
German Rifle Grenade Propelling Cartridges

Cartridge for        German Name     Powder Filling
Nz. T. P.
    Markings      Remarks
Large A. P. Grenade G. Treib. Patr. für Gr. G. Pzgr. 1.9 Black wooden bullet  
Propaganda Grenade G. Kart. für G. Propgr. 1.7 Red ring In the future to be used only for Rifle Propaganda Grenade
Propaganda Grenade (Old Type) G. Kart. (Alter Art) für G. Propgr. 1.7 Red ring Obsolete
Small A. P. Grenade G. Kart. für G. Pzgr. 1.1 Black ring Packed attached to grenade
Small A. P. Grenade G. Kart. (Alter Art) für G. Pzgr. 1.1 Black ring (partly) Obsolete
H.E. Grenade G. Kart. für G. Sprgr. 1.0 Yellow ring In the future to be used only for H.E. grenade
H.E. Grenade G. Kart. (Alter Art) für G. Sprgr. 1.0 Yellow ring (partly) Obsolete
H.E. Grenade (Old Type) G. Kart. (Alter Art) für G. Sprgr. 0.85   Packed attached to grenade

German: p. 320


Gross Panzergranate 61 and 46: H.E.A.T. (Hollow Charge) Rifle Grenade

Gross Panzergranate 61 and 46: H.E.A.T. (Hollow Charge) Rifle GrenadeTwo additional H.E.A.T. (hollow charge) armor piercing rifle grenades have recently been recovered and are illustrated herewith. They bear the designations G. Pz. Gr. 61 and G. Pz. Gr. 46. The numerals “61” and “46” refer to the diameter of the explosive head in millimeters. The maximum range of the “61” is 218 yards. Static fired at normal, the “61” is reported to penetrate to 4.96 inches of homogeneous armor plate; the “46” is reported to penetrate 3.54 inches of the same plate.


Total weight         1 lb., 4.25 ozs.
Weight of H.E. filling 8.69 ozs.
Weight of booster explosive .24 oz.
Weight of propelling cartridge powder 27 grains


Total weight         14.65 ozs.
Weight of H.E. filling 5.16 ozs.
Weight of booster explosive .24 oz.
Weight of propelling cartridge powder 27 grains

German: p. 319


Schuss Gr. P-40: H.E.A.T. (Hollow Charge) Grenade

Schuss Gr. P-40: H.E.A.T. (Hollow Charge) GrenadeThis grenade consists of a bell-shaped body of thin steel with a slightly convex aluminum closing disc, a graze fuze which screws into a cylindrical projection welded to the base of the body, and a finned tail unit. The bursting charge of cyclonite wax is cast around an aluminum hollow charge liner which is hemispherical in shape. A detonator and intermediary exploder are contained in an aluminum magazine which fits into the base of the main explosive cavity. The tail unit screws onto the base of the fuze housing and consists of a drawn-steel tube with six vanes formed in pairs. The cartridge is of the 7.92 mm small arm type with an undyed hollow wooden bullet.

Overall length         9.3 ins.
Maximum diameter 2.4 ins.
Color Olive green
Markings Blue band round projection at base of body
Length of body 3.1 ins.
Filler Cyclonite/Wax

German: p. 319


Gewehr Propaganda Granate: Propaganda Rifle Grenade

Gewehr Propaganda Granate: Propaganda Rifle GrenadeThis grenade which is used for propaganda purposes consists of a cylindrical steel body with a pre-rifled base and a removable ballistic cap. The base of the grenade contains a 9-second delay fuze and an ejecting charge covered by a cardboard disc to prevent moisture from causing deterioration. Leaflets are inserted in two steel packing covers held loosely inside the case, and then the case and cap are varnished to protect them from rust. On firing, the flash from the propelling cartridge ignites the fuze and approximately 9 seconds later the ejecting charge explodes, blowing off the cap and forcing the leaflets out of the nose of the projectile.

Overall length        5.7 ins.
Total weight 8 ozs.
Weight without leaflets 7 ozs.
Delay 9 sec.
Range 500 yds.

German: p. 318


Gross Gewehr Panzergranate: H.E.A.T. (Hollow Charge) Rifle Grenade

Gross Gewehr Panzergranate: H.E.A.T. (Hollow Charge) Rifle GrenadeThis grenade, while larger and of slightly different contour than that described on the preceding page, is basically the same in construction and operation. The body of pressed steel contains a steel cone around which the T.N.T. filler is cast, and at the bottom of the filler is an exploder pellet of penthrite wax. Two types of stem may be used, one entirely of light alloy and the other of plastic with a steel shank by which it is screwed onto the body. The booster assembly and the percussion type fuze are both located in the stem divided by a perforated septum which contains a small flash pellet. At the base of the stem is a rifled band which corresponds to the rifling on the discharger. The assembly is closed by a base plug.

Overall length       7 ins.
Maximum diameter1 3/4 ins.
ColorBlack overall
Total weight13 1/2 ozs.
Weight of filler4 1/2 ozs.
Range (maximum)100 yds.

German: p. 318


Gewehr Panzergranate: Antitank Rifle Grenade

Gewehr Panzergranate: Antitank Rifle GrenadeThe Gewehr Panzergranate is constructed in two parts, the head and the stem. The head, a seamless steel tube fitted with a light ballistic cap, contains a hollow charge cone and an explosive filling of T.N.T. A cavity is provided in the rear portion of the main filling to take an exploder of penthrite wax. The stem of light alloy or aluminum is screwed onto the head of the grenade. It is divided into two compartments. The upper portion contains the booster which consists of a detonator surrounded by a penthrite wax filling contained in a light alloy case. The percussion type fuze is located in the lower part of the stem. In the septum is a small flash pellet held in place by a perforated screw plug. A pre-engraved driving band is formed on the outside of the grenade approximately 1/4 inch fromn the base. The entire assembly is closed by a base plug which positions the fuze by a stem which fits into a recess in the rear of the striker body.

Overall length         6.4 ins.
Maximum diameter 1 3/16 ins.
Color Black body; aluminum stem
Total weight 8.8 ozs.
Filler T.N.T./Cyclonite
Weight of filler 1.75 ozs.
Range 50 yds.

German: p. 317


Gewehr-Sprenggranate: Antipersonnel Rifle or Hand Grenade

Gewehr-Sprenggranate: Antipersonnel Rifle or Hand GrenadeThis grenade consists of a tubular steel body containing an explosive filler of penthrite wax, a detonator, a direct action nose fuze, a delay friction igniter, and a base assembly containing a self-destroying system. A diaphragm near the bottom of the grenade is threaded centrally to receive the friction igniter. The fuze and base assemblies are not integral parts of the grenade, but are screwed into the nose and base respectively. If the nose fuze does not function properly, the grenade is self-destructive. On firing, the flash from the propelling cartridge enters a hole in the base closing plug and ignites a 6.5 second delay pellet contained in a brass holder. This fires the friction igniter which, gives an additional delay of 4.5 seconds before setting off the detonator. The grenade may also be used as a hand grenade by removing the base assembly and pulling a cord attached to the friction igniter.

Overall length        5.5 ins.
Maximum diameter 1.2 ins.
Color Black body; aluminum fuze and base
Total weight 9 ozs.
Explosive filler PETN/Wax
Weight of filler 1.1 oz.
Maximum range 550 yds.
Delay Self-destroying—11 sec.
  Friction igniter—4.5 sec.
  Impact—No delay

German: p. 317


PC 1000 Rs: Rocket-Propelled Bomb

PC 1000 Rs: Rocket-Propelled Bomb

The German 1,000 kg. (actual wt. 2,176 lb.) armor-piercing bomb (PC 1000 Rs) is a rocket-propelled type designed primarily for use against ships or similar targets The rocket, which is used to increase terminal velocity and armor penetration qualities of the bomb, consist of 19 sticks of propellant contained in a separate compartment at the base of the bomb. Gases generated by the propellant escape from the rocket container through six propulsion venturi tubes which are sealed with pitch until combustion is effected. The compartment is provided with a spring-loaded pressure release valve at the base. It is reported that the minimum height for release is 4,000 ft., and that the rocket burns for approximately three seconds after ignition, leaving a trail of flame 150 ft. long.

The bomb which is filled with alternate layers of good and poor quality TNT, and a very pure cast TNT in an aluminum container in the nose, is fuzed through the baseplate. A charging head, located in a distance piece between the bomb and the rocket container, has a junction box with connections leading to a pyrotechnic and an impact fuze through two pin plugs. These plugs are colored black and red respectively. The pyrotechnic fuze has a 2 1/2-second delay, and consists of an igniter bridge (which functions when an electrical impulse from the charging plate is received at the time of the bomb’s release), and a pyrotechnic train calculated to give a safe interval between the time of release and ignition of the rocket element.

The bomb fuze, of the electrical impact type, is also armed by the electrical impulse from the charging head.

There are three other bombs of the same general type: PC 500 Rs; a lighter version of the PC 1000 Rs; PC 1000 Rs Ex, for practice or experimental use (it has no main filling, no baseplate or bomb fuze and the weight is made up by the extra thickness of the bomb casing); and the PC 1800 Rs.


Total weight       2,176 lbs.
Weight of case1,470 lbs.
Weight of explosive119 lbs.
Overall length7 ft., 2 3/4 ins.
Length of bomb3 ft., 9 ins.
Diameter of bomb1 ft., 3 1/2 ins.
Diameter of tail fins
   Large2 ft. 4 ins.
   Small1 ft., 10 ins.
Dimensions of Propellant
        6  22 1/2 ins. long x 2 15/16 ins. diameter
      12  20 7/8 ins. long x 2 15/16 ins. diameter
        1  11 1/4 ins. long x 2 15/16 ins. diameter

German: p. 316


H. s. 293: Radio-Controlled Glider Bomb

Henschel Hs 293: Radio-Controlled Glider Bomb

The German high explosive bomb, H. s. 293, is a radio-controlled, jet-propelled glider, designed primarily for use against merchant ships and naval craft. It is usually released when the plane is in level flight at an altitude of from 3,000 to 5,000 feet, and at a distance of from 3 to 5 miles from the target. However, the bomb is not launched directly at the target, but is released during flight on a course parallel to that of the target. Upon release, the jet propulsion automatically goes into action, and thereafter the flight of the bomb is controlled from the airplane by radio. It is apparently aimed by eye alone and, as an aid to visibility, the tail is provided with flares and an electric lamp for night use.

H. s. 293 is made up of six main parts: the bomb which forms the forward part of the fuselage; the rear portion of the fuselage containing the radio control unit, a gyro, and a destructor; the jet propulsion unit (slung from the base of the bomb); the wings, or planes; the tail plane; and the tail tracer unit. The bomb case is of forged steel and is filled with approximately 600 pounds of 60/40 poured Amatol. A cylinder of compressed T.N.T. pellets lies in this filling, running forward from the fuze pocket. The control unit consists of a radio receiver, a motor generator, and a relay unit. A radio destruction device is located directly under the radio receiver and consists of a small charge with a clockwork fuze.

Propulsion is accomplished by means of a bi-liquid rocket unit. Wings and tail planes are of aerofoil section and the skin is of thin sheet alloy. Ailerons are provided for lateral control, and an elevator is concealed in the tail plane. Five flare candles burning consecutively make up the tail tracer unit.


Overall length       148 ins.
Length of bomb 60 3/4 ins.
Diameter of bombV18 1/2 ins.
Total weight (approx.) 1,980 lbs.
Span of mainplanes 122 5/8 ins.
Span of tailplanes 43 3/4 ins.
Diameter of jet-propulsion unit (approx.) 12 ins.
Weight of bomb (approx.) 1,320 lbs.
Color Sky-blue

German: p. 315


17 cm Steel Cartridge Case, Spiral Design

17 cm Steel Cartridge Case, Spiral Design

This is a large caliber steel cartridge case of different design from those customarily used by the Germans. The body is a wound cylinder made of 0.084 inch thick sheet steel three and four turns thick and turned under at the base to fit into a base assembly. The base assembly is provided with a retaining plate, screwed collar, and a disc which seals the cartridge case and prevents the escape of gases through the base. The disc is of cardboard; all the other parts are of steel.

A shallow spiral groove, about 0.003 inch deep and .23 inch wide, is rolled into the inner surface of the body under such pressure as to show the marks of the groove on the outer surface of the case. A layer of black wax is used between the overlapping coils of the body to assist waterproofing. The upper surface of the cardboard disc is also covered with black wax. It appears that this case is manufactured by coiling the sheet approximately to shape, placing the body in a die and rolling to shape with an internal roller. The base, retaining plate, and screwed collar have completely machined surfaces. All the parts have a thin surface film of oxide for protection from corrosion. This is not completely effective.

The Vickers Diamond Hardness of the body increases from about 105 near the base to 133 near the mouth. It is approximately 222 across the base except in the primer boss where it is about 280. On the retaining plate the V. D. H. varies from 160 at the center to 172 on the rim. The screwed collar is 175 V. D. H.

German: p. 314