
Fu. Kw. (Kfz. 17/1): Radio Car

Fu. Kw. (Kfz. 17/1): Radio Car: FunkkraftwagenGerman nomenclature: Funkkraftwagen (Kfz. 17/1) mit Einheitsfahrgestell für mittleren Pkw.

English designation: Radio car with standard chassis for medium armored car.


Net weight         2,670 kg         5,886 lb.
Pay load 930 kg 2,050 lb.
Gross weight 3,600 kg 7,937 lb.
Weight: Front axle 1,600 kg 3,527 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 2,000 kg 4,409 lb.
Length (overall) 4,700 mm 15 ft., 5 ins.
Width (overall) 1,840 mm 6 ft.
Height (overall) 2,070 mm 6 ft., 9 ins.
Ground clearance 250 mm 9 7/8 ins.
Tread centers 1,520 mm 5 ft.
Wheelbase 3,100 mm 122 ins.
Wheel width 194 mm 7 5/8 ins.
Angle of approach 60°
Angle of departure 40°
Seating capacity 3
Fording depth 550 mm 21 5/8 ins.
Climbing ability 30°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 50°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 30°
Turning radius 12.5 meters 41 ft.
Trailer load 700 kg 1,549 lb.
Engine horsepower 80 c-v 78.9 hp
Piston displacement 3,600 cu cm 216 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 110 liters 29 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 9.4 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption 7.1 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.14


Fu. Kw. (Kfz. 17): Radio Car

Fu. Kw. (Kfz. 17): Radio Car: FunkkraftwagenGerman nomenclature: Funk­kraft­wagen (Kfz. 17) mit Einheits­fahr­gestell für mittleren Pkw.

English designation: Radio car with standard chassis for medium armored car.


Net weight         2,650 kg         5,842 lb.
Pay load 1,000 kg 2,204 lb.
Gross weight 3,650 kg 8,047 lb.
Weight: Front axle 1,600 kg 3,527 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 2,050 kg 4,519 lb.
Length (overall) 4,800 mm 15 ft., 9 ins.
Width (overall) 1,860 mm 6 ft., 1 in.
Height (overall) 2,250 mm 7 ft., 4 ins.
Ground clearance 250 mm 9 7/8 ins.
Tread centers 1,520 mm 5 ft.
Wheelbase 3,100 mm 122 ins.
Wheel width 194 mm 7 5/8 ins.
Angle of approach 60°
Angle of departure 40°
Seating capacity 3
Fording depth 550 mm 21 5/8 ins.
Climbing ability 30°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 50°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 30°
Turning radius 12.5 meters 41 ft.
Trailer load 700 kg 1,549 lb.
Engine horsepower 80 c-v 78.9 hp
Piston displacement 3,600 cu cm 216 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 110 liters 29 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 9.4 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption 7.1 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.14


Nachr. Kw. (Kfz. 2): Signal Communications Truck

Nachr. Kw. (Kfz. 2): Signal Communications Truck: NachrichtenkraftwagenGerman nomenclature: Nachrichten­kraft­wagen (Kfz. 2) mit Fahr­gestell des mittleren Pkw. (o).

English designation: Signal com­muni­ca­tions truck with special chassis for medium armored car (standard com­mer­cial vehicle).

Net weight         1,200 kg         2,645 lb.
Pay load 500 kg 1,102 lb.
Gross weight 1,700 kg 3,747 lb.
Weight: Front axle 820 kg 1,808 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 880 kg 1,940 lb.
Length (overall) 4,100 mm 13 ft., 5 ins.
Width (overall) 1,580 mm 5 ft., 2 ins.
Height (overall) 1,800 mm 5 ft., 11 ins.
Ground clearance 220 mm 8 5/8 ins.
Tread centers 1,350 mm 4 ft., 5 ins.
Wheelbase 2,300 mm 90 ins.
Wheel width 160 mm 6 1/4 ins.
Angle of approach 50°
Angle of departure 30°
Seating capacity 2
Fording depth 400 mm 15 3/4 ins.
Climbing ability 17°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 45°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 30°
Turning radius 12 meters 39 ft., 4 ins.
Trailer load
Engine horsepower 45 c-v 44.4 hp
Piston displacement 2,000 cu cm 120 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 60 liters 15.9 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 18.1 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption 9.8 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.3


Nachr. Kw. (Kfz. 2): Communications Car

Nachr. Kw. (Kfz. 2): Communications Car: NachrichtenkraftwagenGerman nomenclature: Nachrichten­kraft­wagen (Kfz. 2) mit Einheits­fahr­gestell I für leichter Pkw.

English designation: Communications car with standard chassis I for light armored car.


Net weight         1,700 kg         3,748 lb.
Pay load 500 kg 1,102 lb.
Gross weight 2,200 kg 4,850 lb.
Weight: Front axle 1,000 kg 2,204 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 1,200 kg 2,645 lb.
Length (overall) 3,850 mm 12 ft., 7 ins.
Width (overall) 1,700 mm 5 ft., 11 ins.
Height (overall) 1,900 mm 6 ft., 3 ins.
Ground clearance 235 mm 9 1/4 ins.
Tread centers 1,400 mm 4 ft., 7 ins.
Wheelbase 2,400 mm 94 ins.
Wheel width 158 mm 6 1/4 ins.
Angle of approach 60°
Angle of departure 45°
Seating capacity 2
Fording depth 500 mm 19 3/4 ins.
Climbing ability 30°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 50°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 30°
Turning radius 12/6.5 meters 39 ft., 4 ins./21 ft., 4 ins.
Trailer load
Engine horsepower 45 c-v 44.4 hp
Piston displacement 2000 cu cm 120 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 60 liters 15.9 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 13.6 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption 9.4 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.3


Nachr. Kw. (Kfz. 2): Signal Communications Truck

Nachr. Kw. (Kfz. 2): Signal Communications Truck: NachrichtenkraftwagenGerman nomenclature: Nachrichten­kraft­wagen (Kfz. 2) mit Fahr­gestell des leichter Pkw. (o).

English designation: Signal com­mu­ni­ca­tions truck or signal service re­con­nais­sance car with special chassis I for light armored car (standard commercial vehicle).


Net weight         1,000 kg         2,204 lb.
Pay load 300 kg 664 lb.
Gross weight 1,300 kg 2,865 lb.
Weight: Front axle 560 kg 1,234 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 740 kg 1,631 lb.
Length (overall) 4,100 mm 13 ft., 5 ins.
Width (overall) 1,500 mm 4 ft., 11 ins.
Height (overall) 1,600 mm 5 ft., 3 ins.
Ground clearance 190 mm 7 1/2 ins.
Tread centers 1,200 mm 3 ft., 11 ins.
Wheelbase 2,600 mm 102 ins.
Wheel width 125 mm 4 7/8 ins.
Angle of approach 70°
Angle of departure 1
Seating capacity 30°
Fording depth 500 mm 19 3/4 ins.
Climbing ability 16°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 50°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 20°
Turning radius 11 meters 36 ft., 1 in.
Trailer load
Engine horsepower 30 c-v 29.5 hp
Piston displacement 1,500 cu cm 90 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 30 liters 7.9 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 23.5 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption 15.7 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.2


l. gl. Pkw. (Kfz. 1): Light Cross-Country Personnel Carrier

l. gl. Pkw. (Kfz. 1): Light Cross-Country Personnel CarrierGerman nomenclature: leichter gelände­gängiger Personenkraftwagen (Kfz. 1) mit Einheitsfahrgestell I für leichter Pkw.

English designation: Light cross-country personnel carrier with standard chassis I for light armored car.


Net weight         1,700 kg         3,748 lb.
Pay load 500 kg 1,102 lb.
Gross weight 2,200 kg 4,850 lb.
Weight: Front axle 1,050 kg 2,315 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 1,150 kg 2,525 lb.
Length (overall) 3,850 mm 12 ft., 7 ins.
Width (overall) 1,690 mm 5 ft., 6 ins.
Height (overall) 1,900 mm 6 ft., 3 ins.
Ground clearance 235 mm 9 1/4 ins.
Tread centers 1,400 mm 4 ft., 7 ins.
Wheelbase 2,400 mm 94 ins.
Wheel width 158 mm 6 1/4 ins.
Angle of approach 60°
Angle of departure 45°
Seating capacity 3
Fording depth 500 mm 19 3/4 ins.
Climbing ability 30°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 40°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 30°
Turning radius 12/6.5 meters 39 ft., 4 ins./21 ft., 4 ins.
Trailer load
Engine horsepower 45 c-v 44.3 hp
Piston displacement 2,000 cu cm 120 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 60 liters 15.9 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 13.6 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption 9.4 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.2


Ramp. Wg. (Pf. 12): Bridging Wagon

Ramp. Wg. (Pf. 12): Bridging Wagon: RampenwagenGerman nomenclature: Rampenwagen (Pf. 12).

English designation: Bridging wagon (trailer).


Net weight         1,900 kg         4,188 lb.
Pay load 3,700 kg 8,157 lb.
Gross weight 5,600 kg 12,345 lb.
Weight: Front axle 2,500 kg 5,512 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 3,100 kg 6,834 lb.
Length (overall) 8,700 mm 28 ft., 6 ins.
Width (overall) 2,150 mm 7 ft.
Height (overall) 1,720 mm 5 ft., 8 ins.
Ground clearance 350 mm 13 3/4 ins.
Tread centers 1,610 mm 5 ft., 3 ins.
Wheelbase 3,615 mm 142 ins.
Wheel width 370 mm 14 1/2 ins.
Angle of approach 30°
Angle of departure 28°
Fording depth
Overturn gradient (lengthwise)
Overturn gradient (crosswise)
Turning radius

German: p. 74.98


V. Gatt. fahrbar: Sound Equipment Trailer

V. Gatt. fahrbar: Sound Equipment TrailerGerman nomenclature: Vollgatter, fahr­bar.

English designation: Sound equipment trailer.


Net weight         1,750 kg         3,857 lb.
Pay load 3,550 kg 7,826 lb.
Gross weight 5,300 kg 11,683 lb.
Weight: Front axle 2,500 kg 5,512 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 2,800 kg 6,173 lb.
Length (overall) 6,850 mm 22 ft., 5 ins.
Width (overall) 1,750 mm 5 ft., 5 ins.
Angle of approach
Angle of departure 60°
Fording depth
Overturn gradient (lengthwise)
Overturn gradient (crosswise)
Turning radius

German: p. 74.98


Tiefld. Anh. f. Pz. Kpfw. (Sd. Ah. 115): Tank Transporter

Tiefld. Anh. f. Pz. Kpfw. (Sd. Ah. 115): Tank TransporterGerman nomenclature: Tiefladeanhänger für Panzer­kampf­wagen (Sd. Ah. 115).

English designation: Tank transporter (heavy load trailer).

Net weight         5,000 kg         11,023 lb.
Pay load 10,000 kg 22,037 lb.
Gross weight 15,000 kg 33,060 lb.
Weight: Front axle 7,500 kg 16,534 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 7,450 kg 16,424 lb.
Length (overall) 9,680 mm 31 ft., 10 ins.
Width (overall) 2,450 mm 8 ft.
Height (overall) 1,450 mm 4 ft., 9 ins.
Ground clearance 360 mm 14 1/2 ins.
Wheelbase 6,550 mm 256 ins.
Wheel width 480 mm 18 7/8 ins.
Angle of approach 70°
Angle of departure 45°
Seating capacity
Fording depth
Overturn gradient (lengthwise)
Overturn gradient (crosswise)
Turning radius

German: p. 74.99


Tiefld. Anh. (o): Trailer

Tiefld. Anh. (o): Trailer: TiefladeanhängerGerman nomenclature: Tieflade­an­hänger (o).

English designation: Trailer for low loads (standard commercial vehicle).


Net weight         5,600 kg         12,345 lb.
Pay load 20,000 kg 44,090 lb.
Gross weight 25,600 kg 56,223 lb.
Weight: Front axle 8,000 kg 17,636 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 8.800 kg 19,400 lb.
Length (overall) 8,400 mm 27 ft., 6 ins.
Width (overall) 2,750 mm 9 ft.
Height (overall) 3,000 mm 9 ft., 10 ins.
Ground clearance 270 mm 10 1/2 ins.
Tread centers 1,720 mm 5 ft., 8 ins.
  1,900 mm 6 ft., 3 ins.
  1,900 mm 6 ft., 3 ins.
Wheelbase 3,400/1,000 mm 134/39 ins.
Wheel width 200 mm 8 1/4 ins.
Angle of approach 55°
Angle of departure 70°
Seating capacity 1
Fording depth
Overturn gradient (lengthwise)
Overturn gradient (crosswise)
Turning radius

German: p. 74.99