
Mannsch. Kw. (Kfz. 70): Personnel Carrier

Mannsch. Kw. (Kfz. 70): Personnel CarrierGerman nomenclature: Mann­schafts­kraft­wagen (Kfz. 70) mit Fahr­gestell des leichter gelände­gängiger Last­kraft­wagen (o).

English designation: Personnel carrier with special chassis for light cross-country truck (standard com­mercial vehicle).

Net weight       2,600 kg       5,732 lb.
Pay load1,150 kg2,535 lb.
Gross weight 3,750 kg 8,267 lb.
Weight: Front axle 1,070 kg 2,358 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 2,790 kg 6,150 lb.
Length (overall) 4,950 mm 16 ft., 3 ins.
Width (overall) 1,950 mm 6 ft., 5 ins.
Height (overall) 2,300 mm 7 ft., 6 ins.
Ground clearance 220 mm 8 5/8 ins.
Tread centers 1,580 mm 5 ft., 2 ins.
  1,565 mm 5 ft., 1 in.
  1,565 mm 5 ft., 1 in.
Wheelbase 2,445/900 mm 96-35 in.
Wheel width 190 mm 7 1/2 ins.
Angle of approach 50°
Angle of departure 40°
Seating capacity
Fording depth 600 mm 23 5/8 ins.
Climbing ability 20°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise) 50°
Overturn gradient (crosswise) 30°
Turning radius 16 meters 52 ft., 6 ins.
Trailer load 1,000 kg 2,205 lb.
Engine horsepower 65 c-v 64.1 hp
Piston displacement 3,500 cu cm 210 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 110 liters 29 gal.
Highway fuel consumption7.8 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption4.7 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.22


Mannsch. Kw. (Kfz. 70): Reconnaissance Car

Mannsch. Kw. (Kfz. 70): Reconnaissance CarGerman nomenclature: Mannschafts­kraft­wagen (Kfz. 70) mit Einheits­fahr­gestell II für schwerer Pkw.

English designation: Reconnaissance car with standard chassis II for heavy armored car.


Net weight         3,150 kg         6,944 lb.
Pay load 1,050 kg 2,314 lb.
Gross weight 4,200 kg 9,258 lb.
Weight: Front axle 2,000 kg 4,409 lb.
Weight: Rear axle 2,200 kg 4,850 lb.
Length (overall) 4,850 mm 15 ft., 11 ins.
Width (overall) 2,000 mm 6 ft., 7 ins.
Height (overall) 2,040 mm 6 ft., 8 ins.
Ground clearance 230 mm 9 ins.
Tread centers 1,640 mm 5 ft., 4 ins.
Wheelbase 3,000 mm 118 ins.
Wheel width 215 mm 8 1/2 ins.
Angle of approach   55°
Angle of departure   45°
Seating capacity   7
Fording depth 500 mm 19 7/8 ins.
Climbing ability   25°
Overturn gradient (lengthwise)   45°
Overturn gradient (crosswise)   30°
Turning radius 13.5 meters 44 ft., 3 ins.
Trailer load 1,000 kg 2,205 lb.
Engine horsepower 90 c-v 88.8 hp
Piston displacement 4,000 cu cm 240 cu. ins.
Fuel tank capacity 120 liters 31.7 gal.
Highway fuel consumption   6.7 m.p.g.
Average terrain fuel consumption   5.2 m.p.g.

German: p. 74.23


Mannsch. Kw. (Kfz. 70): Command Reconnaissance Car

Mannsch. Kw. (Kfz. 70): Command Reconnaissance Car

The German reconnaissance car, together with its eight modified versions, has the standard No. 2 chassis of the heavy armored car (s.Pkw.) with the engine mounted in the front end. This chassis is similar to the No. 1 chassis used for the 4-wheeled armored car (Sd. Kfz. 222) with the engine mounted in the rear. Equipment stowage brackets are provided throughout the car.

This vehicle is used for command reconnaissance. It has a seating capacity of eight, including driver and a trailer load capacity of 2,200 pounds.

A novel feature of the power train provides for four-wheel steering which can be effected by a hand lever from the driver’s seat. This enables the car to climb out of deep ruts or turn sharply about in any direction.

The highway radius of action of this vehicle is 186 miles on a fuel tank capacity of 30 gallons. Its combat weight is 9,240 pounds.


Weight         6,930 lb.
Length 15 ft., 10 ins.
Width 6 ft., 6 ins.
Height 6 ft., 8 ins.
Ground clearance 9 ins.
Tread centers 64 ins.
Wheelbase 118 ins.
Width of track 8.5 ins.
Size tires 8.27 x 18
Fording depth 2 ft.
Theoretical radius of action
     Roads 186 miles
     Cross-country 155 miles
     Roads 35 m.p.h.
     Cross-country 25 m.p.h.
     Front plate
Ammunition (rds.)
Engine Horch V-8 90 hp.
Transmission 4 speeds forward, 1 reverse, high and low range
Steering Normal plus 4-wheel steering
Crew 8

German: p. 60