
Lichtausw. Kw. (Kfz. 62): Flash Ranging Truck

Lichtausw. Kw. (Kfz. 62): Flash Ranging Truck: Lichtauswerte-KraftwagenGerman nomenclature: Lichtauswerte-Kraftwagen (Kfz. 62) mit Fahrgestell des leichter gelände­gängiger Last­kraft­wagen (o).

English designation: Flash ranging truck with special chassis for light cross-country truck.

Net weight       3,900 kg       8,597 lb.
Pay load1,150 kg2,535 lb.
Gross weight5,050 kg11,133 lb.
Weight: Front axle1,350 kg2,975 lb.
Weight: Rear axle, each1,850 kg4,078 lb.
Length (overall)5,750 mm18 ft., 10 ins.
Width (overall)2,100 mm6 ft., 10 ins.
Height (overall)2,650 mm8 ft., 8 ins.
Ground clearance225 mm9 7/8 ins.
Tread centers1,600 mm5 ft., 3 ins.
1,800 mm5 ft., 11 ins.
1,800 mm5 ft., 11 ins.
Wheelbase3,000/950 mm118/37 ins.
Wheel width170-350 mm6 3/4/13 3/4 ins.
Angle of approach60°
Angle of departure40°
Seating capacity7
Fording depth600 mm23 5/8 ins.
Climbing ability20°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise)50°
Overturn gradient (crosswise)30°
Turning radius19.5 meters64 ft.
Trailer load
Engine horsepower65 c-v64.1 hp
Piston displacement3,900 cu cm234 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity110 liters29 gal.
Highway fuel consumption5.9 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption4.3 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.33


Druck. Kw. (Kfz. 62): Mobile Printing Press

Druck. Kw. (Kfz. 62): Mobile Printing PressGerman nomenclature: Druckereikraft­wagen (Kfz. 62) mit Fahrgestell des leichter geländegängiger Last­kraft­wagen (o).

English designation: Mobile printing press with special chassis for light cross-country truck.


Net weight         3,900 kg         8,597 lb.
Pay load 1,150 kg 2,535 lb.
Gross weight 5,050 kg 11,133 lb.
Weight: Front axle 1,350 kg 2,975 lb.
Weight: Rear axle, each 1,850 kg 4,078 lb.
Length (overall) 5,750 mm 18 ft., 10 ins.
Width (overall) 2,100 mm 6 ft., 10 ins.
Height (overall) 2,650 mm 8 ft., 8 ins.
Ground clearance 225 mm 8 7/8 ins.
Tread centers 1,600 mm 5 ft., 3 ins.
  1,800 mm 5 ft., 11 ins.
  1,800 mm 5 ft., 11 ins.
Wheelbase 3,000/950 mm 118/37 ins.
Wheel width 170-350 mm 6 3/4/13 3/4 ins.
Angle of approach 60°
Angle of departure 40°
Seating capacity 3
Fording depth 600 mm 23 5/8 ins.
Climbing ability 20°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 50°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 30°
Turning radius 19.5 meters 64 ft.
Trailer load
Engine horsepower 65 c-v 64.1 hp
Piston displacement 3,500 cu cm 210 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 110 liters 29 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 5.9 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption 4.3 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.33


Wett. Kw. (Kfz. 62): Meteorological Truck

Wett. Kw. (Kfz. 62): Meteorological TruckGerman nomenclature: Wetter­kraft­wagen (Kfz. 62) mit Fahr­gestell des leichter geländegängiger Last­kraft­wagen (o).

English designation: Meteorological truck with special chassis for light cross-country truck.


Net weight         3,900 kg         8,597 lb.
Pay load 1,150 kg 2,535 lb.
Gross weight 5,050 kg 11,133 lb.
Weight: Front axle 1,350 kg 2,975 lb.
Weight: Rear axle, each 1,850 kg 4,078 lb.
Length (overall) 5,750 mm 18 ft., 10 ins.
Width (overall) 2,100 mm 6 ft., 10 ins.
Height (overall) 2,650 mm 8 ft., 8 ins.
Ground clearance 225 mm 8 7/8 ins.
Tread centers 1,600 mm 5 ft., 3 ins.
  1,800 mm 5 ft., 11 ins.
  1,800 mm 5 ft., 11 ins.
Wheelbase 3,000/950 mm 118/37 ins.
Wheel width 170-350 mm 6 3/4-13 3/4 ins.
Angle of approach 60°
Angle of departure 40°
Seating capacity
Fording depth 600 mm 23 5/8 ins.
Climbing ability 20°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 50°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 30°
Turning radius 19.5 meters 64 ft.
Trailer load
Engine horsepower 65 c-v 64.1 hp
Piston displacement 3,500 cu cm 210 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 110 liters 29 gal.
Highway fuel consumption 5.9 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption 4.3 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.35


Schallausw. Kw. — Verm. Ausw. Kw. — Stbs. Ausw. Kw. (Kfz. 62): Sound Plotting Truck

Schallausw. Kw. -- Verm. Ausw. Kw. -- Stbs. Ausw. Kw. (Kfz. 62): Sound Plotting TruckGerman nomenclature: Schallauswerte-Kraftwagen (Kfz. 62).
     Vermessungs­auswerte-Kraftwagen (Kfz. 62)
     Stabsauswerte-Kraftwagen (Kfz. 62) mit Fahrgestell des leichter gelände­gängiger Lastkraftwagen (o).

English designation: Sound plotting truck.
     Survey truck.
     Command vehicle with special chassis for light cross-country truck.


Net weight         3,900 kg         8,597 lb.
Pay load 1,150 kg 2,535 lb.
Gross weight 5,050 kg 11,133 lb.
Weight: Front axle 1,350 kg 2,975 lb.
Weight: Rear axle, each 1,850 kg 4,078 lb.
Length (overall) 5,750 mm 18 ft., 10 ins.
Width (overall) 2,100 mm 6 ft., 10 ins.
Height (overall) 2,650 mm 8 ft., 8 ins.
Ground clearance 225 mm 8 7/8 ins.
Tread centers 1,600 mm 5 ft., 3 ins.
  1,800 mm 5 ft., 11 ins.
  1,800 mm 5 ft., 11 ins.
Wheelbase 3,000/950 mm 118/37 ins.
Wheel width 170-350 mm 6 3/4-13 3/4 ins.
Angle of approach   60°
Angle of departure   40°
Seating capacity   7
Fording depth 600 mm 23 5/8 ins.
Climbing ability 20°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 50°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 30°
Turning radius 19.5 meters 64 ft.
Trailer load
Engine horsepower 65 c-v 64.1 hp
Piston displacement 3,500 cu cm 210 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 110 liters 29 gal.
Highway fuel consumption   5.9 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption   4.3 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.34


Schallausn. Kw. (Kfz. 62): Sound Detector Truck

Schallausn. Kw. (Kfz. 62): Sound Detector TruckGerman nomenclature. Schallausnahme – Kraftwagen (Kfz. 62) mit Fahrgestell des leichter geländegängiger Last­kraft­wagen (o).

English designation: Sound detector truck with special chassis for light cross-country truck.


Net weight         3,900 kg         8,597 lb.
Pay load 1,150 kg 2,535 lb.
Gross weight 5,050 kg 11,133 lb.
Weight: Front axle 1,350 kg 2,975 lb.
Weight: Rear axle, each 1,850 kg 4,078 lb.
Length (overall) 5,750 mm 18 ft., 10 ins.
Width (overall) 2,100 mm 6 ft., 10 ins.
Height (overall) 2,650 mm 8 ft., 8 ins.
Ground clearance 225 mm 8 7/8 ins.
Tread centers 1,600 mm 5 ft., 3 ins.
  1,800 mm 5 ft., 11 ins.
  1,800 mm 5 ft., 11 ins.
Wheelbase 3,000/950 mm 118/37 ins.
Wheel width 170-350 mm 6 3/4-13 3/8 ins.
Angle of approach   50°
Angle of departure   35°
Seating capacity   7
Fording depth 600 mm 23 5/8 ins.
Climbing ability   20°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise)   50°
Overturn gradient (crosswise)   30°
Turning radius 19.5 meters 64 ft.
Trailer load    
Engine horsepower 65 c-v 64.1 hp
Piston displacement 3,500 cu cm 210 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 110 liters 29 gal.
Highway fuel consumption   5.9 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption   4.3 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.34