
7.92 mm M.G. 17: Fixed Aircraft Machine Gun

7.92 mm M.G. 17: German WW2 Fixed Aircraft Machine Gun

The German 7.92 mm aircraft machine gun, M.G. 17, is an air-cooled, recoil-operated, gas-assisted, belt-fed, pneumatically charged, fixed weapon fired electrically by solenoid. It differs from the M.G. 15 in that it fires from a closed bolt. Three types of links have been found used with the belt feed of this weapon: sectionally disintegrating, fully disintegrating, and nondisintegrating. The gun, which has a fixed mount, is well constructed with excellent machining throughout.

All parts are of steel with the exception of the rear buffer housing which is of cast dural with an anodized finish. The rest of the gun is covered with a good parkerized finish. The barrel is connected to the barrel extension by an interrupted thread type fastening. The bolt is of the Solothurn rotating type and operates on small steel rollers.

The M.G. 17 is used in many types of German aircraft, and is stationed in various positions so that it may be fired unsynchronized or synchronized through the propellor arc by solenoid.


Caliber         7.92 mm (.312 in.)
Weight 27 lb., 11 oz.
Length 47 3/4 ins.
Length of barrel 23 5/8 ins.
Muzzle velocity 2,800 f/s
Rate of fire 1,000 rds./min. (synchronized)
1,100 rds./min. (unsynchronized)
Operation Recoil, gas assisted
Fire Automatic only
Rifling 37° uniform right-hand twist, 1 turn in 10 ins.

German: p. 220


kl. K. Kw. (Sd. Kfz. 2): Motorcycle Tractor

Kettenkrad - kl. K. Kw. (Sd. Kfz. 2): Motorcycle Tractor

The invasion of Crete (1941) revealed for the first time the use by the Germans of the motorcycle tractor. This vehicle, which retains the standard front wheel and handle bars of a normal motorcycle with the rear wheel replaced by two caterpillar tracks, is used primarily for towing light guns and supply, trailers, and for carrying dispatches in localities where difficult terrain precludes the use of wheeled vehicles. The mobility of this vehicle is as good as most tanks and its ability as a light prime mover, because of its wide gear selection, is excellent. Without load attached it has a maximum speed of 45 m.p.h. on level ground, and is capable of climbing 60 per cent grade.

The chassis is a boxlike structure of pressed steel in two sections, welded together in a horizontal plane below the track guards. It contains the driving compartment, engine, and a transverse seat accommodating two men facing the rear. A hand rail is provided on each side of the back. The driver is seated on a saddle seat directly above the transmission and clutch housing. Gasoline tanks are mounted on each side and, together with the battery and tool compartments, make up the side walls of the vehicle.

Power is furnished by the centrally mounted Opel Olympia 4-cylinder, water-cooled gasoline engine developing 37 gross B.H.P. in a displacement of 91.5 cu. in. Cooling is accomplished by a radiator, with a shaft-driven fan coupled to the crankshaft, at the rear. Six forward and two reverse speeds are available.

The suspension consists of four straddle-mounted, rubber-tired bogie wheels on torsion bars, a front driving sprocket, and a rear idler. The inner bogie wheels are of the hollow-spoke type while the outer wheels are of the removable disk type. The track, made up of 40 links per strand, is equipped with needle bearings and replaceable rubber pads.


Weight         3,400 lb. (combat)
Weight 2,700 lb. (empty)
Length 9 ft., 10 ins.
Width 3 ft., 3 1/2 ins.
Height 3 ft., 11 ins.
Ground clearance 9 ins.
Tread centers 2 ft., 8 ins.
Ground contact 2 ft., 8 ins. (approx.)
Width of track 6.7 ins.
Pitch of track 4 3/4 ins.
Track links 40
Fording depth 20 ins. (approx.)
Theoretical radius of action
     Roads 155 miles
     Cross-country 100 miles
     Road 45 m.p.h.
     Cross-country 25-30 m.p.h.
Trailer load 980 lb. (normal weight)
Size of front tire 3.50 x 19
Engine Opel, 37 hp.
Transmission 3 speeds forward, 1 reverse with high and low range
Steering Controlled differentially, mechanical brakes
Crew 2 (driver and helper)

German: p. 50


l. Zgkw. 1t (Sd. Kfz. 10): Light Semitrack Prime Mover

l. Zgkw. 1t (Sd. Kfz. 10): Light Semitrack Prime Mover

This vehicle is used as a troop carrier and for towing light artillery and supply trailers. Accommodation for a crew of seven, including driver, is provided in the well of the body, the sides of which are sufficiently deep to obscure personnel to shoulder height when seated. With all inspection hatches of the hull closed the main body of the vehicle is practically watertight in traversing deep water.

The chassis of this vehicle is used for several specialized mountings: (1) for the 2 cm Flak 30 gun; (2) for gas-detector truck (Sd. Kfz. 10/1); (3) for light decontamination vehicle (Sd. Kfz. 10/2) carrying a hopper for spreading bleaching powder; (4) for light bulk contamination vehicle (Sd. Kfz. 10/3) fitted with a tank for blister gas and spraying device.

The power plant of the later models consists of a Maybach H.L. 42 T.R.K.M. straight-six, water-cooled engine rated at 100 horsepower. The Maybach N.L. 38 T.R.K.M. rated at 95 horsepower was formerly used. The power train is comprised of the twin-plate clutch, the preselective type transmission with four forward and one reverse speeds with high and low range, and the differential unit of spur-gear and pinion type. Steering is effected by normal steering wheel for turns under 15°; turns over 15° are negotiated by the combined action of turning the front wheels and braking the appropriate epicyclic-drive sprocket by means of the steering brakes mounted on the driving shaft.

The pneumatic-tired front wheels are of the disk type and are fitted on a normal type axle suspended by a single transverse semi-elliptic spring. Two hydraulic shock absorbers are fitted. Each of the flexible rear tracks is borne by a driving sprocket at the front end and an idler wheel at the rear, while between these are five pairs of pressed-steel, rubber-tired bogie wheels.


Weight         3.7 tons
Length 15 ft., 7 ins.
Width 6 ft.
Height 5 ft., 3 ins.
Ground clearance 13 ins.
Tread centers 5 ft., 2 ins.
Ground contact 4 ft., 6 ins.
Width of track 9.4 ins.
Track links 41
Pitch of track 6.25 ins.
Fording depth 27 ins.
Theoretical radius of action
     Roads 176 miles
     Cross-country 93 miles
     Roads 40 m.p.h.
     Cross-country 25 m.p.h.
Trailer load 1.1 ton
Engine Maybach HL 42 TRKM—100 hp.
Transmission 4 forward speeds, 1 reverse, high and low range
Steering Over 15° epicyclic
Crew 7

German: p. 51


Motor-Karrete (Austro-Daimler) ADMK: Wheeled/Tracked Reconnaissance Vehicle

Motor-Karrete (Austro-Daimler) ADMK: Wheeled/Tracked Reconnaissance Vehicle

The German wheeled/tracked reconnaissance vehicle is particularly effective in steep and hilly terrain, and in swamps and marshy lowlands where high traction and light weight are desirable. The personnel-carrying capacity is six, and it is capable of towing a trailer load of 2,640 pounds. The Motor-Karrete is capable of operating as a wheeled vehicle and will turn on a radius of 27 feet. It can also operate as a half track vehicle with a turning radius of 8 feet, 2 inches. As a full track vehicle its turning radius is 6 feet, 8 inches.

The three adaptations are accomplished by raising or lowering the front wheels which appear to be mounted on a bell-crank, torsion-type front axle, while the rear wheels (when dismounted from the rear suspension) are mounted on a false axle supported above the rear of the vehicle. The dry-pin steel track is guided from the outside center over a single-tooth front sprocket and a single-flange rear idler. Four small bogie wheels articulate in pairs on a common structure attached to the rear axle. The suspension includes semi-elliptic spring over the rear axle, while rotation of the vehicle is stabilized by a quarter elliptic spring from the front sprocket axle.

The 20 hp. engine is mounted in the rear. The fuel tank capacity is 10 gallons and fuel consumption on highways is 14 m.p.g.—on average terrain 6.8 m.p.g.

The net weight of the vehicle is 3,806 pounds; combat weight, 5,060 pounds. The weight distribution is: front axle 990 pounds; rear axle 4,070 pounds.


Weight        3,806 lb.
Length 12 ft.
Width 5 ft.
Height 4 ft., 9 ins.
Ground clearance Unknown
Tread centers (wheel, 50 ins.), (track, 34 ins.)
Ground contact 53 ins.
Width of track 7.5 ins. (wheel, 5.5 ins.)
Track links 70
Pitch of track
Fording depth 20 ins.
Theoretical radius of action
     Roads 124 miles
     Cross-country 68 miles
     Front plate
Ammunition (rds.)
Engine 20 hp.
Crew 6

German: p. 49


7.92 mm M.G. 34/41: Dual-Purpose Machine Gun

7.92 mm M.G. 34/41: Dual-Purpose Machine Gun

The German 7.92 mm machine gun, M.G. 34/41, represents one of the later developments of the M.G. 34. These developments occurred in the following order: the M.G. 34; M.G. 34 modified; M.G. 34s; M.G. 34/41. In the course of development, the original pattern of the weapon has been largely retained, but each stage has tended toward simplification and elimination of machined parts.

The M.G. 42 is a new design but has the same tactical employment. It is distinguished by a high cyclic rate of fire and fewer machined parts. The M.G. 42 is described on a separate page.

The M.G. 34 modified is used principally in armored vehicles and differs from the M.G. 34 in that it has a heavier barrel jacket adapted to fit ball-type tank hull mounts, a simplified firing-pin nut lock, and bipod clamps for attaching bipod in emergency use; it has no A.A. sight bracket. It can also be mounted on antiaircraft and heavy ground mounts.

The M.G. 34s and the M.G. 34/41 are identical in appearance, except for the barrel jackets, but are marked as distinct models. They differ from the M.G. 34 as follows: provision for full-automatic fire only; simplified trigger group; shorter barrel with enlarged muzzle end; elimination of firing-pin lock nut; large buffer group; heavier recoil spring; modified feed mechanism. These models can be used on antiaircraft mounts but appear designed for the heavy ground mount.


Caliber        7.92 mm (.312 in.)
Weight 24 1/2 lb. w/o bipod
Weight of barrel 3 3/4 lb.
Length 44 1/4 ins.
Length of barrel 19 3/4 ins.
Muzzle velocity* 2,500-3,000 f/s
Rate of fire 800-900 rds./min. cyclic
Operation Recoil, gas assisted
Ammunition All 7.92 mm Mauser ground types

*Muzzle velocity varies according to ammunition used.

German: p. 214


7.92 mm M.G. 34: Dual-Purpose Machine Gun

7.92 mm M.G. 34: Dual-Purpose Machine Gun

The M.G. 34 is a standard machine gun of the German Army. It cannot be compared directly with any American automatic weapon. It is a multi-purpose weapon and is used as a light machine gun, a heavy machine gun, an antiaircraft machine gun, and also on tanks and other vehicles. Because of its adaptability, it is the most common automatic weapon used by the German Armed Forces.

Without bipod mount, the M.G. 34 weighs 24 1/4 lb., and is occasionally fired by the use of a second soldier’s shoulder as a rest. A light bipod adapts it for prone fire and with tripod mount this becomes a heavy machine gun.

The M.G. 34 is a recoil-operated, gas-assisted weapon, belt-fed, and air-cooled. It operates on the Solothurn rotating bolt-head principle. A simple mechanism makes it easy to exchange a heated barrel for a cool one. It is designed to deliver semi-automatic or full-automatic fire.

Studies at Aberdeen Proving Ground show that it is very easy to disassemble in the field, but cannot be regarded as an easy gun to manufacture on a mass production basis, as compared with the M.G. 42.

Studies of captured guns show that this weapon has a high rate of fire—too high for a light machine gun—resulting in poor accuracy in full-automatic operation. When used as a heavy machine gun it shows excellent stability. It is extremely critical as to adjustment, lubrication, and foreign matter.


Caliber       7.92 mm (.312 in.)
Weight of gun with bipod26 1/4 lb.
Weight with H.M.G. Tripod mounting68 1/2 lb.
Overall length48 ins.
Principle of operationRecoil, assisted by muzzle booster. Solothurn type action.
Cooling systemAir
Cartridge feedFlexible metallic link belt containing 50 rds. and multiples thereof. Also 50 rd. belt drums and 75 rd. saddle-type drums.
Sights(a) A blade front sight and vertical leaf rear sight with open V notch graduated from 200 to 2,000 meters.
(b) An aperture rear sight for use with a “cartwheel” type antiaircraft front sight.
(c) A telescopic sight is used on the heavy machine gun tripod mount.
Rifling4 grooves right-hand concentric
Muzzle velocity2,500 to 3,000 f/s depending on type of round used.
Maximum range5,000 yds.
     Effective—heavy3,827 yds.
     Effective—light600 yds.
Rate of fire (cyclic)800-900 r.p.m.
     (practical)100–120 r.p.m.

German: p. 213


7.5 cm l.F.K. 18: Light Field Gun

7.5 cm l.F.K. 18: Light Field Gun

The 7.5 cm Gun, l.F.K. 18, was standard equipment for German Divisional Field Artillery until it was replaced by the 7.5 cm l.F.K. 38 and 7.62 cm F.K. 39 (r). The barrel is a solid-forged tube that screws into a detachable breech. The breech mechanism is a crank-operated, single-motion, horizontal sliding block type, fitted with a repeating trip-lock. It can be arranged for firing from the right-hand side only, or from either side at will. The top carriage is arranged to traverse about a vertical pivot up to 30° right and left. The cradle is mounted on the top carriage by trunnions set far to the rear. Forward preponderance is balanced by a pair of equilibrators, located one on either side of the cradle.

The screw type traversing gear is operated by a handwheel on the left side of the carriage; the elevating gear, of the toothed arc type, may be operated from either side in the case of light guns, and from the right-hand side only with heavier types.

Sighting gear consists of a pointed or indicating system on the left side. The sight is adapted to correct for 7° transverse out-of-level at any angle up to 45°. Adjustment for angle of site is provided up to +/- 12°. A panoramic telescope is also used.

The carriage of split trail construction is provided with spring suspension which is put into action automatically by closing the trails for traveling and out of action by splaying out the trails for firing. A traveling brake of the expanding type acts upon the inside of the brake drums on the wheels.

Separate-loading, high-explosive or shrapnel ammunition is used.


Caliber 75 mm (2.95 ins.)
Weight of gun in action        2,259 lb.
Weight of gun 628.1 lb.
Weight of gun in traveling position (including 3 rounds of ammunition) 2,975 lb.
Length in calibers 6.4 ft.
Length of recoil (maximum) 3.77 ft.
Length of recoil (minimum) 2.13 ft.
Muzzle velocity (maximum) 1,558 f/s
Range 10,935 yds.
Elevation 45°
Depression -7°
Traverse 30°

German: p. 120


7.92 mm Karbiner 98K (Mauser-Kar. 98K): Rifle

7.92 mm Karbiner 98K (Mauser-Kar. 98K): Rifle

This is the standard shoulder weapon of the German Army and is very similar to the M1903 rifle used in the American Army. Known as the Mauser Kar. 98K, it may be regarded as a carbine or a short rifle.

This rifle has no windage adjustment or peep sight but gives good results at medium range. It is a bolt-operated, magazine-fed shoulder weapon.

Older models of this weapon, which operate in the same fashion, differ only in having longer barrels and in minor variations in fittings. They are known as the Gewehr 98, Kar. 98, and Kar. 98B.

The safety is a thumb-operated lever mounted on the bolt plug, operating in the same manner as the safety on the U.S. Rifle, M1903 (Springfield). The rifle is also loaded in the same manner as the M1903 rifle—the empty clip being ejected as the bolt is closed. Double-pull trigger action is also similar. A short knife bayonet is made for this rifle and several types of rifle grenade launchers may be attached. At least two different types of telescopic sights are found when this rifle is used for sniping. One is the ZF39, a conventional Zeiss 4X sight attached to mounts which are fitted to the receiver ring and bridge. The other, the ZF41, is a short 1 1/2 x scope with long eye-relief of 16 3/4 in. which is attached to the rifle by a side mount which is attached to the left side of the rear sight base.


Caliber         7.92 mm (.312 in.)
Weight (approx.) 9 lb.
Overall length 43.5 ins.
Length of barrel 23.4 ins.
Principle of operation Manually operated bolt action
Capacity of magazine 5 rds.
     Front Inverted V blade (which is sometimes equipped with a hood)
     Rear Leaf with open V notch sliding on ramp, graduated from 100 to 2,000 meters.
     Telescopic See Text
Muzzle velocity 2,600-2,700 f/s
     Maximum (approx.) 2,500 to 3,000 yds.
     Effective (approx.) 600 to 800 yds.
Ammunition 7.92 mm German Mauser ground types

German: p. 207


15 cm s.F.H. 18: Medium Howitzer

15 cm s.F.H. 18: Medium Howitzer

This howitzer has been in use by the German Army since before 1939, and is soon to be replaced by the s.F.H. 42. It has a horizontal sliding breechblock mechanism, and a hydropneumatic recoil mechanism.

This gun is mounted on the Pz. Kpfw. IV tank chassis, also on the French Lorrain tank chassis. A captured document states that the new s.F.H. 42 gun is fitted with a muzzle brake and bored-out chamber for use with charge 8 ammunition. The s.F.H. 42 gun uses the same range table as the s.F.H. 18 gun.

The gun is generally tractor-drawn with a two-wheeled limber attached to the trails. The tube is moved out of battery into transport on the cradle. Braking the piece in transport can be accomplished either by hand or by air brakes controlled from the prime mover.

The tube is of monobloc construction fitting into a reinforcing jacket. The breech ring is secured to the jacket and receives the horizontal sliding breechblock. Located above the tube is the counterrecoil cylinder and the lower cylinder under the tube brakes the gun in recoil and serves as a buffer in counterrecoil. A cooling jacket is found around the recoil cylinder.

The carriage interchangeable with the 10 cm (s. 10 cm K 18) med. gun is constructed of welded and riveted steel with split trails mounted on solid rubber tires. Detachable spades for soft soil are attached to the rear end of the trails when desired but are mounted to the side of the trails in transport.


Caliber         14.9 cm (5.91 ins.)
Length of tube
Weight (travelling position) 8.8 tons
Weight (firing position) 6 tons
Length (travelling position)
Length (firing position)
Height (travelling position)
Height (firing position)
Width (overall)
Width of trail spread
Length of bore 142.6 ins.
No. of grooves 40 right hand twist
Width of grooves
Depth of grooves
Width of lands
Muzzle velocity (shell) 1,705 f.s.
Max. range (horizontal) 14,570 yds.
Max. range (vertical)
Rate of fire 4 rds. per min.
Traverse 60°
Elevation 45°
Length of recoil 44.09 ins.
Ammunition H.E. (3 types—anticoncrete—smoke (2 types)—A.P.
Wt. of projectile (H.E.) 95.7 lb.

German: p. 105


7.62 cm Pak 36 (r): Antitank Gun (Ex-Russian)

7.62 cm Pak 36 (r): Antitank Gun (Ex-Russian)

The original 7.62 cm Pak 36, a Russian weapon, was captured by the Nazis and modified to increase the velocity. The built-up tube was rebored to seat a longer cartrige case, and a two-baffled muzzle brake added to cut down recoil energy. The breech mechanism is of the vertical sliding type, and the firing mechanism of the continuous pull type. The breech ring has been bored to seat a safety lock which holds the firing mechanism in a safe or firing position. A firing lever attached to the left side of the cradle enables the gunner to traverse as well as fire the piece. The elevating handwheel is generally situated on the right side of the cradle. Two puller type equilibrators located under the front of the cradle and attached to the rear by chains compensate for muzzle preponderance.

The carriage is of welded steel construction with synthetic filled pneumatic tires and split trails, which can be spread to an angle of 60 ° for firing. The hydropneumatic recoil system consists of two cylinders, one for recoil and the other for counterrecoil. This model is semi-automatic in operation.

The weapon is reported to use the following types of ammunition: A.P.C.; H.E. A sight bracket is attached to the left of the trunnion, and the German range indicator is graduated for the types of ammunition mentioned above.


Caliber         76.2 mm (3 ins.)
Weight (complete) 3,564 lb.
Length of gun (overall) 23 ft., 5 ins.
Length of tube 12 ft., 1 in.
Carriage Steel split trails with rubber tires
Breech mechanism Vertical sliding block
Firing mechanism Continuous pull
Recoil mechanism Hydropneumatic
Rifling 32 lands & grooves; R.H. twist
Elevation 72°
Depression -4°
Traverse 27° right; 30° left

  Range        Thickness of armor in mm
  Yards           30°         Normal
P.B.   4.1 5.2
500   3.7 4.6
1000   3.2 4.1
1500   2.9 3.6
2000   2.5 3.1
2500   2.2 2.8
M.V. 2430 f/s
Wt. of shell 16.7 lb.

German: p. 116