
l. Pont. Wg. (Pf. 15): Light pontoon carrier

l. Pont. Wg. (Pf. 15): Light pontoon carrierGerman nomenclature: leichter Ponton­wagen (Pf. 15).

English designation: Light pontoon carrier (trailer).

Net weight        1,700 kg        3,747 lb.
Pay load 3,000 kg 6,614 lb.
Gross weight 4,700 kg 10,361 lb.
Weight: Front axle 2,350 kg 5,181 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 2,350 kg 5,181 lb.
Length (overall) 9,000 mm 29 ft., 6 ins.
Width (overall) 2,010 mm 6 ft., 7 ins.
Height (overall) 2,040 mm 6 ft., 8 ins.
Ground clearance 330 mm 13 ins.
Tread centers 1,700 mm 5 ft., 7 ins.
Wheelbase 4,000 mm 157 ins.
Wheel width 215 mm 8 1/2 ins.
Angle of approach 28°
Angle of departure 25°
Seating capacity
Fording depth
Overturn gradient (lengthwise)
Overturn gradient (crosswise)35°
Turning radius

German: p. 74.96


Bockw. (Pf. 10): Box Car Trailer

Bockw. (Pf. 10): Box Car Trailer: BockwagenGerman nomenclature: Bockwagen (Pf. 10).

English designation: Box car trailer or semi-trailer.


Net weight        2,050 kg       4,519 lb.
Pay load 2,850 kg6,283 lb.
Gross weight 4,900 kg10,802 lb.
Weight: Front axle 2,400 kg5,292 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 2,500 kg5,512 lb.
Length (overall) 8,650 mm28 ft., 4 ins.
Width (overall) 2,150 mm7 ft.
Height (overall) 2,000 mm6 ft., 7 ins.
Ground clearance 350 mm13 3/4 ins.
Tread centers 1,610 mm5 ft., 3 ins.
Wheelbase 3,615 mm142 ins.
Wheel width 370 mm14 5/8 ins.
Angle of approach 30°
Angle of departure 28°
Seating capacity
Fording depth
Overturn gradient (lengthwise)
Overturn gradient (crosswise)35°
Turning radius

German: p. 74.96


Masch. Satz. 220 V 6.5 kW als Anh. (l achs.) fahrbar: Transportable Generator

Masch. Satz. 220 V 6.5 kW als Anh. (l achs.) fahrbar: Transportable GeneratorGerman nomenclature: Maschinensatz 220 V 6.5 kW als Anhänger (l achs.) fahrbar.

English designation: Transportable gen­er­a­tor 220 V, 6.5 KW on trailer (single axle).


Net weight         1,450 kg         3,197 lb.
Pay load
Gross weight 1,450 kg 3,197 lb.
Weight: axle 1,450 kg 3,197 lb.
Length (overall) 3,220 mm 10 ft., 6 ins.
Width (overall) 1,990 mm 6 ft., 6 ins.
Height (overall) 1,900 mm 6 ft., 3 ins.
Ground clearance 350 mm 13 3/4 ins.
Tread centers 1,530 mm 5 ft.
Wheel width 210 mm 8 1/4 ins.
Angle of approach 20°
Angle of departure 25°
Fording depth
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 40°
Piston displacement 1,500 cu cm 90 cu. ins.
Performance-horsepower 9 c-v 8.9 hp
Revolutions per minute 1,450
Type (cycles) 4
Capacity of fuel tank 75 liters 19.8 gal.
Fuel consumption per operating hour 6 liters 1.6 gal.
Total running time on one tank filling 12 hrs.
Type of current (direct current)
KW 6.5
Volt 220
Ampere 28.5

German: p. 74.74


Anh. (l achs.) f. Erdkab. (Sd. Ah. 20): Trailer

Anh. (l achs.) f. Erdkab. (Sd. Ah. 20): TrailerGerman nomenclature: Anhänger (l achs.) für Erdkabel (Sd. Ah. 20).

English designation: Trailer (single axle) for ground cable.


Net weight         560 kg         1,234 lb.
Pay load 980 kg 2,160 lb.
Gross weight 1,540 kg 3,394 lb.
Weight: axle 1,540 kg 3,394 lb.
Length (overall) 2,500 mm 8 ft., 2 ins.
Width (overall) 1,800 mm 5 ft., 11 ins.
Height (overall) 1,400 mm (approx.) 4 ft., 7 ins.
Ground clearance 380 mm 15 ins.
Tread centers 1,580 mm 5 ft., 2 ins.
Wheel width 190 mm 7 1/2 ins.
Angle of approach
Angle of departure
Fording depth
Overturn gradient (crosswise)
Drum width 710 mm 28 ins.
Diameter (empty) 600 mm 23 1/2 ins.
              (full) 1,070 mm 42 ins.
Capacity 500 meters 1,640 ft.

German: p. 74.74


Fernschr. Kw. (Kfz. 61): Teletype Truck

Fernschreibkraftwagen: Fernschr. Kw. (Kfz. 61): Teletype TruckGerman nomenclature: Fern­schreib­kraft­wagen (Kfz. 61) mit Fahrgestell des leichter geländegängiger Last­kraft­wagen (o).

English designation: Teletype truck with special chassis for light cross-country truck.


Net weight         3,880 kg         8,553 lb.
Pay load 1,100 kg 2,425 lb.
Gross weight 4,980 kg 10,978 lb.
Weight: Front axle 1,280 kg 2,821 lb.
Weight: Rear axle, each 1,850 kg 4,078 lb.
Length (overall) 5,700 mm 18 ft., 8 ins.
Width (overall) 2,050 mm 6 ft., 8 ins.
Height (overall) 2,760 mm 9 ft.
Ground clearance 225 mm 8 7/8 ins.
Tread centers 1,600 mm 5 ft., 3 ins.
  1,800 mm 5 ft., 11 ins.
  1,800 mm 5 ft., 11 ins.
Wheelbase 3,000/950 mm 118/37 ins.
Wheel width 350/170 mm 13 3/4/6 3/4 ins.
Angle of approach 60°
Angle of departure 40°
Seating capacity 3
Fording depth 600 mm 23 5/8 ins.
Climbing ability 20°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 60°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 30°
Turning radius 19.5 meters 64 ft.
Trailer load
Engine horsepower 65 c-v 64.1 hp
Piston displacement 3,500 cu cm 210 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 110 liters 29 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 5.9 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption 4.3 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.28


Fsp. Betr. Kw. (Kfz. 61): Telephone Generator Truck

Fsp. Betr. Kw. (Kfz. 61): Telephone Generator TruckGerman nomenclature: Fern­sprech­betriebs­kraft­wagen (Kfz. 61) mit Ein­heits­fahr­gestell für leichter Last­kraft­wagen.

English designation: Telephone gen­er­a­tor truck with standard chassis for light truck.


Net weight       5,000 kg       11,023 lb.
Pay load 2,420 kg5,334 lb.
Gross weight 7,420 kg16,358 lb.
Weight: Front axle2,750 kg6,062 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 2,335 kg5,148 lb.
Length (overall) 5,850 mm19 ft., 2 ins.
Width (overall) 2,200 mm7 ft., 2 ins.
Height (overall)2,760 mm9 ft.
Ground clearance 280 mm11 ins.
Tread centers 1,600 mm5 ft., 3 ins.
 1,800 mm5 ft., 11 ins.
Wheelbase 3,100/1,100 mm 122/43 ins.
Wheel width 215-350 mm8 1/2-13 3/4 ins.
Angle of approach 60°
Angle of departure 40°
Seating capacity 4
Fording depth 800 mm31 1/2 ins.
Climbing ability30°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 50°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 30°
Turning radius 17 meters55 ft., 2 ins.
Trailer load 3,500 kg7,716 lb.
Engine horsepower85 c-v83.8 hp
Fiston displacement 6,234 cu cm374 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 120 liters31.7 gal.
Highway fuel consumption7.3 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption5.2 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.28


kl. Inst. Kw. (Kfz. 2/40): Small Repair Vehicle

kl. Inst. Kw. (Kfz. 2/40): Small Repair Vehicle: kleiner InstandsetzungskraftwagenGerman nomenclature: kleiner Instand­setzungs­kraft­wagen (Kfz. 2/40) mit Ein­heits­fahr­gestell I für leichter Pkw.

English designation: Small repair vehicle with standard chassis I for light ar­mored car.


Net weight        1,750 kg        3,857 lb.
Pay load 450 kg 992 lb.
Gross weight 2,200 kg 4,849 lb.
Weight: Front axle 1,000 kg 2,204 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 1,200 kg 2,645 lb.
Length (overall) 3,850 mm 12 ft., 7 ins.
Width (overall) 1,690 mm 5 ft., 6 ins.
Height (overall) 1,900 mm 6 ft., 3 ins.
Ground clearance 235 mm 9 1/4 ins.
Tread centers 1,400 mm 4 ft., 7 ins.
Wheelbase 2,400 mm 94 ins.
Wheel width 160 mm 6 1/4 ins.
Angle of approach 60°
Angle of departure 45°
Seating capacity 2
Fording depth 500 mm 19 7/8 ins.
Climbing ability 30°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 40°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 30°
Turning radius 12/6.5 meters 39 ft., 4 ins./21 ft., 4 ins.
Trailer load
Engine horsepower 45 c-v 44.4 hp
Piston displacement 3,000 cu cm 180 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 60 liters 15.9 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 13.6 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption 9.4 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.7


kl. Inst. Kw. (Kfz. 2/40): Small Repair Vehicle

kl. Inst. Kw. (Kfz. 2/40): Small Repair VehicleGerman nomenclature: kleiner Instand­setzungs­kraft­wagen (Kfz. 2/40) mit Fahr­gestell des mittleren Pkw. (o).

English designation: Small repair vehicle with special chassis for medium ar­mored car (standard commercial vehicle).

Net weight         1,260 kg         2,777 lb.
Pay load 420 kg 926 lb.
Gross weight 1,680 kg 3,703 lb.
Weight: Front axle 750 kg 1,653 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 930 kg 2,050 lb.
Length (overall) 4,110 mm 13 ft., 6 ins.
Width (overall) 1,580 mm 5 ft., 2 ins.
Height (overall) 1,800 mm 5 ft., 11 ins.
Ground clearance 220 mm 8 5/8 ins.
Tread centers 1,350 mm 4 ft., 5 ins.
Wheelbase 2,300 mm 90 ins.
Wheel width 160 mm 6 1/4 ins.
Angle of approach 50°
Angle of departure 30°
Seating capacity 2
Fording depth 400 mm 15 3/4 ins.
Climbing ability 17°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 45°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 30°
Turning radius 12 meters 39 ft., 4 ins.
Trailer load
Engine horsepower 45 c-v 44.4 hp
Piston displacement 2,000 cu cm 120 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 60 liters 15.9 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 18.1 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption 9.8 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.7


Tr. Luftsch. Kw. (Kfz. 4): Antiaircraft Protection Truck

Tr. Luftsch. Kw. (Kfz. 4): Antiaircraft Protection TruckGerman nomenclature: Truppen­luft­schutz­kraft­wagen (Kfz. 4) mit Einheits­fahr­gestell I für leichter Pkw.

English designation: Antiaircraft pro­tec­tion truck with standard chassis I for light armored car.


Net weight         1,800 kg         3,968 lb.
Pay load 400 kg 882 lb.
Gross weight 2,200 kg 4,849 lb.
Weight: Front axle 1,000 kg 2,204 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 1,200 kg 2,645 lb.
Length (overall) 3,850 mm 12 ft., 7 ins.
Width (overall) 1,700 mm 5 ft., 7 ins.
Height (overall) 1,900 mm 6 ft., 3 ins.
Ground clearance 220 mm 8 5/8 ins.
Tread centers 1,400 mm 4 ft., 7 ins.
Wheelbase 2,400 mm 94 ins.
Wheel width 158 mm 6 1/4 ins.
Angle of approach 60°
Angle of departure 45°
Seating capacity 2
Fording depth 500 mm 19 7/8 ins.
Climbing ability 30°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 40°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 30°
Turning radius 12/6.5 meters 39 ft., 4 ins./21 ft., 4 ins.
Trailer load
Engine horsepower 45 c-v 44.4 hp
Piston displacement 2,000 cu cm 120 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 60 liters 15.9 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 13.6 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption 9.4 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.6


l. Messtr. Kw. (Kfz. 3): Light Survey Section Car

l. Messtr. Kw. (Kfz. 3): Light Survey Section CarGerman nomenclature: leichter Mess­trupp­kraft­wagen (Kfz. 3) mit Einheits­fahrgestell I fur leichter Pkw.

English designation: Light survey section car with standard chassis I for light armored car.


Net weight         1,725 kg         3,802 lb.
Pay load 475 kg 1,047 lb.
Gross weight 2,200 kg 4,849 lb.
Weight: Front axle 1,050 kg 2,315 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 1,150 kg 2,535 lb.
Length (overall) 3,850 mm 12 ft., 7 ins.
Width (overall) 1,690 mm 5 ft., 6 ins.
Height (overall) 1,900 mm 6 ft., 3 ins.
Ground clearance 235 mm 9 1/4 ins.
Tread centers 1,400 mm 4 ft., 7 ins.
Wheelbase 2,400 mm 94 ins.
Wheel width 158 mm 6 1/4 ins.
Angle of approach 60°
Angle of departure 45°
Seating capacity 3
Fording depth 500 mm 19 7/8 ins.
Climbing ability 30°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 40°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 30°
Turning radius 12/6.5 meters 39 ft., 4 ins./21 ft., 4 ins.
Trailer load
Engine horsepower 45 c-v 44.4 hp
Piston displacement 3,000 cu cm 180 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 60 liters 15.9 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 13.6 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption 9.4 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.6