net weight         950 kg         2,094 lb.
Pay load 400 kg 882 lb.
Gross weight 1,350 kg 2,976 lb.
Weight: Front axle 600 kg 1,323 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 750 kg 1,653 lb.
Length (overall) 3,900 mm 12 ft., 9 ins.
Width (overall) 1,500 mm 4 ft., 11 ins.
Height (overall) 1,800 mm 5 ft., 11 ins.
Ground clearance 190 mm 7 1/2 ins.
Tread centers 1,200 mm 47 ins.
Wheelbase 2,450 mm 96 ins.
Wheel width 125 mm 4 7/8 ins.
Angle of approach 70°
Angle of departure 30°
Seating capacity
Fording depth 500 mm 19 7/8 ins.
Climbing ability 16°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 50°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 40°
Turning radius 12 meters 39 ft., 4 1/2 ins.
Trailer load
Engine horsepower
Piston displacement 1,500 cu cm 90 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 40 liters 10.6 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 23.5 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption 15.7 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.5