
m. Pkw. (o): Medium Personnel Car

m. Pkw. (o): Medium Personnel CarGerman nomenclature: mittlerer Per­so­nen­kraft­wagen (o).

English designation: Medium personnel car (standard commercial vehicle).


Net weight         1,950 kg         4,298 lb.
Pay load 600 kg 1,323 lb.
Gross weight 2,550 kg 5,622 lb.
Weight: Front axle 1,200 kg 2,645 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 1,350 kg 2,975 lb.
Length (overall) 5,000 mm 16 ft., 5 ins.
Width (overall) 1,800 mm 5 ft., 11 ins.
Height (overall) 1,700 mm 5 ft., 7 ins.
Ground clearance 150 mm 5 7/8 ins.
Tread centers 1,420 mm 4 ft., 8 ins.
Wheelbase 3,350 mm 132 ins.
Wheel width 170 mm 6 3/4 ins.
Angle of approach 50°
Angle of departure 20°
Seating capacity 4
Fording depth 400 mm 15 3/4 ins.
Climbing ability 17°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 40°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 30°
Turning radius 12 meters 39 ft., 4 ins.
Trailer load
Engine horsepower 80 c-v 78.9 hp
Piston displacement 1,500-3,000 cu cm 90-180 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 80 liters 21.1 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 13.1/19.6 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption

German: p. 74.8


Pz. Kpfw. Nachb.: Dummy Tank

Pz. Kpfw. Nachb.: Dummy TankGerman nomenclature: Panzer­kampf­wagen-Nach­bildung mit Fahrgestell des leichter Pkw. (o).

English designation: Dummy tank with special chassis I for light armored car (standard commercial vehicle).


Net weight         980 kg         2,160 lb.
Pay load 385 kg 848 lb.
Gross weight 1,365 kg 3,008 lb.
Weight: Front axle 565 kg 1,245 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 800 kg 1,764 lb.
Length (overall) 3,730 mm 12 ft., 3 ins.
Width (overall) 1,775 mm 5 ft., 10 ins.
Height (overall) 1,980 mm 6 ft., 6 ins.
Ground clearance 200 mm 7 7/8 ins.
Tread centers 1,253 mm 4 ft., 1 in.
Wheelbase 2,460 mm 97 ins.
Wheel width 160 mm 6 1/4 ins.
Angle of approach 50°
Angle of departure 40°
Seating capacity
Fording depth 400 mm 15 3/4 ins.
Climbing ability 28°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise)
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 45°
Turning radius 1.3 meters 4 ft., 3 ins.
Trailer load
Engine horsepower 28.5 c-v 28.1 hp
Piston displacement 1,279 cu cm 76.7 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 25 liters 6.6 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 26.1 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption 18.1 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.8


Nachr. Werkst. Kw. (Kfz. 42): Signal Repair Truck

Nachr. Werkst. Kw. (Kfz. 42): Signal Repair TruckGerman nomenclature: Nachrichten­werk­statt­kraft­wagen (Kfz. 42) mit Fahr­gestell des mittleren Last­kraft­wagen (o).

English designation: Signal repair truck with special chassis for medium motor truck.


Net weight        4,400 kg        9,700 lb.
Pay load 2,200 kg 4,850 lb.
Gross weight 6,600 kg 14,550 lb.
Weight: Front axle 2,488 kg 5,486 lb.
Weight: Rear axle, each 4,112 kg 9,064 lb.
Length (overall) 6,950 mm 22 ft., 9 ins.
Width (overall) 2,300 mm 7 ft., 6 ins.
Height (overall) 2,840 mm 9 ft., 4 ins.
Ground clearance 200 mm 7 7/8 ins.
Tread centers 1,700 mm 5 ft., 7 ins.
  2,000 mm 6 ft., 7 ins.
Wheelbase 4,000 mm 157 ins.
Wheel width 190 mm 7 1/2 ins.
Angle of approach 60°
Angle of departure 40°
Seating capacity 3
Fording depth 500 mm 20 ins.
Climbing ability 15°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 40°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 30°
Turning radius 20 meters 65 ft., 7 ins.
Trailer load 2,000 kg 4,409 lb.
Engine horsepower 70 c-v 69 hp
Piston displacement 4,530 cu cm 272 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 120-120 liters31.7 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 6.7-8.4 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption

German: p. 74.48


s. Kom.: Heavy Motor Bus

Heavy Motor Bus: schwerer KraftomnibusGerman nomenclature: schwerer Kraft­omni­bus (o).

English designation: Heavy motor bus (standard commercial vehicle).


Net weight       7,000 kg       15,432 lb.
Pay load5,000 kg11,023 lb.
Gross weight 12,000 kg26,455 lb.
Weight: Front axle3,000 kg6,614 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 9,000 kg19,840 lb.
Length (overall)8,000 mm26 ft., 3 ins.
Width (overall) 2,100 mm6 ft., 10 ins.
Height (overall)3,000 mm9 ft., 10 ins.
Ground clearance100 mm3 7/8 ins.
Tread centers 1,850 mm6 ft.
 2,050 mm6 ft., 9 ins.
Wheelbase5,600 mm220 ins.
Wheel width325 mm12 3/4 ins.
Angle of approach45°
Angle of departure10°
Seating capacity30
Fording depth300 mm11 7/8 ins.
Climbing ability15°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise)
Overturn gradient (crosswise)35°
Turning radius 25 meters 82 ft.
Trailer load 2,000 kg 4,409 lb.
Engine horsepower 90 c-v 88.8 hp
Piston displacement 9,000 cu cm 540 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 150-150 liters 39.6 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 4.7-6.7 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption

German: p. 74.48


l. R.-Schlepper (Praga T 3): Light Full-Tracked Prime Mover

l. R.-Schlepper (Praga T 3): Light Full-Tracked Prime Mover: leichter RaupenschlepperGerman nomenclature: leichter Raupen­schlepper (Praga T 3).

English designation: Light full-tracked prime mover.

Net weight       4,650 kg       10,249 lb.
Pay load550 kg1,652 lb.
Gross weight5,400 kg11,902 lb.
Length (overall) 4,100 mm 13 ft., 5 ins.
Width (overall) 1,730 mm 5 ft., 8 ins.
Height (overall) 2,300 mm 7 ft., 6 ins.
Ground clearance 400 mm 15 3/4 ins.
Tread centers 1,420 mm 4 ft., 8 ins.
Track contact 2 m 79 ins.
Track width 300 mm11 7/8 ins.
Angle of approach
Angle of departure
Seating capacity 3
Fording depth 550 mm21 5/8 ins.
Climbing ability 30°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise)40°
Overturn gradient (crosswise)30°
Turning radius 3 meters118 ins.
Trailer load 1,800 kg 3,967 lb.
Lifting power of winch 3,000 kg6,612 lb.
Engine horsepower70 c-v 65 hp
Piston displacement4,300 cu cm258 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 150 liters39.6 gal.
Highway fuel consumption2.93 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption 2.14 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.58


m. Kett. Schlp. (o): Medium Tractor

m. Kett. Schlp. (o): Medium Tractor: mittlerer KettenschlepperGerman nomenclature: mittlerer Ketten­schlepper (o).

English designation: Medium tractor (stan­dard commercial vehicle).

Net weight       4,600 kg       10,194 lb.
Length (overall) 3,300 mm 10 ft., 10 ins.
Width (overall) 1,550 mm 5 ft., 1 in.
Height (overall) 1,450 mm 4 ft., 9 ins.
Ground clearance 270 mm 10 ft., 10 ins.
Tread centers 1,300 mm 4 ft., 3 ins.
Track contact 1.1 m43 ins.
Track width 300 mm 11 7/8 ins.
Angle of approach 40°
Angle of departure 70°
Seating capacity
Fording depth 600 mm 23 ins.
Climbing ability 35°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 45°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 40°
Turning radius 7 meters 22 ft., 11 ins.
Trailer load 6,000 kg 13,227 lb.
Lifting power of winch 3,000 kg 6,614 lb.
Engine horsepower 65 c-v 64.1 hp
Piston displacement 9,000 cu cm 540 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 90 liters 23.8 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 3.9 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption

German: p. 74.58


Ts. 2, 5 (Kfz. 343): Fire Fighting Water Tank

Ts. 2, 5 (Kfz. 343): Fire Fighting Water TankGerman nomenclature: Tank­spritze (Kfz. 343) mit Fahr­gestell des mittleren geländegängiger Last­kraft­wagen (o).

English designation: Fire fighting water tank with special chassis of the medium cross-country motor truck.


Net weight
Pay load
Gross weight        9,500 kg        20,943 lb.
Weight: Front axle 2,600 kg 5,732 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 3,450 kg 7,606 lb.
Length (overall) 7,880 mm 25 ft., 10 ins.
Width (overall) 2,220 mm 7 ft., 3 ins.
Height (overall) 2,280 mm 7 ft., 6 ins.
Ground clearance 270 mm 10 5/8 ins.
Tread centers 1,850 mm 6 ft., 1 in.
  1,740 mm 5 ft., 8 ins.
  1,740 mm 5 ft., 8 ins.
Wheelbase 3,750/1,100 mm148/43 ins.
Wheel width 190-400 mm 7 1/2/15 3/4 ins.
Angle of approach 25°
Angle of departure 30°
Seating capacity 4
Fording depth 600 mm 23 ins.
Climbing ability 18°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise)
Overturn gradient (crosswise)34°
Turning radius
Trailer load4,000 kg8,818 lb.
Engine horsepower 120 c-v 118.3 hp
Piston displacement 12,054 cu cm 723 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 110 liters 29 gal.
Highway fuel consumption7.1 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption

German: p. 74.53


K. S. 25 (o): Fire Engine

K. S. 25 (o): Fire Engine: KraftfahrspritzeGerman nomenclature: Kraftfahrspritze (o) mit Fahrgestell des schwerer Last­kraft­wagen (o).

English designation: Fire engine with special chassis of the heavy motor truck (standard commercial vehicle).


Net weight       7,800 kg       17,195 lb.
Pay load650 kg1,433 lb.
Gross weight 8,450 kg 18,628 lb.
Weight: Front axle3,300 kg 7,275 lb.
Weight: Rear axle5,150 kg 11,353 lb.
Length (overall) 8,685 mm 28 ft., 6 ins.
Width (overall) 2,200 mm 7 ft., 2 ins.
Height (overall) 2,700 mm 8 ft., 10 ins.
Ground clearance 100 mm 3 7/8 ins.
Tread centers 1,700 mm 5 ft., 7 ins.
  2,000 mm 6 ft., 7 ins.
Wheelbase 4,575 mm 180 ins.
Wheel width 190-400 mm 7 1/2/15 3/4 ins.
Angle of approach 20°
Angle of departure 10°
Seating capacity 9
Fording depth 180 mm 7 ins.
Climbing ability 17°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 50°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 35°
Turning radius 17 meters 55 ft., 2 ins.
Trailer load
Engine horsepower 125 c-v123.3 hp
Piston displacement 9,122 cu cm547 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 120 liters 31.7 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 7.1 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption

German: p. 74.53


Bockw. (Pf. 8): Box Car Trailer

Bockw. (Pf. 8): Box Car TrailerGerman nomenclature: Bockwagen (Pf. 8).

English designation: Box car trailer or semi-trailer.

Net weight        1,378 kg        3,038 lb.
Pay load 1,756 kg 3,870 lb.
Gross weight 3,134 kg 6,909 lb.
Weight: Front axle 1,527 kg 3,367 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 1,607 kg 3,542 lb.
Length (overall) 8,080 mm 26 ft., 6 ins.
Width (overall) 1,960 mm 6 ft., 5 ins.
Height (overall) 1,600 mm 5 ft., 3 ins.
Ground clearance 400 mm 15 3/4 ins.
Tread centers 1,530 mm 5 ft.
Wheelbase 3,510 mm 138 ins.
Wheel width 165 mm 6 1/2 ins.
Angle of approach 32°
Angle of departure 34°
Fording depth
Overturn gradient (lengthwise)
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 32°
Turning radius

German: p. 74.95


l. Bockw. (Pf. 14): Light Supporting Trailer

l. Bockw. (Pf. 14): Light Supporting Trailer: leichter BockwagenGerman nomenclature: leichter Bock­wagen (Pf. 14).

English designation: Light supporting trail­er or semi-trailer.

Net weight        1,700 kg        3,747 lb.
Pay load 3,000 kg 6,614 lb.
Gross weight 4,700 kg 10,361 lb.
Weight: Front axle 2,350 kg 5,181 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 2,350 kg 5,181 lb.
Length (overall) 9,050 mm 29 ft., 8 ins.
Width (overall) 2,050 mm 6 ft., 9 ins.
Ground clearance 330 mm 13 ins.
Tread centers 1,700 mm 5 ft., 10 ins.
Wheelbase 4,000 mm 157 ins.
Wheel width 215 mm 8 1/2 ins.
Angle of approach 28°
Angle of departure 25°
Seating capacity
Fording depth
Overturn gradient (lengthwise)
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 35°
Turning radius

German: p. 74.95