
30 cm Wurfkörper 42 Spreng: 30 cm Rocket

30 cm Wurfkörper 42 Spreng: 30 cm Rocket

This rocket is packed in a wooden crate from which it may be fired in the same manner as the 28 cm rocket described on page 354. It is also fired from a rocket projector consisting of six welded metal frames mounted on a two-wheeled, split trailed carriage described on page 350.

This model has been selected to illustrate the construction of the motor assembly of a typical rotating rocket. The motor tube is 0.43 inch thick, closed at one end, and threaded inside to take the venturi block. Eighteen venturis are drilled in this solid block. The throat diameter of each venturi is 0.365 inch with an exit section of approximately 0.82 inch in diameter. The axes of the venturis are inclined at an angle of 12° 42′ so that the effluent gases cause the round to rotate. A threaded hole in the center takes the primer unit.

Seven tubular sticks make up the propellant charge composed of nitrocellulose and diglycol dinitrate.

German 30 cm Rocket

The sticks are supported at the venturi end on a grid. The center stick contains a length of quickmatch in a celluloid tube, and ending in a primed maintainer pellet. A small primer unit screwed into the steel venturi plug flashes directly on to the gun powder pellet at the end of the celluloid tube.

This motor unit is similar to that of the 15 cm Wurfgranate. However, because of the heavier charge in the 30 cm ammunition, the metal mesh has been introduced to prevent the maintainer pellet from being crushed by the central stick of the propellant charge if the rocket is dropped.


Weight of filled motor unit         129 lbs., 10 ozs.
Weight of filled bomb 146 lbs., 4 ozs.
Weight of propellant charge 33 lbs., 3 3/4 ozs.
Length (overall) 47 ins.
Length of bomb 28.5 ins.
Length of motor tube 22.5 ins.
Diameter of bomb 11.8 ins.
External diameter of motor tube 8.56 ins.
Length of propellant charge 18.4 ins.
Burnt velocity 754 f/s
Range, maximum 4,976 yds.

German: p. 354.1 (June 1, 1945)


7.5 cm Multiple Fortress Rocket Projector

7.5 cm Multiple Fortress Rocket Projector - German WWII

This projector consists of 28 projector rails mounted in four rows of seven each, at the forward end of a long, low carriage. The projectors are constructed of welded T-section steel bar. Each row is a separate assembly, and is bolted to an inclined welded steel superstructure built above the carriage. The projectors are displaced from the center both for line and elevation to give dispersement of fire. Each row is fired as a unit by means of a bar provided with a firing hammer and striker for each projector. Each of the four bars may be separately cocked, and all may be fired by one pull of the firing cable from the central point.

The carriage consists of a framework of U-section steel extended well to the rear, where it terminates in a protected control point containing the elevating handwheel, the firing cable, and two handgrips for traverse. A 1 cm thick (0.39 inches) protection shield is provided. There are two metal-rimmed, rubber sprung detachable wheels 27 inches in diameter. The equipment can be traversed about a fixed center pivot or about its wheels. The center pivot is locked into a bracket welded to the center of the axle-tree and rear support is provided by two steel rollers welded on the under side of the carriage.

Each row of projectors is independently trunnioned and all four are elevated together by means of a linkage through a chain drive from the handwheel.


Overall length (approx.)        14 ft.
Overall width        5 ft., 11 ins.
Track (wheel center to center)        5 ft., 7 7/8 ins.
Width of each projector frame        49 ins.
Depth of each projector frame        5 3/4 ins.
Maximum height (above center pivot platform)        3 ft., 4 ins.
Maximum height (on road wheels)        4 ft., 5 ins.
Elevation (approx.)        55°
Depression (approx.)       

German: p. 352.3 (August 1, 1945)


7.3 cm “Föhn”: Multiple Rocket Launcher

7.3 cm Föhn: Multiple Rocket Launcher

This multiple rocket launcher, used for antiaircraft barrage purposes and known as the “Föhn” is of different design from any other weapon of its type used by the Germans. Launching sites were located along river fronts, indicating the use of this weapon against river crossings. There are 35 individual launchers, each 31 inches long and approximately 7.3 cm square, assembled in 5 horizontal and 7 vertical rows. The rockets are fired by hammer type firing pins mounted on horizontal shafts. All 35 of the pins are actuated by a single trigger. The whole assembly measures 32 inches from top to bottom, and 23 inches from side to side. A simple clamp at the rear of the racks holds the rockets in position until firing takes place. The frame of the assembly is made of 3/16-inch metal.

A trunnion, set in each side of this framework, rests upon arms extending up from the pedestal base. The weapon, with its pedestal base, is used with either a mobile or fixed mount. When used as a mobile mount, the launcher is fitted with a circular metal folding platform mounted on a 2-wheeled trailer. The fixed launchers are not provided with the folding platform, and it is believed that they are normally set up more or less permanently on sheet iron platforms.

The sight, trigger mechanism, and elevating and traversing mechanisms are mounted on the inside of a metal protective shield located on the left side of the launcher. Elevation is from -10° to 90°. The upper part of the front wall of the shield is made of transparent plastic for sighting purposes.

The 7.3 cm Raketen Sprenggranate, used with the launcher, is a spin stabilized rocket fitted with a nose percussion fuze and a self-destroying delay element ignited by the burning propellant.


Traverse       360°
Elevation 90°
Depression -10°
   7.3 cm R. Sprgr. (H.E.)
   Weight of complete round 6 lbs.
   Weight of propellant 1.19 lb.
   Weight of explosive charge 0.62 lb.
   Type of explosive “95”
   (RDX/TNT/WAX = 55/40/5)

German: p. 352.2 (August 1, 1945)


8.8 cm Raketenwerfer 43 (“Püppchen”): Rocket Launcher

8.8 cm Raketenwerfer 43 ("Püppchen"): German Rocket Launcher

The piece is aimed by grasping two handles fitted to the left rear of the cradle and aligning the open sights on the target. The rear sight is adjustable from 180 to 700 meters.

The launcher fires from a closed breech which is operated by a handle on top of the breech ring. Opening of the breech cocks the hammer which is held in firing position by a sear. When the projectile has been inserted and the breech closed, a squeeze of the right handle depresses the sear, releasing the hammer. A safety device fitted to the left of the firing pin in the center of the breechblock must be turned to “F” position before the launcher can be fired. An additional safety feature prevents the hammer from striking the firing pin unless the breech is fully closed. The small shock of recoil developed by the rocket gases against the closed breech is transmitted directly to the spade.

Ammunition used with the rocket launcher is a modified version of the 8.8 cm rocket projectile, having a percussion primer instead of the electric type. The rocket is fitted with a base plate with a protruding rim to seat the round in the tube. The base plate and primer are the only parts of the round which are extracted after firing.


Caliber       88 mm (3.46 ins.)
Weight (firing position) 315 lbs.
Length of weapon (overall) 9 ft., 9 ins.
Length of barrel 63 ins.
Height (traveling position) 2 ft., 11 ins.
Height (on segments) 1 ft., 7 1/8 ins.
Width (overall) 3 ft., 4 ins.
Length of bore |
No. of grooves |
Width of grooves | Smooth bore
Depth of grooves |
Width of lands |
Muzzle velocity 460 f/s*
Max. range (horizontal) (limited by sight) 765 yds.
Rate of fire
Traverse on wheels: Right (max.) 28°
       Left (max.) 28°
Traverse on firing segments 360°
Elevation 23°
Depression 14°
Length of recoil none
Ammunition 8.8 cm R. Pz. B. Gr. 4312
Wt. of projectile 5 lbs., 13 ozs.

*Not verified.

German: p. 352.1 (August 1, 1945)


Fallschirm Leuchtpatrone für Kampfpistole: Illuminating Star on Parachute: Miscellaneous Pistol Grenades

Fallschirm Leuchtpatrone für KampfpistoleThis type grenade has the same general contours as the two others previously described. It has a black bakelite head and a screwed-on base plug which is perforated to hold a gunpowder pellet. Inside the grenade, directly above the plug is an illuminating star to which a parachute is attached. On firing, the flash from the propellant ignites the gunpowder pellet, which, after a brief delay, ignites the star. The bakelite head is blown off, and the star ejected. The grenade may be identified by the stencilling “F. Leucht. Z.” on the base of the cartridge case.

German: p. 326


Deutpatrone für Kampfpistole: Indicator: Miscellaneous Pistol Grenades

The indicator grenade is similar externally to the smoke and high explosive grenades except for the head which is parabolic. There is no fuze. The smoke train, a puff of reddish-brown smoke, is fired by the flash from the propellant. The indicator system begins to function when the projectile has been in flight for about two seconds. The weight of the complete round is 4.5 ounces; that of the grenade itself, 3 ounces. The marking on the base of the cartridge case is: DEUT. Z.

German: p. 326


Nebelpatrone für Kampfpistole: Smoke: Miscellaneous Pistol Grenades

Nebelpatrone für Kampfpistole: Smoke: Miscellaneous Pistol GrenadesThis grenade is similar in appearance and construction to the high explosive grenade except that it contains a smoke generator instead of an explosive filler. It is fitted with a percussion type nose fuze which has a charge of gunpowder located just below the flash cap instead of a detonator. The projectile functions on impact and the gunpowder, ignited by the flash cap, ejects the smoke generator from the body of the grenade and at the same time ignites it. The projectile may be recognized by the following stencilled marking on the base of the cartridge case: NEBEL. Z.

German: p. 326


Sprengpatrone für Kampfpistole: H.E. Cartridge for 27 mm: Ammunition for 27 mm Signal Pistol

Sprengpatrone für Kampfpistole: H.E. Cartridge for 27 mm: Ammunition for 27 mm Signal PistolThis grenade consists of a die cast aluminum container which encases a steel tube containing the explosive charge. Into the steel tube is screwed a direct action nose fuze with a protruding striker head. The striker is held away from the detonator by six steel balls kept in position by a steel collar supported on three aluminum pins. The creep spring separates the striker and primer beneath which is a booster separated from the main filling by an empty air space. The black powder propelling charge is contained in a cup with a lead Styphnate primer. The grenade has grooves on the aluminum body fitting the rifling of the Kampfpistole from which it is discharged.

Overall length        3 ins.
Color Unpainted aluminum
Weight of complete round 5 ozs.
Weight of projectile 3 1/2 ozs.
Filler PETN/Wax
Weight of filler .77 oz.
Propellant Graphited black powder

German: p. 325


27 mm Multi-Star Signal Cartridge: Ammunition for 27 mm Signal Pistol

27 mm Multi-Star Signal Cartridge: Ammunition for 27 mm Signal PistolThe cartridge consists of a light alloy outer container complete with the propelling charge and an inner-container in which there are six star units. Running through the center of the star units is an assembly of two brass tubes with selector holes for the six choices of settings. The inner tube contains gunpowder and is closed by a plug which contains a delay pellet. In firing, the inner container is propelled and after the delay pellet has burned through, the flash passes immediately along the whole length of the inner tube, igniting and ejecting the stars in accordance with the setting.

Overall length        5 3/4 ins.
Maximum diameter 1.06 ins.
Filling Propellant & pyrotechnic

Star combinations and dial settings:

      3 red 1 red   3 red   1 red   2 red   2 red  
  3 green     2 green     1 green     3 green     2 green     1 green    
  (0-2) (7-8) (14-15) (21-22) (27-29) (34-35)

German: p. 325


Wurfkörper Leuchtpistole: Pistol Grenade: Ammunition for 27 mm Signal Pistol

Wurfkörper Leuchtpistole: Pistol Grenade: Ammunition for 27 mm Signal PistolThis pistol grenade is formed by adding to the egg-type hand grenade (Eierhandgranate 39) a plastic stem to which it is attached by a retaining tube. The tube contains the delay igniter at the forward end inside the grenade. An alloy flash tube connects this to the fuze which is located in the base of the stem. The fuze is separated from the primer by a safety pin which is pulled out before the grenade is placed in the pistol barrel. Upon firing, the firing pin strikes the primer which sets off the delay igniter, detonating the explosive charge after a delay of 4.5 seconds.

Overall length        6.89 ins.
Maximum diameter 3 ins.
Color Olive green
Delay 4.5 sec.
Range 80 yds.

German: p. 324